To think (which I try not to do too much of, these days) that we are stuck with an imbecile the likes of Trump in a position who has his twitter fingers in striking distance of the launch codes for nuclear weapons. It is beyond the most blood-curdling Stephen King nightmare that he or anyone else could experience. A night terror so horrifying it could set the body of the dreamer up for the biggest heart attack or stroke during sleep. But as unforeseen as it could possibly be, it’s no dream and there apparently seems to be no way of stopping this unbelievable CREEP. (Yes when all is said and done, that is really all this PO orange S is…)
Trump a man with a severely immature brain who has the power to render the whole world vulnerable to abject suffering and the annihilation of life, as we know it.
WTF, is wrong with the people who voted to make Trump a reality? An even bigger question looms, who put the poisoned orange 💩 in the GOP Kool-Aid? thinkingblue
How Trump Is Ending the American Era
For all the visible damage the president has done to the nation’s global standing, things are much worse below the surface.
Trump seems incapable of restraining himself from insulting foreign leaders. His slogan “America First” harks back to the isolationists of 1940, and foreign leaders know it. He can read speeches written for him by others, as he did in Warsaw on July 6, but he cannot himself articulate a worldview that goes beyond a teenager’s bluster.He lays out his resentments, insecurities, and obsessions on Twitter for all to see, opening up a gold mine to foreign governments seeking to understand and manipulate the American president.
More Here
Donald Trump Is Actively Trying to Destroy the Planet
But it’s up to us to stop him.
Let’s start with the universe and work our way in. Who cares? Not them because as far as we know they aren’t there. As far as we know, no one exists in our galaxy or perhaps anywhere else but us (and the other creatures on this all-too-modest planet of ours). So don’t count on any aliens out there caring what happens to humanity. They won’t.
As for it—Earth—the planet itself can’t, of course, care, no matter what we do to it. And I’m sure it won’t be news to you that, when it comes to him—and I mean, of course, President Donald J. Trump, who reputedly has a void where the normal quotient of human empathy might be—don’t give it a second’s thought. Beyond himself, his businesses, and possibly (just possibly) his family, he clearly couldn’t give less of a damn about us or, for that matter, what happens to anyone after he departs this planet.
As for us, the rest of us here in the United States at least, we already know something about the nature of our caring. A Yale study released last March indicated that 70 percent of us—a surprising but still less than overwhelming number (given the by-now-well-established apocalyptic dangers involved)—believe that global warming is actually occurring. Less than half of us, however, expect to be personally harmed by it. So, to quote the eminently quotable Alfred E. Newman, “What, me worry?” More Here: