I have many good links and important information in this post. Researched by me, to help people with all the resources possible.
Google Language Translator Free Translation Tool-Translates Text, Documents, Websites, Images. Choose From Many Languages.
Great Ideas For Teaching Hispanic Heritage.
Immigration 101 - The Immigration System
Notifica-Deportation Defense Protection, Alerts, Rights. Notifica; A New Deportation Defense App Created By Immigrant Youth. 24.6 MB. Requires, iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. English, Spanish. Frequently Asked Questions
GeoAlert A Smart Phone App. Enables you to send and receive geo-located alerts. In case of emergency, you will be able to warn your family and friends of your problem and the application will automatically send your GPS position. The goal of the application is to make a free app for private individuals to send alerts, for everyone and operating in every country. For you to create your own Collaborative Safety Network. GeoAlert has other functions necessary for your safety which you may discover, by downloading the application.
Legal Aid And Community Support
Everyone Has Rights Under The US Constitution. Including Undocumented Immigrants.
You Have The Right To A Free Interpreter
Family Preparedness Plan
Locate Someone Being Detained By ICE USA.gov
The American Bar Association Lawyer Referral Directory Enter city and state in search bar to find state and local bar associations.
The Legal Aid Society Immigration Hotline 1 (800) 639-5290 / Immigration Factsheets
The Informed Immigrant
Know Your Rights! Links To Ensure That Immigrants Know What To Do If They Encounter ICE, At Home Or At Work.
A Guide For Employers What To Do If Immigration Comes To Your Workplace. Worker’s Rights, At Work.
Immigration officers are not allowed to enter your workplace. Whether it is a factory, store, high-rise, farm, or orchard, without permission from the owner or manager.
Say, that you do not consent to a search. ICE can enter areas open to the general public (dining area, parking lot, waiting room) of a business without permission.
But that does not give ICE the authority to detain, question, or arrest anyone. If an officer does get permission to enter, the officer is free to ask you questions about your immigration status. You have the right, to keep silent.
Connect with an immigration response network in your area. If ICE agents enter a public area of your business, say: “I am the employer. You cannot go to other areas of the workplace without my permission.” If ICE agents try to enter a private area, say: “This is a private area.”
You Have Rights When ICE Is Outside The Door/An Empowerment Campaign (En Espanol), To prepare for and safely defend people’s rights, during encounters with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Multilingual.
Note To Texas-Take The Money!
*Getting More Immigration Judges Is Important.
There is a backlog of over 2 million cases for Immigration Judges.
Without more Judges, these timelines and backlogs will continue to grow.
Currently there is funding for 734 Immigration Judges. The Bipartisan Senate Bill would provide funding for an additional 100 Judges and their associated staff.
It’s a good bill. Would definitely help speed up background checks of those seeking US entry.
US Gov't Immigration Info And Cesar Chavez
United Farm Workers Of America New Immigration Process The H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Classification UFW
The H-2A program was first instituted to provide agricultural employers with a larger pool of workers during periods of anticipated labor shortages.
H-2A workers are non-US citizens who satisfy the regulatory requirements and who are qualified to perform the necessary duties.
In general, anyone seeking such a classification must have either a US employer, an agricultural association acting as a joint employer, or a US agent, obtain a temporary labor certification and file forms. (Officially called the “Petition for a Non-immigrant Worker”). Processing Time
Avoid Legal Scams,Fraud. Never pay anyone for copies. Forms Are Free. Green Card.USAHello is a free online center for information and education for refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and welcoming communities.
Helen’s story is proof that the Trump administration never stopped separating families - but it’s also proof that when we take action, we can make a difference. Click To Turn Up Sound.
Teaching About The Refugee Experience-FB UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency
Meet Young Immigrants Scholastic.com
Videos To Teach Students About The Refugee Experience
Immigration Stories Of Yesterday And Today Ellis Island Teacher's Activity Guide Scholastic Inc
The National Immigration Forum / FB
World Countries National Geographic For Kids
On October 31, 2022, the DACA Rule cancelled and replaced the 2012 DACA Memo. All current grants of DACA and advance parole issued under the 2012 DACA memo remain valid.
Applications to renew DACA are now governed by the DACA Rule.
Advance parole remains available for DACA holders.
The DACA Rule’s fee structure is now in place. The DACA application form I-821D now has a $495 filing fee, which includes biometrics and Employment Authorization Document (“EAD”) services.
