Report on Motor City Kossacks meetup, Saturday 1/4/14
It was a small but valiant crew who showed up at Sweetwater Tavern in Detroit last Saturday for the first Motor City Kossacks meetup of 2014. We had excellent food and very courteous service; this will be a great place for NN14 attendees to patronize.
Let's get the food pr0n out of the way, shall we?
Fish and chips, the most popular choice of the group. (It was delish!)
Two different sandwiches, also excellent (BBQ their specialty)
A steak dinner as tasty as it looked
The six of us had a lively discussion on a wide variety of topics. Brainwrap, who has been doing heroic work compiling ACA implementation numbers, brought us up to date on his latest information. Even folks from the White House are quoting his figures now. He also observed how odd he thought it was that the mainstream media (and governmental) sources were 1) not talking to him directly, seemingly content to take his numbers as valid, and 2) not conducting similar statistical aggregations on their own. We shared his astonishment, but agreed that he is doing an important job.
We also talked about Michigan's crucial statewide elections in 2014, and our hope that the likely Democratic candidate for governor will be able to rally the support he needs to displace Rick "the Nerd" Snyder. A couple of us are from Oakland County, an important area to reach for the statewides, and I'd say they were cautiously optimistic that we could have a good show in November, particularly if we stress a hot-button issue like Education.
At the end of the meetup, we did discuss possibilities for NN14, in view of the upcoming visit by NN14 staff (the subject of the reminder portion of this diary). I presented my own strong opinion that we need to hear from as many politically radical, grass-roots organizers in Detroit as we can. I think there was general agreement about the importance of us non-Detroiters rallying to the city's support, though not necessarily consensus about the best ways to do that.
Four Motor City Kossacks: Amber 6541, Brainwrap, sydneyluv, BFSkinner (l to r)
REMINDER: NN14 Meetup this Thursday!
With those serious concerns in the background, let me remind everyone in the metro Detroit area that we are having another meetup this coming Thursday--the day after tomorrow--with three of the NN staff who are in Michigan to do ground work for the convention. This meetup will be on Thursday, January 9, starting at 7:00 PM, at the Sidetrack Bar and Grill, located at 56 E. Cross Street (Depot Town) in Ypsilanti, MI.
We'll be seated in a newer area called the "Bird Brain," a room right next to the front entrance off of Cross Street. It's the same restaurant, same bar, but quieter. Ask for the party for peregrine kate and the hosts will show you to our tables.
So far, we have 11 yeses and three maybes, which is pretty good for a midweek event in the middle of this bad weather. But more are still welcome. Please feel free to Kosmail me, or email me at the address in my profile, to let me know you can make it.
Here's the list (please note I've used initials for those who aren't NN staff or who aren't Kossacks, since I don't have the OK to use their names in this way):
NN staff:
Raven Brooks
Nolan Treadway
Mary Rickles
maybeeso in michigan
peregrine kate
NN14 host committee members:
MI Sooner
Cordelia Lear
To pique your interest just a little more, let me point out that Raven Brooks made the announcement for panel submissions today. See this link for more information. PLEASE NOTE: panel submissions must be made by February 19, 2014. I would bet that the three NN folks would be willing to discuss panel possibilities on Thursday--without, of course, making any promises.
I look forward to seeing some of you this Thursday!
6:11 PM PT: A Motor City Kossack, 2thanks, would like to attend the event on Thursday night, but he needs a ride from NW Detroit. If you're able to help him out, could you please Kosmail him--and then leave a comment to that effect below? Many thanks!