Meteor Blades is absolutely right in saying that there should be waaaaay more talk about SCOTUS agreeing to hear arguments over Trump’s absolutely ridiculous-on-its-face immunity claim, in APRIL, further delaying Jack Smith’s J-6 trial. While there are a lot of angles to come at the reasoning behind this stupid-ass decision, I saw one this morning in a Daily Beast article that made my blood run cold. William Vaillancourt wrote the article yesterday and updated it today titled “Joy Reid: Justices Alito and Thomas Have ‘Motive’ to Delay Trump Case.” The MSNBC host on her show on Wednesday posited that Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas (who has no business being anywhere near this case in the first place because of his traitor wife’s involvement in attempts to overturn the last election) are in their 70’s and want to retire under a Republican administration. I almost smacked myself in the face for not seeing this possible motive for the conservative majority to delay earlier when the argument was initially submitted to the Supreme Court.
It would explain a lot. For example, their complete disregard for stare decisis in rulings stripping rights that Americans have enjoyed for half a century, their total disdain for anything remotely resembling the code of ethics that the rest of the Federal Judiciary must abide by, and their blatant and now very public willingness to take big fat bribes in any number of forms from the ultra wealthy bastards that got them into their positions in the first place, just for starters. Who cares what the vast majority of the public thinks about any of that if you’re not planning on sticking around much longer for the fallout? Alito clearly knows he’s got a much more potentially lucrative gig running around the country getting wined and dined to pat himself on the back for destroying liberal democracy at conservative galas. Thomas won’t have to worry about anybody having anything to say about free giant tour buses, free super yacht cruises to exotic locales around the world, or publicity about his idiot wife’s treasonous past-time hobbies. This would be a great way to cement their Palpatinian legacies and really go out with a BANG! Hell, it’d be hard to choose among the giant pile of speaking offers to every conservative think-tank world wide that they’d have to sort through.
The icing on the blood red velvet cake would obviously be the smug comfort they could take in knowing that if they can delay that trial juuuust long enough, there’s a decent chance that Trump could cheat his way back into the oval office and nominate TWO no doubt 20 year-old incompetent Aileen Cannons to those vacancies, solidifying a good two generations of further bench legislating, rights destroying, authoritarian inspiring insanity.
The importance of keeping the US Senate in Democratic hands in light of even the remote possibility that this scenario could conceivably come true is of unbelievably paramount importance. If ever there was a time to pull a Mitch (btw “BYE FELICIA!!!) on Supreme Court nominations, this would be that time.