Presently, those who currently have DACA or had it within the last year can file for renewals of their DACA and work permits.
The federal government is currently accepting, but not granting or even processing, applications from first-time applicants and anyone whose DACA expired more than one year ago.
The government has chosen, without explanation, to treat renewal applications from DACA recipients who's previous DACA grant expired more than one year ago as first-time DACA applications, which it cannot decide on under the Texas court’s decision that has now been affirmed by the Fifth Circuit. Advance parole eligibility remains the same for current DACA holders.
It is critical that Congress take steps to provide a permanent legislative solution now! Dreamer Advocacy Resources 2023
In 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a Final Rule, that with limited changes, continues the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy that was announced in 2012.
The rule generally adopted the 2012 DACA. Including the current threshold criteria for qualifying for DACA, as well as the existing process for DACA applicants to request work authorization when applying for DACA.
USCIS will continue processing DACA renewal applications but will not grant any initial applications for DACA.
What Is DACA? Videos Youtube
Teen Immigrants American Stories Youtube
♥We Are All The Children Of Immigrants♥ For Sure, No One Can Say We Aren’t.
The Untrue Beliefs Regarding, Any Connections-Between Immigration And Crime / Stanford University-Stanford, CA Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
For more than a century, numerous studies have confirmed two simple yet powerful truths about the relationship between immigration and crime.
Immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime. Immigration And Crime The American Immigration Council is a non-profit, non-partisan organization.
If You're In Trouble, Or Hurt, Or Need, Go To The Poor People.
They're The Only Ones That'll Help.
The Only Ones. John Steinbeck
“I'll Be Everywhere.”
Wherever you can look. Wherever there's a fight, so hungry people can eat, I'll be there.
Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there.
I'll be in the way guys yell, when they're mad.
I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry and they know supper's ready and when the people are eatin' the stuff they raise and livin' in the houses they build, I'll be there, too.
Tom Joad, Grapes Of Wrath. I saw this film in Media class. It’s a real “tearjerker.” We cried all the way through.
For Anyone Interested; Help Send, Lifesaving Pacemakers To Cuba. Global Health Partners is leading an emergency drive to supply Cuban hospitals with desperately needed medical equipment. Building solidarity, advocacy and medical aid throughout Latin America. Nonprofit organization
Cuba has no pacemakers, leaving patients suffering from heart disease with a three-year wait for the lifesaving devices.
While the US embargo prevents the country from purchasing pacemakers in the global market, some 70 elderly Cubans are currently unable to leave their hospital beds until they receive the devices. Cuba urgently needs 2,000 pacemakers to treat its heart patients.
Latino Public Broadcasting
Invictus, Unconquered, Captain Of My Soul!
Out of the night that covers me. Dark as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning's of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed.
And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley (1849–1903)
Warrants-Administrative ICE vs Judicial
Unlike a Judicial Warrant, An Immigration-ICE Administrative Warrant Does Not Authorize A Search Or Entry Into Your Home, Or Other Private Areas.
An ICE Warrant; Is Not, The Same As, A judicial Subpoena-Search Warrant. If that is the only document ICE brings to a home raid, agents do not have the legal right to enter a home.
A judicial Subpoena is a written court order requiring a person to testify as a witness in an investigation or produce documents, papers, or other evidence.
A judicial Warrant Must Be Signed By A Judge And Say United States District Court, Or, A State Court At The Top Of The Page.
An ICE-Administrative Warrant - An (Immigration Warrant) Is only good for ICE, to use and try to get, an actual, Judicial warrant from a Court.
Judicial Warrant - A Warrant Signed By A Judge.
Business Companies Profiting From Immigration Enforcement- Videos
If you have a question, ask Our Lady Of Guadalupe and she will tell you the answer. So, I asked her, how I could help, the poor, starving, Mexican People? And Immigrants, from everywhere.
♥Our Lady of Guadalupe♥
iAmerica A national campaign by diverse organizations, created to offer informational tools and interactive opportunities for immigrants and their families. FB Use the options to search for immigration legal services providers by state, county, or zip code. Only nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services are included.
Vera Institute Of Justice Vera's Center on Immigration and Justice works with government, nonprofit partners, and communities to improve government systems that affect immigrants’ lives. Focusing on two objectives: increasing immigrants’ access to legal services and improving relationships between immigrant communities and law enforcement.
