ATTN: This is an idea I came up with looking for a tool which might already exist. I was unable to find it, and if it does exist here, I'll take this diary down and stand in the corner :)
UPDATED: 2:14PM Made some changes based on the feedback. Thanks everyone.
Just browsing around checking out people who commented on my comments, I really wish DKos had an OPTIONAL tool for users that would let them keep a list of friends. If people wanted, then they could create their own policy papers, and platforms. "Factions" would result (maybe this is a bad name for what I'm trying to express here) but I mean "Factions" in a good way, not in an infighting type way. Sort of in a way that makes people more productive on the site - able to create and belong to sub-communities as well as to the larger comunity. This is the kind of situation that evolves naturally when a group reaches a critical mass.
I mean why not? DKos seems so huge a place with so many varieties of "progressives" that to be a DKo's reader doesn't mean much anymore. I can't identify myself anymore, in shorthand, which makes it hard for people to get together without wasting a lot of time futzing around trying to figure out where they're coming from.
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