Losing Steam?
As I always do, I will post additional cartoons in the comments section.
Many thanks for supporting this diary series which, as many of you might remember, I first started on Daily Kos in 2009. In case you missed my recent diaries, here are the links.
The Solution is Simple: Don’t Commit Crimes
Regarding Presidential Immunity, public opinion around the country is in sync with the unanimous decision reached today by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
As expected, the US Supreme Court will soon have the final say on this matter. If Clarence Thomas votes against Trump, will his wife have to resign from the “Stop the Steal” Movement?
Stay tuned.
How Humiliating is This?
“About two-thirds of U.S. adults do not think former President Donald Trump should have immunity from criminal prosecution for actions he took while president,” according to a new PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll.
“The majority of Americans are aligned with a new federal appeals court ruling that found Trump can stand trial on charges tied to a plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election.”
In All His Sartorial Splendor
“Donald Trump is not immune from prosecution for alleged crimes he committed during his presidency to reverse the 2020 election results, a federal appeals court said Tuesday,” CNN reports.
“The ruling is a major blow to Trump’s key defense thus far in the federal election subversion case brought against him by special counsel Jack Smith. The former president had argued that the conduct Smith charged him over was part of his official duties as president and therefore shield him from criminal liability.”
New York Times: “The 3-0 ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit handed Mr. Trump a significant defeat, but was unlikely to be the final word on his claims of executive immunity. Mr. Trump is expected to continue his appeal to the Supreme Court — possibly with an intermediate request to the full appeals court.”
Don’t Commit Crimes, or Else
Attribution for the above cartoon: Dennis Goris @DennisGoris
There Was Only One King
You Ain’t Nothin’ But a Hound Dog
The Fragile State of His Being
Once a Loser, Always a Loser
The Road to Nowhere
Elvis Had More Class
Senator Lloyd Bentsen: “I knew Elvis Presley. Elvis was a friend of Mine. And You’re No Elvis!”
Drowning in Mediocrity on Capitol Hill
What… Only One Commandment?
You Look Like An Idiot, Mike
Charisma Deficit
How Sleazy Can You Get?
Using Immigrants as Campaign Tools
Just Playing Politics
Biggest. Loser. Ever.
One Hell of a Solution to a Festering Problem
Disgraceful — The Modern-Day GOP Shows Its True Face
Show Some Respect: Black History IS American History
All of us hold the 20th Century Civil Rights Movement leaders I've mentioned in the diary poll in high regard.
The diary poll is somewhat limited. It isn’t meant to discount the contributions of, among others, Whitney Young, A. Philip Randolph, Emmett Till, Muhammad Ali, James Farmer, Medgar Evers, The Little Rock Nine, Dick Gregory, Julian Bond, Stokely Carmichael, Ralph Abernathy, Malcolm X, Andrew Young, Joseph Lowery, Cesar Chavez, and Roy Wilkins along with countless others who suffered in anonymity.
Here’s what I'm interested in finding out: from the poll list, if you had the opportunity to meet anyone and have dinner with, who would it be? And, why?
Remember to take the diary poll.