The center administers legal services programs, develops and implements pilot programs, provides technical assistance, and conducts evaluation and empirical research.
The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the US. Connecting Attorneys to those most in need.
Creating legal tools to help individuals advocate for themselves, making the law work for the many and not the few. Defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income. A joint project of the Immigration Advocates Network and Pro Bono Net. National Immigration Legal Services Directory Frequently Asked Questions/Facebook/Twitter
Immigration Advocates Network Advancing Policies To Help Immigrants Become Citizens And Succeed.
A Guide On Organizing, As A Defense Against Federal Investigations And Prosecutions Mijente and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild FB
Kos Says “Always Make A Copy-Of Your Posts.”
Always Listen To Kos. He’s Very Smart. Obviously! That advice has saved me many times. I’m neurotic. I make several copies as I update. I just copy-past, new edit over copy’s draft.
Often, I make second and third finished copies too.
Takes me months, years counting updating and editing to perfect my posts.
I write informative links etc. They’re not something that changes. Just morphs into a better version.
For instance, as with this post. I wrote the original of this post in 2019. Screwed up, lost text in draft. Couldn’t copy.
But I had perfect copies because I listened to Kos.
All, most of the links here, are from that original diary post. Updated, re-researched and edited.
Making Diary/Post Copies Is Easy.
In A New Tab Open-New Diary,
Go To Written Diary You Want To Copy.
Select All / Diary/Post-Page Will Highlight.
Go To Copy (New Blog Entry)-Paste And Save-Name It Copy And Title.
Same With Updating Copy-After Editing Diary.
Go To Original Working Draft,
Select All, Copy,
Go Back To 2nd Copy Draft And Select All, Paste.
Save, (Save, Save, Save, Whenever Writing.
After a few times it is, so easy. I have the whole process down to I estimate under 10 seconds. And gives me the confidence that I always have a perfectly edited copy, (or two, or three, or more).
Saw post from other Kossacks about how they lost a post-diary.
It's so easy to avoid having, “a lost diary!”
I’ve had this happen to me also, once or twice. I had tried to update and embedded a photo. Sometimes this doesn’t work for some reason.
*Some sort of notice at top of page pops up. Says can’t use photo, or something). I’ve seen it before and know not to click ok on it. Since I continually Save, I just (x) out-exit the page.
I don’t know what it is but know that clicking ok, will erase my entire draft’s text Did that once. Even though I quickly just exited the text in the draft was gone! Never, click on ok. That erases entire diary.
Luckily, I always listen to Kos. I know how smart he is. He’s a lot smarter than me.
I Always Listen To Kos. And To Kossacks!
I’m amazed at how smart I’ve become since knowing Kossacks. After 15 years, I should have a PhD in Kosology!
I’ve always been a hard worker and “quick on the uptake.” As they say in NJ.
♥Lady Liberty’s Promise♥
You, whoever you are. All you continentals of Asia, Africa, Europe, indifferent of place.
All you on the numberless islands of the archipelagoes of the sea.
All you of centuries hence when you listen to me.
All you each and everywhere whom I specify not but include just the same.
Health to you! good will to you all, from me and America sent.
Each of us is inevitable, each of us is limitless, each of us with his or her right upon the earth, each of us allowed the eternal purports of the earth, each of us here as divinely as any is here. Walt Whitman
Defenses Against Deportation US Political Asylum, Immigration Representation Project
US law endorses-upholds, guarantees, the protections of the International Refugee Convention.
The Convention Relating To The Status Of Refugees, The 1951 Refugee Convention - Geneva Convention of July 28,1951.
The law provides that any person “physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States, irrespective of such person’s status, may apply for asylum.”
All people seeking asylum, regardless of their race, national origin, or method of entry, have the legal right to seek asylum in the United States.
People seeking asylum in the United States are fleeing persecution, torture and sometimes death. Upon their arrival, they face new challenges, navigating complex US immigration laws and an increasingly restrictive environment that bars asylum seekers from winning protection.
Restrictions include family separation, rapid processing for deportation and a sprawling detention and surveillance system.
Prior to taking office, President Biden vowed to protect the right to asylum and bring the US into long awaited compliance with domestic and international obligations. The Biden administration has adopted a temporary parole program showing the United States capacity to center the dignity and humanity of people in need of protection.
It is never too late to protect the fundamental right, to seek asylum. The National Immigrant Justice Center / FB
Witness At The Border Compassionate Action, For The Right To Migrate. FB