Tonight, local county poll observer volunteers had their second training session, this time concentrating on the particularities (and peculiarities) of Erie County, PA. Much of the information is redundant to the first, statewide session last week, but I learned that outside observers can do electioneering while they observe (though carrying signs and campaign gear could make one a target if one gets involved in a conflict). The job of observers is to make sure that everyone who wants to vote gets that chance. No one who comes to vote should leave without at the very least submitting a provisional ballot. If there are any signs of intimidation, I need to help the intimidated voters, and report the intimidation to Democratic operatives. I will also be on the lookout for people openly carrying guns. The law states that open carriers can’t come within 100 feet of the polling place, but even at that distance, such people can intimidate voters. It would not surprise me if such people show up on Election Day. All I need to do is obtain my Poll Observer Certification, and I’m ready to go. In the meantime...
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Top Comments (October 28, 2020):
From thesphinx:
An excellent discussion by NotSoNew of why Texas is really purple turning blue and completely worth fighting for, in MN liberal’ recommended post on Texas achieving toss-up status.
Highlighted by John Coctostin:
This comment from MichaelNY, from the Daily Kos Elections Live Blog 10/27.
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This comment by James Wells, in jk98106’s recommended post on the aftermath of Trump’s Omaha rally.
Highlighted by WarrenS:
This comment by Miss my village, in Walter Einenkel’s post on more nonsense from Tucker Carlson.
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