Our Friend cawfeemug, posted this interview from “soft white underbelly” on his medium page. And i watched it. It moved me and shook me up.
It is an amazing interview with a Doomer Eliot Jacobson. Why is this person a “Doomer?”- well they accept the title.
I have never followed Jacobson. Maybe i would be more level headed if I did?
I do watch interviews from soft white underbelly from time to time. If the interviewee looks interesting — always worth the click. he lets people tell their tale.
I post this today without much breakdown of what is said — because my regurgitation and commentary stinks compared to the source.
Personally i find Jacobson to be a bit more of an optimist. Given that the interview is a year old and things have changed it’s hard for me to identify with that optimism. We are breaking the 1.5 rise in temps now — in this interview Jacobson sees it further away.
Why waste your time and watch this?
1. Perspective.
Jacobson breaks down the spectrum of perspectives on climate change.
2. Me
Eliot attacks? identifies? explains? examines? People like me who see this happening very quickly.
I am of the belief that once we hit a blue ocean event things will ramp up faster than we can adjust. Jacobson completely disagrees with this scenario. So if my point of view is a piss off for you — here’s your ammo.
3. The Hope argument.
Whenever extinction pops up in comments on KOS the whole — don’t crush hope debate comes up. Jacobson has a lot to say about this argument.
I googled on Jacobson and here are other links on his work and who he is:
Jacobson’s website
Jacobson participating in media coverage. I post this because Micheal Mann is also contacted in the article
Called on by CNN