Whoops: Mitt Romney introduces Paul Ryan as the next President of the United States. And then, even more hilarious, a short-time later comes back on stage to correct himself by putting his arm around Ryan, and says "Every now and then, I'm known to make a mistake."
President Obama made a similar mistake in 2008,
introducing Biden as "the next president," but immediately (as in in the next sentence) corrected himself.
7:03 AM PT:
7:04 AM PT:

another mistake: Romney just teed up ad featuring his arm around Ryan saying "every now and then I make a mistake"
— @PeterHambyCNN via web
7:08 AM PT: The Obama campaign already has a Romney-Ryan microsite up featuring this video on their radical agenda.
7:14 AM PT: This has got to be a joke:

according to Romney internal talking points, Romney will not embrace the Ryan plan
— @PeterHambyCNN via web
Romney spent the primary sucking up to Ryan (remember him attacking Newt Gingrich for saying Ryan was guilty of right-wing social engineering?). Romney has endorsed the Ryan plan. And now he's picked Ryan. If he wants to change the name of the plan to the Romney-Ryan plan, that's fine. But he's not escaping the substance of the plan itself. And only Mitt Romney would be dumb enough to think he could even try.
7:15 AM PT: Full text of Paul RyanAyn Rand's speech.
7:16 AM PT: RE: The above from Peter Hamby:

instead, Romney "will be putting together his own plan for cutting the deficit and putting the budget on a path to balance"
— @PeterHambyCNN via web
Good luck with that Mitt. You own the Ryan plan.
7:19 AM PT: Eric Cantor on CNN right now is already denying that Ryan's plan would end Medicare. Of course he's wrong, it does end Medicare, but even if they never admit the truth, the last thing they want to do is spend every day from now until the election denying that their plan will end Medicare.
7:19 AM PT: I predict that Romney, if he tries to dump the Ryan plan, will retroactively say Newt Gingrich was right about right-wing social engineering.
7:20 AM PT:

@LOLGOP Prediction: the Ryan budget will join Bain as part of Romney's "truce" within 3 weeks
— @HenryADecker via web