The Colorado State Open Thread is for people who care about what happens in Colorado. Not just in the various capitols down in Denver, but also for what happens in the rest of the state. All the contests being waged around the state that will determine who gets to represent our Democratic party in the contests this November. There are also the contests that are theoretically non-partisan, but often are waged between people who are obviously of a particular party, whether it’s the take care of your fellow people as you would want them to do with you, or the let them all die so that my God will sort them to go to Hell party, or party of Ain’t Gonna Follow Any Rules I Don’t Wanna party.
Today, the United States Supreme Court did what many of us presumed they would do in ruling that their favorite criminal (or one they’re most scared of, or indebted to, or whatever the real truth might be) will stay on the ballots so the MAGA can vote for him and show their anonymous fealty to their Fuhrer. It really didn’t make a difference today, but it sure would have made a difference — a seismic difference — had they ruled the other way. Still, the real issue may come in January should we have a Democratic Congress be seated on January 2nd and they pass legislation that says that DJT may not assume office, whether he won or it’s Biden that’s getting ready for inauguration. I think it’s important that a Democratic Congress make that loud statement, and maybe throw in anyone else who was responsible for supporting MAGA on January 6, 2021.
Oh well, I still want you to vote, if you haven’t already. Yes, there’s not many contests on the ballot, but that shouldn’t keep you Kosacks from voting for school boards, county elections, state representatives, sheriffs or anything else that may be on your ballots. That’s for this election, the caucus this Saturday, the election in April and most certainly in November. Until then, be vocal in support of your candidates, be vocal against the candidates running against them, dig deep for spare funds to send to your candidates so they can be vocal and do all else you can to help our side win this election. I know it’s been said many times, but this IS the most important election of our lifetimes.
I still do not have anyone who has volunteered to write the Open Threads starting the 25th of March going through the 22nd of April, so please contact me if you would like to have the opportunity to do so. Until then, the floor is yours...