It's Election Night in many states across the country, and we're liveblogging the results of races large and small. The biggest contests are for governor in New Jersey and Virginia and mayor in New York City, but there are many other hotly contested elections that are up for grabs, including attorney general and the state House of Delegates in Virginia; a key state Senate seat in Washington; and mayoral races in Boston, Seattle, and many other cities.
Results: New Jersey | New York | Virginia
5:43 PM PT (Darth Jeff): 5% reporting in Boston and Councilor John Connolly leads state Rep. Marty Walsh 58-42 in the mayoral race. Boston usually retains its mayors for the long haul so the winner could be around awhile.
5:45 PM PT: We're now at 61% reporting in VA-Gov and Cuccinelli's lead has shrunk to 48-45. And the good news is that our model, which has been inching in the Dem direction all night, is now (finally) projecting a T-Mac win.
5:46 PM PT (Darth Jeff): About a quarter of precincts reporting in Charlotte and Cannon leads Peacock by a smaller 55-45.
5:48 PM PT (Darth Jeff): About 40% reporting in Greensboro and Democrat Vaughan is smoking Republican incumbent Perkins in the city's mayoral race 56-44.
5:48 PM PT (Darth Jeff): 13% reporting in Boston and Connolly is down to a 52-48 lead over Walsh.
5:49 PM PT (Steve Singiser): As the night has wore on, the Virginia House of Delegates is showing signs of a better Democratic night than previously thought. Even though most of the leads are infinitesimal, five Democrats are now leading against their GOP incumbents. The good news for DK fans? Three of them are DK-endorsed candidates: Kathleen Murphy (HD-34), Jennifer Boysko (HD-86), and Rob Farinholt (HD-94). Our other two candidates (Atif Qarni and John Bell) are within a handful of points. Two other Democrats: Monty Mason in HD-93 and Elizabeth Miller in HD-32, also had leads.
5:50 PM PT: VA-Gov: 68% reporting, Cuccinelli up 2.3%.
5:50 PM PT (Darth Jeff): Now 22% reporting in Boston and Walsh has a very narrow lead over Connolly.
5:53 PM PT (Darth Jeff): 38% reporting in Charlotte's mayoral race and it keeps getting closer. Democrat Cannon now leads Republican Peacock 53-47.
5:56 PM PT: It's super-tight in the AL-01 (R) runoff, with Byrne and Young separated by just 7 votes with 9% reporting.
5:58 PM PT (Darth Jeff): 45% in Charlotte and Cannon up 54-46.
5:59 PM PT (Laura Clawson): The liveblog continues here.