Donald Trump is a rapist. We’ve known that for some time, of course, but the media want—nay, need—their presidential horse race, so they’ve apparently decided it’s neither fair nor balanced to ensure that every voting-age American knows one of those racehorses was found liable for sexual assault, with a fraudulent business who tried to end a nearly 250-year-old democracy and is singularly focused on exploiting the power of the presidency to wage a vengeful war against his perceived enemies—which, weirdly, include most members of the same mainstream U.S. media.
But maybe now that one of Trump’s victims, E. Jean Carroll—whom he raped, according a federal judge—has been awarded $83 million in her defamation suit against our unlovable ROTUS, the cat’s so far out of the bag not even Trump’s flittering Lilliputian meathooks could grab it now. So assuming President Joe Biden doesn’t fall off his bike anytime soon, it’s actually possible the media will inadvertently do the right thing going forward and make it abundantly clear to people in Indiana diners (the only people who matter, after all) that Donald Trump is—checks notes—oh, here it is: a rapist.
Of course, if the social media multiverse is any indication, the Trump-as-rapist narrative is spreading like wildfire in the wake of Carroll’s court triumph.
We start with a xweet that succinctly points up the absurdity of the current zeitgeist (that’s a German word that loosely translates to “Jesus Fucking Christ, Donald Trump is a rapist. How the hell is he the GOP’s runaway presidential frontrunner?”)
Meanwhile, it’s important to remember that Carroll has whooped Trump’s ass in court before.
Remember that donating to Trump or buying his merch now means supporting the woman who let the world know exactly how rapey he is. Indeed, the new MAGA hats might as well say “Make E. Jean Carroll Whole Again.”
And while we progressives need to lean heavily into the Trump-is-a-rapist narrative, it’s important to remember that he wants everyone in the world to suffer, not just his victims.
Members of Congress weighed in, too. Here’s a xweet from Rep. Ted Lieu, who’s been shouting out this story for some time now.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett, a Democratic rising star, also points out that Biden had nothing to do with convincing Carroll to sue Trump and coaxing a jury into giving her $83 million. Biden’s been too busy reviving Trump’s cratered economy.
The full xweet gets cut off here, so here it is in its entirety:
Whew… and before those that don’t understand how systems work… NO Biden didn’t weaponize the government & order Trump to pay E Jean Carroll $83.3 million dollars. He had one of what will hopefully be many F Around & Find Out moments about being in these Truth Social streets popping off! For those that don’t understand what I’ve just said… let me say it this way, the chickens have come home to roost!
Now, someone educate me on what type of bond must be put up in NY to pursue the appeal that he’s sure to file!
Oh and thank goodness this isn’t dischargeable in Bankruptcy & ain’t no presidential NADA to be asserted!
This xweet thread from NBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner notes that Trump’s legal losing streak is very likely to continue, given that neither projection nor gaslighting are effective strategies in court.
(Click here to read the entire thread.)
Oh, and do we have to point out how sick it is that the judge in this case told the jurors they better not let themselves be doxxed?
We all know Trump will sic his mob on them if he ever gets wind of their disloyalty to their temporarily exiled king.
Bwahahahahaha (continued):
Coincidentally, this was also Trump attorney Alina Habba’s closing statement:
It wouldn’t be a proper witch hunt if the witch didn’t melt down at the end.
Here’s Trump last May of last year, after a jury first determined that he was liable for sexual assault. I’m betting he knows who E. Jean Carroll is now.
Hint: She’s the one who just took your ass for $83 million. She’s also the one you confused with your ex-wife—while insisting she wasn’t your type. The biggest difference between the two? Trump’s relationship with Marla Maples was (presumably) consensual, and Carroll eventually walked away with $81 million more than Maples did.
Speaking of Habba, “the proudest thing” she’s ever done is lose her client $83 million. She might want to leave that out of her next Yellow Pages ad.
Meanwhile, accused sexual assaulters like American Conservative Union honcho Matt Schlapp are sounding the alarm: Run for the hills if Trump isn’t elected in November, because you might have to stop sexually assaulting people altogether.
Everyone’s least favorite congresswoman from Georgia had an outrageous take on this outrageously outrageous outrage.
And heeeerrrrrrre’s Lauren! As a lifelong male, I must confirm that I’m not remotely terrified by this judgment. Because I’ve never raped anyone.
Finally, we have chittering Klan robe mannequin Stephen Miller, who draws a dubious parallel between what’s happening now and what happened more than three centuries ago to innocent women in Massachusetts.
Interesting how he automatically assumes Trump was “falsely” accused. That would appear to suggest that the other 25 or so women who've similarly accused Trump are all lying, too.
He may not want to go there because, according to my back-of-the-envelope calculations, 25 times $83 million is roughly $2.1 billion. And we know Trump will never reimburse him for it.
Then again, maybe he just wants to bring a beatific smile to 25 other Trump victims’ faces.
Beam away, E. Jean. Lord knows you’ve earned that right.
Correction: This story has updated to clarify that the determination of Trump as a “rapist” was made by a judge, not by a jury. A jury in a civil case found that Trump was liable for sexual assault.
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Check out Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s four-volume Trump-trashing compendium, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link.