So Honest and Outspoken
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In case you missed my recent diaries earlier this week, here are the links.
The Self-Appointed Messiah
Manual Updates Posted Here
A Brief History Lesson
Revisionism, Trump-Style
A Glutton for Punishment
A Perfect Fit
He Doesn’t Have the Money
Can I Now Be Your VP?
It Comes With Its Own Commandments???
“Stormy Weather, Keeps Raining All of the Time”
A Marriage of Convenience
Republican leaders have been in bed with the Religious Right since at least the 1970s. Is this unholy alliance based on a shared sense of morality and how one should conduct himself in public life? No, not at all.
The leaders in question (Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, and others) have cynically exploited the conservative Christian community for decades to achieve political ends. None of them have been either very religious or particularly right (when in office) about many public policy issues that benefit the least among us. In the case of Donald Trump, his conduct has been highly suspect and widely considered by many to be extremely unethical — if not downright criminal.
The old rules don't seem to apply to Trump—if they ever did. No matter the embarrassing disclosures or sleazy revelations about his personal or public life, he rarely suffers the consequences. Even his dozens of criminal indictments are dismissed by many of the MAGA crowd as personal vindictiveness and persecution by the US Department of Justice and other law enforcement officials.
Will justice ever prevail, and will any Christian leader ever condemn Trump for anything he does? Highly unlikely. The status quo works for both of them. The conservative religious community gets plenty of conservative judges from Trump. The judges, in turn, rule on social issues such as abortion that benefit conservatives. Trump gets to raise money from this group and can — without any sense of irony — proclaim himself to be the poor victim and deserving of their support. He frequently tells his clueless MAGA supporters that the “liberal” press is crucifying him because he is their (MAGA crowd) unrepentant and unapologetic champion.
As the brilliant journalist and television anchor Linda Ellerbee used to say, “So it goes.”
“Few politicians have commanded the loyalty of the religious right like former President Trump, whose decision to begin selling $60 Bibles for Holy Week has outraged his critics — but drawn little reaction from evangelical leaders,” Axios reports.
“Trump has developed a sense of impunity when it comes to religious messaging, forged through a grand compromise with Christian conservatives who see him as a flawed — but effective — champion of their movement.”
Our Champion
Trump’s Interpretation of Religion
The One-Stop Bling Shop
Trump’s Unfinished Business
Wait, There’s More. Operators Are Standing By. Order Now!
Don’t Forget These Hats With Magical Healing Powers
Why Didn’t I Think of That First?
Willy Loman Was Never This Good
It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy! /s
At Least He is a Reader
Quantities Are Very Limited for This Rare Edition
Larry David — Telling It Like It Is
Chris Wallace: “So how has the 2020 election — everything that has flowed from it — pissed you off?”
Larry David:
Credit: Occupy Democrats.
JC: “I Recognize a Phony When I See One”
Move Over, Elmer Gantry
Don’t Forget This
Not on the Bestseller List
The Job Benefits Are Great. The Best.
Grifter’s Gonna Grift
The Choice in 2024
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An easy choice in 2024.