In the fictional version of American politics in the first decade of the 21st Century, this would be cut as "too symmetrical," just as surely as an editor would insist you couldn't call your make-believe Congressman, "Representative Heckler."
We get one president who lies, non-stop for eight years, and the first time he truly gets called out for it, it is in the stodgy and very appropriate venue of the New York Times, by a man named Joe Wilson.
Then we get another president who tells the truth, often when it is to his detriment, getting heckled, in the least appropriate venue imaginable, in the chamber of the House of Representatives, by a habitually hot-headed Congressman also named Joe Wilson.
The invective, the flatullence-quality of the Representative's salvo, makes the gaudier story. But as I hope to show in a Special Comment tonight, the salient fact was that Congressman Wilson, and not the President, was wrong last night.
A brief preview, picking up after the Congressman's forced apology for his "lack of civility."
Is that what you think this is about?
Of course your comments were inappropriate and regrettable -- you are a Republican trying to de-legitimize the elected president of the United States -- that's all you do, and that's all you've got.
Of course you let your emotions get the best of you. At a figure of $435,296 in campaign donations from the Health Sector, of course your emotions would take over when your gravy train was threatened.
It isn't about "inappropriate and regrettable," Sir!
Your comments were inappropriate and regrettable and wrong!
You got up in front of the world, embarrassed your district, embarrassed your state, embarrassed your party, embarrassed your nation, shouted at the President like he was a referee at a ballgame and you were a drunk in the stands, and you were wrong.
We'll review Wilson's sorry history of "lack of civility" - and it is some history, as diaried elsewhere here with heroic thoroughness and rapid response. But more important is Wilson's place in a party now dedicated not to its interpretation of facts, but its perpetuation of easily-disproved falsehoods.
You have swallowed some of the Kool-Aid you mix up for those damn fools who believe you, Congressman.
You sounded as pathetic as one of those poor souls, stampeded by corporate funding from the insurance and health care industries, who shout out nonsense at those demonstrations of willful stupidity that have been mislabeled "Town Halls"... these places where a citizen's life is reduced to acting out that ridiculous maxim, if you're going to be wrong, be wrong at the top of your voice.
But Congressman -- you're not supposed to be a Town Hall panicker, you're not supposed to be a Rube defending the efficacy of the Snake Oil, you are a Congressman -- and still you were wrong at the top of your voice!
Town Halls, Death Panels, Oligarhys, a multi-racial president who is accused of hating half his own ancestors, neuroses about communist artwork, the idea that fascism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive, grass-roots protests bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations, scared seniors terrified enough to turn to insurance companies for protection against reformers who want to increase their coverage and cut their rates, birchers, birthers, deathers, the voices in Michele Bachmann's head, the Republican rebuttal to the President of the United States given by a guy who thought he could become "Lord Boustany" by paying a couple of English con men - and now to top off this pile of stupidity: Congressman Wrong-Way Wilson, who -- when a President publicly, and ostentatiously, gave credit for part of his health care reform proposal to the very Republican he swamped in the election last year -- Wrong-Way Wilson... followed that bi-partisan gesture, by shouting "you lie" as soon as he heard the truth.
It is, this week, evident that the greatest threat to the nation is not terrorism nor the economy nor H1/N1 nor even bad health care.
It is rank, willful stupidity.
Fri Oct 31, 2014 at 2:13 PM PT (Anonymous Coward): thanks for share!
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