Anna Luna is now a slave to 3 masters: Putin, Trump, and Matt Gaetz. And it’s not a good look.
CNN reporter Manu Raju just broke the news on Erin Burnette Out Front tonight that Speaker Kevin McCarthy told him he had just reached out to Senate leadership and demanded they drop the $6B in Ukraine military aid that the Senate had passed, on a vote of 77 to 19, in their latest continuing resolution to keep the government running.
Let me be clear. With this revelation, we now know that the ONE AND ONLY issue upon which the shutdown of the US government hangs, is just $6B in new Ukraine military aid. As I’ve said before with Luna and Gaetz, they’re all about helping Russia at Ukraine’s expense with their Putin-puppets-gone-wild performance art.
In my recent article on Daily KOS entitled “Anna Luna's Ukraine Aid Cut Failed: Now She'll Shutter the Government While Putin Dances”, I made the case that Luna and “The Freedom Caucus” threats to shut down the government were the latest tactic by Putin to get his puppets in Congress to deny Ukraine military aid after having failed to do so with their Ukraine Fatigue Resolution (HR-113). The comments on my article were generally positive but some seemed to think it wouldn’t matter because the Pentagon was not going to be affected.
This new revelation by Kevin McCarthy removes all doubt about what this shutdown blackmail is REALLY all about. The mask is now off. It’s all about helping Russia and hurting Ukraine. Their goal of denying US military aid to Ukraine is SO important to these cretins that they will LITERALLY shut down the United States Government and hurt hundreds of millions of Americans if their newest pro-Putin demand isn’t met.
The denial of this latest $6B in military aid, while small in comparison to previous aid packages, will be worth far more psychologically than it will on the Ukrainian physical battlefield. It is the first domino in what could become the elimination of all future Ukraine aid. It is Putin’s beachhead. Once he takes this first beach, this first $6B, they’ll move on to the next one, then the next, and before you know it, ALL Ukraine aid is choked off and Ukraine falls.
It should be looked at as the first potential battlefield victory launched from what is now clearly “Putin’s beachhead” in the US Congress. And the battlefield commander directing Putin’s forces inside the US Congress is Matt Gaetz. And his most loyal lieutenant is Anna Luna.
This Putin tactic forces every American to decide whether saving Ukraine is worth the hardship of another government shutdown. It’s actually genius. Evil genius. Putin is an evil genius, and this is just his latest tactic after his Ukraine Fatigue Resolution, a document Luna and Gaetz laundered into the Congress for him, went pfffft!
Through his proxies acting on his behalf in Congress, Putin has what one might say is “plausible deniability” on this latest government shutdown blackmail. But we should see it for what it is.
This is now a second-wave attack on Ukraine that Putin has launched from his beachhead inside the US Congress. And this one is going to hurt. Alot. So be prepared for the pain, grit your teeth, but do not back down. Instead, double down on Ukraine aid.
A maxim of American military leadership is to “Get inside the enemies decision cycle.” And the way we get inside Putin’s decision cycle is to publicly call out Luna and Gaetz’ as the unregistered Russian foreign agents they are continuing to behave as.
And then vote them the hell out of office in 2024.
John Liccione is a candidate for US Congress in Florida’s 13th Congressional District where he is the only declared Democratic Candidate running against Anna Luna in 2024.
He is also Founder and CEO of RussiLeaks, an online media company solely focused on exposing Putin’s secrets and those of his agents on American soil. He is also the Founder and CEO of Leaks Media, a start-up media company whose mission is “Exposing the Secrets of the Enemies of Democracy.”