2024 is about as consequential an election year as they come, not that anyone on this site needs to be reminded of that. I don’t need to list all the reasons why every American who cares about freedom and democracy should be itching to get to the polls (or vote by mail) to reelect Joe Biden on November 5th. And really, most people I know don’t need any convincing.
And yet, even in my circle of coastal liberal friends, there are some that are still lukewarm or even on the fence about voting for the Biden/Harris ticket. The reasons vary, but they range from the age concern to the belief that Joe Biden is only slightly less fascist than Trump (aka the “double hater”).
Usually, I would just leave it at that, because in my experience trying to persuade someone who is this dug in on an extreme position (which they believe is righteous and principled) does not yield a good return on time investment.
However, reading Rachel Maddow’s Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism and how close this country came once before to tossing its democracy in the trash gave me the kick in the pants I needed to reconsider my live and let live approach. If I could do something besides donating money to lock in just a few more Biden votes, it would be well worth it.
Just as I was pondering what I might be able to do to move these kinds of voters (or non-voters) towards the only choice that will enable us to continue to hash out our disagreements peacefully and through the electoral process, I was laid off from my job at the end of January.
Not the most fun thing to happen, but in this case it must have been a wink from the universe, as it freed up a bunch of time I knew I needed to make my most ambitious idea materialize: write, rehearse, record, and produce a GOTV song with my band Beet the System and a bunch of musical friends in time for presidential campaign season.
Fast forward two months and here’s the final audio version that dropped a couple of weeks ago.
An here’s the video hot off the presses:
As we were working on this tune, spending lots of time arranging and fine-tuning both musically and lyrically, it became clear that this was as much a song to uplift and inspire people who are ready and enthused about reelecting President Biden as it was about asking stubbornly uncommitted voters for the “lesser of two evils” dance.
together we’re stronger
built to last longer
we’re gonna work wonders
just look around
As the harmonies and claps started bringing out the Together We’re Stronger chorus, the vibe shifted more and more from “fear the fascist orange horror show” to “let’s believe in our ability to win by envisioning a better future together.”
together we’re leaner
keepin it greener
together we’re keener
nothing that we can’t surmount
Like, screw this disgusting, hateful orange dunce — this wannabe emperor has zero clothes and we’re going to ride the cathartic energy of revealing the absolute nothingness of that conman and his gullible MAGA cult to a resounding electoral victory with the majority we already have.
together we’re shielded
we’re ready to wield it
together we’ll field it
the only poll that counts
In other words, this song is an affirmation to people who might feel powerless in the current political climate that they are not alone, but that there is a remedy. It reminds us that the antidote to feeling disconnected is to unify around our collective civic power and become participants in shaping the world we want to live in. And that reelecting Joe Biden and giving him a Democratic Congress is just a first step on the path to repairing the damage done since January 6 and returning toward a more perfect union.
together we’re stridin’
ridin’ with Biden
we’re gonna keep on fightin
live to see another round
In practical terms, we could see this tune blasting at political rallies, GOTV field offices, and wherever else Americans will be congregating over these next 6+ months to organize in both small and large ways to get people to the polls leading up to and on November 5. It is for those ready to leave it all on the road who will need an occasional musical boost to keep swinging at the fences of a Ddemocratic trifecta.
I haven’t been around Daily Kos as much as I used to, but I can’t think of a better excuse to poke my head in. It would be great to hear your ideas in the comments of how to get this motivational anthem to campaigns and organizations mobilizing to get out the vote.
More info about Last Call to Vote at beetthesytem.fun/lastcall.