So much for that.

Boehner: "The House did not take up the tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass"!
— @jamiedupree via TweetDeck
And, this, too.

More Boehner: "Now it is up to the pres to work with Sen Reid on legislation to avert the fiscal cliff," leaving him little room to deal.
— @brianbeutler via Janetter for Mac
And finally,
This isn't just a massive, incredible, insanely embarrassing loss for Boehner. It's all of those things. It wasn't just losing a vote by a hair. It was totally having to abandon his strategy. And in the process, being completely neutered. The House is in utter shambles.
But it's also a total reset for President Obama. He can take that last, bad offer completely off the table. Go over the cliff, and come back after the new year with tax cuts for the middle class.
5:19 PM PT: Perfect.

Yay---Plan B worked as advertised: it prevented a big mistake from happening.
— @BillinPortland via web
5:22 PM PT: Remember this, from two weeks ago?

The House will not adjourn the 112th Congress until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been announced.
— @GOPLeader via TweetDeck
Uh, huh.