Happy New Year and welcome to 2024. I’d like to encourage all of you to strive toward bettering yourself and urge others to do the same. My “resolution” began in November when I received funningforrest’s old camera. It was, “out with the old, and in with the new” for me.
The Daily Bucket is a nature refuge. We amicably discuss animals, weather, climate, soil, plants, waters and note life’s patterns.
We invite you to note what you are seeing around you in your own part of the world, and to share your observations in the comments below.
Each note is a record that we can refer to in the future as we try to understand the phenological patterns that are quietly unwinding around us. To have the Daily Bucket in your Activity Stream,visit Backyard Science’s profile page and click on follow.
I was so excited when the “Beast” came in the mail. I read the pocket manual and then got on line to watch videos and read the official professional recommendations for camera operation. The next day, I took it out for a test trial.
It took 15 attempts to get the title shot after blurs, shakes, jiggles and under-out of focus. Other attempts included the following.
Single flight shots attempted
I finally got this partial success on an adult.
I spotted a juvenile among the group and tried again.
2nd year immature Ring-billed leaving the scene.
Okay, I’d had enough of that exercise and returned to still shots. We all know that birds don’t stay still and I can work on that aspect later.
Adult and Juvenile pictured above (at last together)
When a flock of White Pelicans flew over I decided to give one more try at birds in flight.
I certainly have to practice but I am confident the machine will do the job
The next exercise for me was macro photography. I can’t get my bug of the day without close up shots.
Asian Lady Beetle — Harmonia axyridis
I was satisfied with the results of a stationary insect so I aimed for better game.
Sleepy Orange — Abaeis nicippe on Calico Aster — Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
The “sleepy” name refers to the lazy flight of this lovely butterfly. It is medium sized and has a brighter splash of orange on it’s upper wing seen best when it glides and slowly flaps between blooms.
I believe it was a good first day of training and experimentation. The beast behaved well and I feel we will make a good team. Now that the new year has begun, I plan to achieve higher goals.
It has been over a month since I’ve had my camera. I have one more comparison to show you how things are going.
Black Vulture head taken Jan 2023
Dec. 2023
Now it is your turn to share your best or worst of 2023. You might want to tell what new plans you have for 2024.