It's Election Night in many states across the country, and we're liveblogging the results of races large and small. The biggest contests are for governor in New Jersey and Virginia and mayor in New York City, but there are many other hotly contested elections that are up for grabs, including attorney general and the state House of Delegates in Virginia; a key state Senate seat in Washington; and mayoral races in Boston, Seattle, and many other cities.
Results: New Jersey | New York | Virginia
8:43 PM PT (David Jarman): In the pivotal Washington Senate SD-26 special election, Republican Jan Angel is leading appointed Dem Nathan Schlicher 51.4-48.6.
8:46 PM PT (Darth Jeff): Another mayor has been ousted tonight. In Toledo, Mike Bell has lost to Councilor Michael Collins 56.50-43.50 with 95 percent reporting. Both are independents but Bell's support for Gov. Kasich's labor policies enraged Democrats and led them to back Collins after no Democratic candidates made it past the September primary.
8:52 PM PT (Darth Jeff): The night's big city mayors races look resolved with the exception of Seattle. Minneapolis is uncalled due to the need to reassign votes as part of the city's instant runoff system, but Councilor Betsy Hodges looks like the heavy favorite to win. Altogether there were three Democratic pickups in cities with populations over 240,000. In New York Bill de Blasio easily won the seat back for the Democrats; in Greensboro and St. Petersburg, Reublican incumbents lost by double digits.
8:55 PM PT (Darth Jeff): It's official: Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes loses again to Ken Thompson. Hynes ran as a Republican after losing the Democratic primary and was crushed tonight 72-28.
9:06 PM PT (Darth Jeff): Eleven conservative northern Colorado counties voted whether or not to consider seceding and forming a 51st state. It appears the vote to secede has passed in eight, with Weld, Moffat, and Logan voting no. In practice this vote is just for show: both the Colorado legislature and Congress would need to approve a new state, which just isn't going to happen.
9:06 PM PT (Laura Clawson): The liveblog continues here.