Democratic policies are wildly popular, yet voters don’t seem to realize it. Republicans are great at using fake outrage and scandals to distract people from their terrible policies. Meanwhile, as noted countless times here on DKos, Democrats struggle to get their message out.
I came across a Titktok that illustrates how simple it should be to contrast the two parties. I wish Democrats or Meidas Touch or the Lincoln Project or someone would start making ads like this.
If you are unable to view the video, here is a transcript. It is a conversation between two men sitting side by side. One is labeled “MAGA Republicans”, and the other is labeled “Most Americans”.
MAGA: <sigh> This country is a mess, and I don’t know what to do.
Most Americans: Did you support raising wages?
Most Americans: Did you support unions?
Most Americans: Make corporations pay what they owe?
MAGA: Nah.
Most Americans: Billionaires pay what they owe?
MAGA: Nah.
Most Americans: Bipartisan border deal?
MAGA: Trump said nah.
Most Americans: Universal background checks?
MAGA: NRA said nah.
Most Americans: Cap insulin costs?
MAGA: Big pharma said nah.
Most Americans: Did you fight climate change?
MAGA: It’s a hoax.
Most Americans: Did you protect reproductive freedom?
MAGA: Took it away.
Most Americans: Access to inclusive books?
MAGA: Took it away.
Most Americans: Coverage for pre-existing conditions?
MAGA: Trying to take it away.
Most Americans: Did you at least make it easier to vote?
MAGA: <chuckles> No.
Most Americans: Yeah. What’s there to do?
MAGA: Shut down the government.
Also, above each MAGA reply is a headline from a reputable news source summarizing MAGA’s unpopular position on each of these issues.
This is really simple. I don’t know why Democrats can’t come up with stuff like this, but they don’t even have to. Just use what Tiktokers come up with on their own.