I came home tonight and checked a group I've been following, 90for90.
I like to check their facebook page every day to see who has joined.
I have to tell you I gave a delighted "Holy Shit!" when I saw this at the top of the page.
Welcome former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm to 90 for 90.
Hooray! You go girl! This may be the next head of the DNC. Whoooo!
If you don't know what 90for90 is, where have you been?
No, no, I can give you my garbled version but if you want the true amazing story go to their site for yourself.
It starts with a guy named Dr. Fergie Reid. He first ran for political office in VA when there were poll taxes and literacy tests. Not photo ID requirements, poll taxes and literacy tests.
When he did win he became the first African American elected in VA. Now that is just a brief summary so seriously, go read his story, he's an amazing guy who seems to me to just go quietly around obstacles and get the job done.
In checking the 90for90 page and joining as a supporter I came in contact with a woman named Brenda Hill. She's listed with the other women supporters of 90for90 here: http://www.90for90.org/...
What intrigued me about Brenda at first was her sig line. It's this:
"Behind every great woman there should be a tribe of women supporting her."
So, I asked her to tell me a little bit about herself and this was her reply:
What would you like to know about me?
•I met Fergie in 2008 and we have been working together since that time.
•I wanted to do a party for Fergie's 90th birthday. He wanted people to register voters, so my gift to him was the 90 for 90 website.
• I'm volunteering for some of the candidates the Democrat Party doesn't support because they think they can't win. Virginia posted election predictions and they don't look good for us. http://www.bluevirginia.us/...
•I'm one of the co-founders of Women-Matter, a group that formed in 2013 to try to get the ERA passed in the VA General Assembly. We have a website, which I created http://www.women-matter.org/... three facebook pages, Women Matter Use Your Power, On Account of Sex, and Fourth Wave Feminism.
How's that for a start?
Brenda Hill
"Behind every great woman there should be a tribe of women supporting her."
I love this woman! I love what she's doing! I think I'm falling in love with all the women in VA. Check out Gordon 20024's latest diary on a VA candidate
http://www.dailykos.com/.... In fact check out all of
Gordon20024's dairies. He has been rocking it every day for a different VA candidate - a whole lot of them women.
Take a look at this pic of the Virginia House Democratic Caucus:
The women are rocking it! What a diverse looking group. That's the Democratic Party I want to be a part of!
You can show these women your support as easily as "liking" the 90for90 facebbook page. https://www.facebook.com/...
If you have a business you can join 90for90 as a supporter. If you have a Daily Kos group you can join as a supporter, they have a whole separate category for us.
The sisters are doing it! They're doing it by themselves! But they don't need to be, feel free to jump in and help them out.
City by city, state by state until we have us a country.
OMG! In my excitement over Jennifer Granholm joining as a supporter of 90for90, I forgot about my fellow Kossacks. Forgive me, my original group, the people I identify with most, are the Michiganders.
Daily Kos and many of it’s members have become like family to me over the years so let me make it up a bit by giving a big shout out to these women of Daily Kos; candidates that are running for office, supporters of 90 for 90 AND members of Daily Kos.
~ Angela Lynn is running for Delegate in the Virginia’s 25th district. She is a former teacher and higher education administrator, and FEMA worker. She is on the county Department of Social Services Board and the Public Recreational Facility Authority. http://lynnforvirginia.com/
~ Angela Marx- Lifelong resident of SW Washington State. I like Civilization and taxes are the only way to get it! Running for the WA-03 seat in the US House of Representatives for 2016 http://www.angie4congress.com/
(Some of you may remember her as angieinWAstate)
~ Elizabeth Amy Miller A NARAL VA board member running against an anti-choice incumbent for the VA HOD in Loudoun County! http://www.elizabethmillerfordelegate.com/
You can support these women in all the ways I listed above: like 90for90 on facebook, have your business or Daily Kos group join 90for90 as a supporter. And republish Gordon 20024’s http://www.dailykos.com/... fantastic diaries about these women (and all the VA candidates) to any groups you belong to.
“It goes on one at a time, it starts when you care to act, it starts when you do
it again and they said no, it starts when you say We and know who you mean, and each
day you mean one more.” -Marge Piercy
So we’re way ahead of the game. We’re starting with not one, but three!