This position and diary are completely separate from the PWB Peeps and should not reflect in the least on them, nor does it open up those diaries for attack in any way. I have kept pretty much quiet on the NSA issue and haven't said much of anything; however I am going to say this(as if my opinion means anything). Quite simply, the deification by some on the left of Ed Snowden is really starting to wear thin. If he were that much of a hero, he would be HERE in the US, not in Hong Kong. He is no hero, he, quite simply, aided and abetted the enemies of the United States for personal gain(whether you consider the GOP to be one of those enemies is up to you) whether that be 15 minutes of fame(infamy) or whatever the reason.
Especially considering that there are larger issues, i.e. the economy, jobs, the war on women, the war on LGBT, the war on immigrants, etc, that need to be addressed. Admittedly, this particular Congress isn't exactly willing to work on them; however if we continue to allow the hatred of this POTUS take our eyes off the ball and not be willing to work on anything simply because ruining this POTUS is more important than the welfare of this nation, then those people who are trying so desperately to ruin this nation have won. Plain and simple. If you are offended by what I said here, I WILL UNDERSTAND; however I will not allow myself to be treated like a doormat and will not allow myself to be called names. I had enough of that when I was growing up.
Do I believe that POTUS is perfect? NO, but neither are you! However, I tend towards the pragmatic, I guess, and am more willing to work with the HUMAN BEING POTUS that we have, than to take my dollies and dishes and go home. I see no point in screaming and throwing a temper tantrum(hell, I am well past the terrible twos) and making a total ass out of myself over it.
The society that we live in is so far from privacy that it isn't even funny! We have people who post on facebook what they had for dinner, people who post on Foursquare where they are every minute of the day, people who take Instagrams of anything and everything and all of these are shared. The fact that we, as a society, share that level of intimacy with the world and then want to scream "PRIVACY" at the drop of a hat because suddenly the government can see what anyone else can find online about them speaks volumes to the level of privilege and self-aggrandizement.
Life is not black and white, nor is there anything that states that everything MUST be perfect 24/7/365. We all live in a world that guarantees shades of gray. There is NOTHING in the Bill of Rights that guarantees our happiness with the current administration at all times and NOTHING that guarantees that everyone get their rainbows and ponies and unicorns. Our current POTUS is currently doing everything earthly possible to work to improve the economy, the war on women, the war on LGBT, the war on immigrants, jobs, etc., and there are people in Congress and certain people on this blog who would like nothing more than to join the Tea Party in their hatred of him and destroy this country, plain and simple! I know full well that there are people who will see this diary and decide to flame up and tear me to shreds, that is quite alright. I have no problem with that. I am a tough enough bitch that I can handle it.
4:37 PM PT: I was not trying to say (no matter how many people try to put those words in my mouth) that there was nothing to be concerned about on the issue. I was saying that pocketbook issues are the ones that are front and center for the most part and the fact that not every single person isn't wearing sackcloth and ashes about the NSA issue doesn't mean that we are hero worshipers, obots, or any of the other choice names that I have heard around here lately, including GOOD GERMANS who need to line up for our showers and that we would willingly watch POTUS perform live vivisections on newborns on the WH lawn.
11:52 PM PT: For the people who are insisting to know what I mean by this line:
people in Congress and certain people on this blog who would like nothing more than to join the Tea Party in their hatred of him and destroy this country, plain and simple!
take a really good, long look at the entire comments section, take a really long look at the accusations, the name calling, the attacks on anyone who doesn't think the same way that person does as well as the diaries of the last few days where people have been called "cheerleaders," "Good Germans" who need to line up for their showers, fucking idiots, and so forth and ask yourself one question: If I don't consider this to be personal, how would I like it if someone was saying it to my daughter, my mother, my husband, my wife, etc.
Contrary to what some would love to believe, I do not hate anyone in this community. I also know that there is a large amount of bullying that IS going on in this community and that fact that some people refuse to see it speaks volumes.