With the latest indictment of the disgustingly corrupt New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, it is now decision time for New Jersey Democrats: Will you continue to cover up his corruption or finally make an effort to stamp out corruption in one of the most corrupt Democratic state parties in the country?
Over the years it has been extremely disappointing to see “outsiders” like Gov. Murphy and Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop — both of whom I still admire and have great respect for — slowly creep into the cesspool of the NJ Democratic machine against their best efforts. I have some sympathy, as both have been sabotaged when they’ve tried to fight the corruption in the past. Like when the corrupt State Senate Democrats blocked Gov. Murphy’s millionaire tax & cannabis legalization for YEARS, and when Menendez had a hysterical, slightly sinister meltdown upon rumors of Mayor Fulop potentially primary-ing him back in 2018 after his last federal indictment.
For instance, both supported the appalling nepotism of Sen. Menendez’s son, Rob, being anointed to NJ-08 last cycle with no chance for a real primary campaign for the people. Similarly, Mayor Fulop refuses to call on Councilwoman Amy DeGise to resign after her nepotism & corruption/hit and run. This is because her father is longtime, corrupt Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise.
However the latest indictments are beyond the pale and a whole new level of corruption, even for NJ Dems. If New Jersey Democrats across the board do not call for him to resign immediately, they should ALL face primary challenges. This is so unacceptable and dangerous, I don’t care what blackmail Sen. Menendez has them, they need to step up For The People.
So, what say you Sen. Booker? Gov. Murphy? Mayors Fulop & Baraka? Reps. Pascrell, Pallone, Sherrill, Watson Coleman, Kim, Gottheimer, Payne Jr, Norcross? Are you going to try to gaslight us that these charges are lies & a witch hunt?
Enough is enough, it is YOUR responsibility to clean your own house so we don’t jeopardize a crucial, should-be-safe Senate seat next year with one of the most notoriously corrupt senators in recent memory. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance.