Police responded to an altercation at a hotel bar in Clare, Michigan, but this wasn’t your standard drunken bar altercation. According to Bridge Michigan, the people involved are all leaders of the Michigan Republican Party. The sloppy altercation came the night before the Michigan GOP’s new state central committee’s first official meeting.
Police say Kalamazoo Republican Party Chair Kelly Sackett and Macomb County Republican Secretary Melissa Pehlis were separated after the two had a verbal argument that got a little bit physical. The nature of the argument seems to be connected to a power struggle going on within the Republican Party of Michigan between supporters of the new QAnon-y, election-denying chairperson for the Republican Party, Kristina Karamo, and her former buddy Matthew DePerno.
Below you can see roughly two minutes of video showing the altercation. And yes, it is going viral.
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In the video you can see Pehlis sitting down and a woman leaning on the table next to her, talking with her. Pehlis stands up and the two women’s voices get louder, with Pehlis saying, “I answered your question!” Sackett walks over, takes the unidentified woman by the arm, and says, “Don’t engage.”
Sackett, who is using her smartphone as a drink tray, approaches Pehlis from behind. Pehlis turns around and Sackett sort of stumbles back. Pehlis walks up to her, saying, “How many letters you send out? Twenty-two?” She repeats that question. Sackett seems to respond, though you cannot hear her. Pehlis gets even more in her face and seems to be repeating what Sackett just said to her: “By the power that’s invested in me? Is that what you said? By the power invested in me?”
It is at this point that the two are separated by an unidentified man holding a cigar in his hand, who walks away with Sackett. Pehlis then addresses the larger group Sackett is next to, saying: “You’re all going to jail. You’re all going to go down.” Sackett responds by saying, “You’re so f—ing crazy. Get the f— out of here.”
This leads to Pehlis repeating the “power invested in me” thing, adding that Sackett seems to have said that Pehlis is no longer a “delegate.” Sackett is leaning against a man who is sitting down when Pehlis gets into her face one more time and Sackett slaps Phelis’ left hand, which is seemingly holding both a phone and a cigarette. “Get your cigarette out of here,” Sackett says, knocking both the phone and the cigarette to the floor.
At this point, Pehlis pushes her hand into Sackett’s face and knocks her backwards. Another unidentified man appears and starts gruffly yelling, “Now we got a problem. Now we got a problem.” Two other men tell Pehlis she has to leave.
Bridge Michigan reports that the “22 letters” Pehlis was referencing were allegedly sent by Sackett to elected precinct delegates days earlier, which said they had been “removed as a Kalamazoo County Republican Party Delegate.” Pehlis was purportedly responding to what she believed to be a purging of new state Republican Chair Kristina Karamo loyalists.
Matthew DePerno spoke with Bridge Michigan; he had harsh words for his new party leader and her supporters.
"Karamo sycophant who was there, it appears, to intentionally harass" Sackett, said DePerno, an attorney who ran against Karamo for state party chair and is now defending the Kalamazoo GOP in a lawsuit filed by two other women forced from the county party's executive committee.
There's big internal disputes within the party right now, and Karamo has done nothing to bring the party together," said DePerno.
"And how could she after she ran on a platform for the chair to divide the party? Her platform was to burn it down to eliminate the people who don't agree with her."
If the name Matthew DePerno rings a vague bell for you, it is likely because the Trump-backed election conspiracist is a key player in a Michigan voting machine security breach investigation.
Responses to the video have been more than a little entertaining. First up is a little case of potato, patatoatoato!
This is sort of true.
Here’s some quick election analysis.
Logan Roy has entered the chat.
And remember that when all is said and done.
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Markos and Kerry are joined by Aaron Rupar today to discuss what he is seeing in the right-wing media landscape. Rupar is an independent journalist whose Public Notice Substack is a must-read for those who want to know how truly outrageous the conservative movement is. We are addicted to his Twitter account, with its never-ending stream of Republican lunacy all captured on video.