The United States' most valuable natural resource is its shit.
I kid you not. If we were to harness all of the shit produced in this country we would be able to fuel every car in the U.S. fleet, heat and provide electricty for every home, and still have a shitload of natural gas left over to use for whatever the hell we want to.
Other countries are using shit to create methane and electricity. Why shouldn't we?
Actually we are! Which is a very cool thing. WE just got to do more of it.
Daily Kos
Below is a chart detailing the amount of methane that could be produced by the U.S. human and animal population:
U.S. cattle population,
Approx. 99.5 million
Methane production: 17 million households
U.S. dairy cow population:
9.4 million
Methane production: 1.6 million households
U.S. dog population
Approx. 53 million
Methane production: 3.9 million households
U.S. pig population
100 million
Methane production: 7.5 million households
U.S. turkey production
approx 296 million
Methane production: 56 million households
U.S. Lamb population
7.8 million
Methane production: 585,000 households
U.S. chicken population
Approx.1.2 billion
Methane production: 214 million households
U.S. human population
295 million
Methane production: 15.8 million households
Total methane production: 312.4 milion households
Households in the U.S.: 105.5 million (2000 U.S. Census)
As you can see, our shit would more than provide all of the natural gas we would need. And it would also give us fertilizer.