While the New York Times continues to fill their front page with concern-trolling stories about Biden’s supposed “memory issues,” the paper that broke the Watergate story quickly works their superior sources to take us into the room where Hur interviewed Biden.
Emerging from the interview, Biden and his team felt the sessions had mostly gone as expected. ...
The shock of Biden’s lawyers is evident in a letter they wrote in response to the report. “At the outset of the interview, you recognized that the questions you planned to ask ‘relate to events that happened years ago,’ but nonetheless expressed your hope that the president would ‘put forth [his] best efforts and really try to get [his] best recollection in response to the questions we ask,’” Biden’s attorneys wrote. “It is hardly fair to concede that the president would be asked about events years in the past, press him to give his ‘best’ recollections, and then fault him for his limited memory.”
All that, however, was in the future. For the moment, Biden’s lawyers felt the interview had gone as well as could be expected.
As other excellent diaries have pointed out, Hur’s report is just one in a long series of hatchet jobs by Republicans seeking to use their office for partisan political gain.
I for one, am mad as hell and not going to take it anymore! After attempting to slog through Ross Douthat’s pathetic page 1 NYT editorial “The Question is Not if Joe Biden Should Step Aside. It’s How,” I cancelled my New York Times subscription, explaining to them that their editorial slant led me to put the money toward Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.
After the last two days it is clear to me that we need Joe Biden to finish the job.