President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday went well. It went so well that the Republican Party and its media propaganda machine have changed course to rewrite their attack script about the president.
Biden was forceful, energetic, and most importantly: nimble. He seemed to have fun while giving the speech and clearly capable of being a leader.
Here are some highlights:
1. “Mr. Speaker: The president of the United States!”
2. Biden’s funny reaction to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene being at the SOTU, followed by Biden ignoring the dedicated troll seconds later.
3. Biden called out the lack of Republican support for Ukraine and national security.
4. He took on Republicans’ denial of the Jan. 6, insurrection.
5. Biden reminded voters that reproductive rights are on the ballot this November.
6. The president took GOP lawmakers who voted against the bipartisan infrastructure deal to task, making fun of how much they love getting that federal money.
7. Biden took Republican lawmakers to the mat over their fealty to Big Pharma interests.
8. He reminded the audience that Obamacare is helping tens of millions of Americans and that Republicans continue to want to destroy it, with no plan on fixing health care costs.
9. Biden demanded the richest among us pay their fair share of taxes in an amazing call and response with Democratic Congress members.
10. Biden was quick-witted, easily handling Republican hecklers.
11. He made a historic call for federal law and prison reform, saying no one should be in jail because of marijuana.
12. The president pointed out a grieving sibling from Uvalde, Texas, who was present at the speech, and slammed the NRA and Second Amendment fetishists.
Let’s get out that vote.
We are joined by our friend Christina Reynolds, who is senior VP of communications and content at EMILY’s List. Christina talks with Kerry and Markos about how small a box the Republican Party is locked into on reproductive rights.
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