Small businesses are the key to upward mobility, vibrant communities, and new innovation. Guess who’s behind a boom in small business applications? You got it: Joseph Robinette Biden.
Joe Biden Recently Discussed Why Small Business Applications Are Setting New Records
Every time someone starts a new small business, it’s an act of hope and confidence in our economy. Today, we learned that Americans filed 16 million new business applications during the first three years of my Administration —16 million acts of hope, the strongest stretch on record. That’s three years in a row with more applications filed than in any other year on record, including any year of the prior Administration.
And who is doing this?
Small business growth has been particularly strong among Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs, with Black business ownership doubling and Hispanic business ownership up 40% since 2019.
And how did Biden do this?
It’s a result of my Administration’s strategy to support entrepreneurs, help small businesses access the resources they need to thrive, and promote competition to level the playing field. This is all part of a broader story of progress growing our economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down.
Specifically, there were all kinds of incentives for small businesses, along with training and technical assistance, in the legislation Biden and the Democrats enacted in the first two years of this administration.
Is there still more work to be done? 100%! Lots more work. But Biden did more than many people guessed could be done. He deserves a lot of credit. AND he deserves to be re-elected.
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