Thank you, Bruce Lindner
Milwaukie, OR ·
An interesting thing has been happening. I’m sure you’ve noticed it too. The “Never Trump” movement is merging into the mainstream. For those who don’t know who the Never Trumpers are, they’re the Republicans who opposed Trump before, during, after the election, and continue to do so to this day. Republican stalwarts like David Frum, Steve Schmidt, Ana Navarro, Bill Kristol, and Rick Wilson.
Even my Republican pal that I argue with via email is starting to get a little wobbly in his love for Trump. For the past year, he’s been a true believer. He even wears the MAGA hat on his Facebook profile picture. But lately, he says he “wants to look forward,” and not dwell on the Boy Scouts incident, the ObamaCare fiasco, etc. Nothing to see there, after all… just more unpatriotic liberals trying to bring him down. But he finished up with this: “Bruce, I’m surprised at you. I figured you’d be happy to see that Trump’s been replacing all his key people with Democrats.”
And late last night, Joe Scarborough, who until just last month was a lifelong Republican, tweeted this: “There are no Republicans around Donald Trump and why should there be? He supported Hillary and Schumer and was a Democrat until he was 65.”
Not so fast there guys. Donald Trump at his core is neither a Republican or a Democrat. He’s a Trumpian. He’s in it for himself. As for party allegiance, he’s flip-flopped back and forth between them, between the issues, and between the tenets of each party’s agenda for fifty years.
But let’s be clear on this. To my Republican friends, whether true believers or late to the party Never Trumpers, you *own* this man. He’s as connected to you as if he were your Siamese twin. He’s registered as a Republican. He campaigned in the Republican primaries. He participated in the Republican debates. He funneled millions into Republican down-ticket races. He married himself to the Republican Party megaphone, Fox News. He ran AGAINST the Democratic candidate. And on Election Day 2016, a plurality of white, mostly blue-collar, rural, REPUBLICANS elected him. And of the “faith and values” crowd, 80% of them didn’t so much as flinch when it came to pulling the lever for the man who boasted about sexual assault.
So nice try, but no cigar. Donald Trump isn’t just a textbook conservative, he’s one who’s pushed right-wing values to every despot’s fantasy: Fascism. And since fascism is the antipode to liberal ideology, that’s yet more proof that your claim of Trump is secretly left-leaning is absurd on its face.
It’s already been said by some historians that Trump will go down as one of our worst, if not THE worst president ever. (Let’s hope we never endure anyone worse than him). But I’d take it a step further. In my opinion, with the exception of convicted rapists and murderers, etc., he’s one of the worst PEOPLE in American history. He’s as flawed a human being as I can imagine. He’s a textbook sociopath, whose only concern is the welfare of Donald J. Trump.
Yet he was the choice of the party of Lincoln. Go figure.
So what motivated 62M Americans to cast their vote for him? Joe Sixpack: “He’s a multi-millionaire who won’t take any shit from anyone. And he’ll take the gloves off when dealing with our enemies.” That’s just great. The same was true of Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello. Only in their defense, neither of them was a narcissist. Nor were they particularly diplomatic, which is why they entered the line of work they did.
So here’s this man, elected by the far-right wing of the Republican Party, embroiled in multiple scandals right out of the gate, and only now… only NOW we’re seeing cracks in his base. But rather than admitting “Maybe we were wrong about him,” their excuse is “What do you expect? He was never really a Republican.”
No way. You own him. You fucking OWN him. When the Access Hollywood tape was released, you said nothing.
When he mocked a handicapped journalist, you said nothing.
When he called Mexicans “criminals and rapists,” you said nothing.
When he went on a sexist tirade with Megyn Kelly, you said nothing.
When he promised to ban 1.3B people from coming to these shores based on their faith, you said nothing.
And now that he’s up to his armpits in snakes, suddenly you think he’s a closet liberal.
Sorry. He’s all yours. In fact, he’s YOU. And you are him. To suggest at this point in his disastrous presidency that he isn’t, is the height of cowardice. Which frankly, seems to be yet another Republican trait. (Senators Collins, McCain and Murkowski, rare exceptions).
So no my email friend, when Trump’s era ends, and it won’t end well, I won’t confine myself to “looking forward.” I’ll reflect on where we were, and how we got there. And I will never, EVER let you off the hook for your vote. I’ll hang it around your neck like one of Trump’s 4 foot long ties.
And no Joe Scarborough, the fact that Trump may have contributed money to Clinton and Schumer in the past doesn’t mean he’s at heart a Democrat. The fact is, he has no heart. And your eleventh hour renouncing of the party of racism, bigotry, greed and corruption isn’t fooling anyone. If you really wanted to stand against Trump on principle, the time to do that was two years ago—when you were giving him twelve hours of air time per month.
~Bruce Lindner~
On Facebook:
Quote: I still fear that Trump will not get his full comeuppance... Because metaphorically speaking, the Republicans have such a stranglehold on Justice; they can pummel it down to a size that will easily drown in a bathtub. Our country has so many ignoramuses it’s gonna take a VERY, VERY long time before we see the enlightenment at the end of the tunnel. By thethinkingblue on Facebook