There are recipes in the food section of every paper; they are ubiquitous on line, and, there are TV shows: Approximately 500 cooking shows are broadcast on TV channels worldwide daily, there are hundreds of cooking magazines. And yet cookbooks are still popular. Sales fluctuate a little year to year, but they're generally stable — around 20 million or so.
There are probably those who never use cookbooks, but most of us at least need a reference now and again All that is really needed is Joy of Cooking. One could cook from that every day for the average lifetime and do quite well. The meat section of Joy of Cooking is edited by our local famous chef and restauranteur, who once told me that if you like at least three recipes in a cookbook, you’ll keep it. I have three of his books, all autographed.
We have a tiny kitchen. I can’t use a cookbook in there because of lack of counter space, plus food would get all over the pages, so I open it in the other room and traipse back and forth per each and every spice, etc., because my short-term memory is very short-term. A recipe with lot of ingredients can wear me out. I sometimes print out a recipe and stick it up on the refrigerator, but hard to read, and wasteful.
Potential solution. I ordered an under-counter recipe holder, This took negotiations with Mrs. sp, but she cutiously agreed. I even made a cardboard mock-up. This will have a light, which should aid my fading vision. It was back-ordered (must be popular) so this is a project in progress. Problem potentially solved.