First, my personal good news:
I did not have a heart attack!
Not even a little one.
Plenty of tests, and they all show that I am charging ahead!
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The little dog is named Itzl.
I know I already did an election prediction diary a while back, in September.
I feel the need to do another one.
I was very interested in the information presented in this video:
I just watched it again.
I counted about 14 times he gave hard digs to Trump, and his family.
I counted about 4 digs against Biden.
Jon Stewart said it is not the job of us, the voters, to ignore any of these negative points, about any candidate.
Oh, wait, about the age of Biden, remember this:…
Section 3: President's declaration of inability[edit]
Section 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
Section 3 allows for the voluntary transfer of presidential authority to the vice president (for example, in anticipation of a medical procedure) by the president declaring in writing to be unable to discharge the powers and duties of the presidency. The vice president then assumes those powers and duties as acting president;[note 1] the vice president does not become president and the president remains in office, although without authority. The president regains those powers and duties upon declaring, in writing, to be again able to discharge them.[
So, Kamala Harris can take over the duties of President, at any time that the President transmits a certain document.
Using my imagination, it seems to me they could have copies of such a document already in place, waiting for the communication from the Biden/Harris administration, to let the document take effect, if Bidens’s condition warrants it.
Okay, back to Jon Stewart:
He said it is our job to work for change, especially after the election.
I take that to mean that after the Biden/Harris ticket wins, we all need to send messages to the Biden/Harris administration, telling them what we truly want them to do.
Many commentators here at Daily Kos, and in the rest of the world, gave very harsh words about Jon Stewart.
But I think Jon Stewart is playing the long game.
I think he is getting his fans even more loyal to him, by insisting on brutal honesty about the age issue.
Then, gradually, he will persuade his fans to absolutely vote for the Biden/Harris ticket.
And I like what Lawrence O’Donnell had to say about Jon Stewart:
Jon Stewart asked a question recently that makes sense, in the age of the ubiquitous camera.
He asked:
“Did anyone film that?”
Jon Stewart was talking about the statements by those close to Biden, such as Kamala Harris, who insists that Biden consistently gets the job done, when the going gets tough.
Then Lawrence O’Donnell answered that question:
It is not possible, or at least not practical, to record video of the nuts-and-bolts conversations the President has, while actually doing the job.
Making speeches is one thing.
Doing the job is a very different thing.
Notice that Lawrence O’Donnell did not say that Jon Stewart was stupid, or that his question was stupid.
Lawrence O’Donnell answered the question, showing that he, Lawrence O’Donnell, is simply smarter than Jon Stewart, because he, Lawrence O’Donnell, understands a few things that Jon Stewart apparently does not.
As the title of that Lawrence O’Donnell video says, in the background, in big letters:
The governing will not be televised.…
From 1989 to 1995, O'Donnell was a legislative aide to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.[5] From 1989 to 1991, he served as senior advisor to Moynihan. From 1992 to 1993, he was staff director of the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, then chaired by Senator Moynihan, and from 1993 to 1995 he was staff director of the United States Senate Committee on Finance, again under Senator Moynihan's chairmanship.[10]
He has been in the rooms where the actual governing takes place.
That is why he was able to answer that question from Jon Stewart.
Okay, I will not load you up with more videos from MSNBC.
But I want to mention that on Morning Joe, recently, Joe Scarborough pointed out that Trump has lost 200,000 campaign donors in recent years.
I am now going to estimate that for every donor, there are at least ten voters.
So, Donald Trump has lost at least 2 million voters.
Here is what I see going on:
- Jon Stewart is gradually persuading millions of voters to give the hard no to Trump, and at least consider voting for the Biden/Harris ticket.
- Lawrence O’Donnell is gradually persuading millions of voters to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket.
- Joe Scarborough is gradually persuading millions of voters to give the hard no to Trump, and vote for the Biden/Harris ticket.
So, I will repeat my prediction for the Presidential election in November:
Biden/Harris: Well over 100 million votes.
The Republican nominee, especially if it is Trump, not Haley, might get 50 million votes, or less.
Now for the House:
Democrats will totally take over the House.…
Overall |
D – 203
R – 210
22 tossups |
D – 208
R – 216
11 tossups |
D – 204
R – 212
19 tossups |
D – 189
R – 203
17 tossups
26 pending |
D – 210
R – 208
17 tossups |
I say all those tossups will go our way.
So, in January 2025, over 220 seats will be held by Democrats, and about 210 by Republicans.
Now for the Senate:…
Overall[i] |
D/I - 47
R - 50
3 tossups |
D/I - 47
R - 50
3 tossups |
D/I - 47
R - 50
3 tossups |
D/I - 47
R - 50
3 tossups |
D/I - 47
R - 50
3 tossups |
I say we will get all three tossups, plus we will flip the seats of Rick Scott, in Florida, and Ted Cruz, in Texas.
Plus, we will have Vice President Harris, to break ties, in case I am wrong about Scott and Cruz, and we have an evenly split Senate.
Keep in mind, we have abortion, and now, IVF, on our side.
Those issues will get more millions of voters out there voting! (Voting by mail, in my case.)
Okay, I will copy a little bit from that earlier diary:
So, in 2025, after everyone is sworn in, we can pass new:
- gun laws,
- climate laws,
- and codify Roe, as Biden has said it.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, again.