Hemorrhagic fever.
Whatever you do, do not take aspirin or ibuprofen. Anticlotting activity inherent in both drugs can cause breakthrough into the hemorrhagic form of the disease. Your only friend in this category is going to be tylenol, acetaminophen.
Hemorrhagic dengue can kill.
And it’s now in Broward County and the Miami-Dade area.
Beau, below, recommends handing out mosquito netting to the homeless in those areas.
And there is a vaccine. Which you are permitted to get IFF [if and only if] you are a child between age 9 and age 16, AND have already had dengue once. Both conditions must be met, which means you, me, the lamppost, and 300 million of our closest friends are shit outta luck. [WHO says ages 9 o 45, CDC is more restrictive. Charter flight to Geneva, anyone?]
Yeah, this was headed our way and we should have realized it when Zika hit. Likewise yellow fever.
No gloating. Gloating over something like this is as vile as anything Abbott or DeSantis could come up with. Unless you really want to see Lenny Flank, and Vetwife, and multiple other Kossacks HERE come down with this pestilence and suffer hideously. I don’t. We need all our good people, and red states need as many good people as they can get, even if they don’t know it yet — even if they never know it.
Searched, and dengue did not come up on a diary search. People need to know this.