So here's the latest absurdity from Romneyland: Mitt Romney spent the early part of the day pushing his lame "you didn't build that" attack against President Obama ... while surrounded by business owners who depend on government contracts to make a living. Even better, he held the event, which was billed as an ode to rugged individualism, while standing in front of a banner blaring the collectivist "We did built it!" slogan. ("We," not "I"?)
As you might expect, response on Twitter was fast and furious:

Of the business owners with Romney today, three are described as being federal contractors, two defense contractors.
— @GingerGibson via TweetDeck

If you're the military industrial complex, you didn't build that
— @samyoungman via web

I'm confused. The guv is sitting down with defense contractors for a "you didn't build that" event?
— @samyoungman via web

That is one badly put-together line-up in terms of your messaging, Team Romney. Good Lord.
— @LizMair via web

Romney campaign's list of participants at small business roundtable notes 3 of 11 attendees sell to federal govt or have federal contracts
— @GarrettNBCNews via Twitter for iPad

Bizarre. RT @samyoungman: I'm confused. The guv is sitting down with defense contractors for a "you didn't build that" event?â€
— @BuzzFeedAndrew via TweetDeck

Has Tito the Builder weighed in on the controversy over who did and did not build it (TM)?
— @aburnspolitico via web

Romney to do his next "You didn't build that!" event from the Hoover Dam.
— @LOLGOP via TweetDeck
Today's event comes after Romney spent Friday afternoon pushing the attack by
touring a business that got started with a government loan. And that came a day after Romney
said he actually agreed with President Obama about government playing an essential role in helping businesses thrive. And let's not forget Romney's
2002 message to Olympians: "You didn't get here solely on your own."