When you are a Nazi collaborator/apologist who managed to ride the reactionary racist wave of “economic anxiety” all the way to the White House, it’s a long way down when you fall. Pond scum may rise to the top of a pond, but when the “pond” in question resides in the bowels of Hades, it doesn’t matter if you’re on top—you’re still scum.
Since getting pushed out of his position as one of white supremacist in chief Donald Trump’s top advisers, Sebastian Gorka (aka fear-filled scumbag) has had all kinds of problems. He’s even found himself in conflict at what would normally be considered “safe spaces” for bigots. How low has Gorka fallen, you ask? On Monday, Mediaite reported that Gorka was handing out business cards that fraudulently implied he was fully employed by Fox News, and not simply one of their satellite freelance “specialists” they bring in when people with legitimate credentials refuse.
Comparing Gorka’s alleged business card with Fox News’ current business cards show that someone went to that local guy that makes fake IDs for high school kids—in 1978.
Gorka’s latest mishap comes at a time when the pundit is no longer welcome on Fox News’ “hard news” programs, according to a report from The Daily Beast. This means that Gorka is limited to spouting off his MAGA hot takes on opinion shows like Hannity and Justice with Judge Jeanine.
Most con men are con men for life, having forgotten to build up any legitimate skill set while spending all of their energies feeding their misanthropic cynicisms. Sebastian Gorka is finding out the first rule of being a thief: there is no honor among them, it’s every con man and woman for themselves, and your “friends” only look at your face to see where their feet can gain purchase as they think about climbing on top of you to get closer to the top of that pond scum.