This series lists prominent Republicans, Trump appointees and executives or military chiefs of previous Republican presidencies now opposing Trump’s reelection. And shows why. Today we reach 183. Will we hit 200?
Click here for parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nine. This is part thirty.
Click on the name for the source of the quote.
175. Paul D. Eaton, US Army major-general who served George W Bush as a commander during Operation Iraqi Freedom:
“I’m pretty unhappy with you, Mr Trump. So I’m going to keep this short, for your famous short attention span. You have shown disrespect to the military on countless occasions. I am stunned that anybody in the United States military would consider you anything but a loser or a sucker. You are no patriot.” [4 September 2020
176. Kara Bue, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under George W Bush:
“Donald Trump has gravely damaged America’s role as a world leader. Trump has disgraced America’s global reputation and undermined our nation’s moral and diplomatic influence.” [22 August, 2020]
177. Brian Sandoval, Republican governor of Nevada:
“It [Trump’s decision to eliminate Cost Sharing Reductions in the health care act] is going to hurt kids. It’s going to hurt families. It’s going to hurt people with mental health issues. It’s going to hurt veterans. It’s going to hurt everybody ... I’ve been very supportive during my administration in terms of expanding health care and I’m going to continue on that path.” [13 October, 2017]
178. Mary Catherine Andrews, special assistant to the president and director of the White House office of global communications under George W Bush:
“Donald Trump has shown that he is unfit to lead during a national crisis. He has spent the past half year spreading misinformation, undermining public health experts, attacking state and local officials, and wallowing in self-pity. He has demonstrated far greater concern about the fate of his reelection than the health of the American people. [22 August, 2020]
179. Brewster Waddell, lifelong Republican, great grandson of 1916 Republican presidential candidate Charles Evans Hughes:
“The president’s handling of the coronavirus is absolutely shameful. 180,000 people dead in this country. I don’t think there is a plan. I don’t think Trump cares about a plan. I am voting for Joe Biden.” [23 August, 2020]
180. Chuck Eddy, lifelong Republican in Kentucky:
“On Covid-19, Trump denied, lied and delayed. He blames China, but it is his response that is killing us. We have 88 times the number of dead Americans as South Koreans. Trump did that. They masked up right away, did testing and contact tracing and kept their deaths down. Trump fought all that. There are so many horrible things he has done.” [August 2020]
And some classic sledges from the archives:
181. Jeb Bush, former Republican Governor of Florida:
“Donald Trump has not demonstrated that temperament or strength of character. He has not displayed a respect for the Constitution. And, he is not a consistent conservative. I cannot support his candidacy.” [18 May, 2016]
182. Bobby Jindal, former Republican Governor of Louisiana, former assistant secretary of health and human services for George W Bush:
“Sane conservatives need to stop enabling him. They need to stop praising him, stop being afraid of him and stop treating him rationally. Conservatives need to say what we are thinking: Donald Trump is a madman who must be stopped.” [15 September, 2015]
183. Mel Martinez, former Republican senator from Florida, ex-chairman of the Republican National Committee:
"I would not vote for Trump, clearly. If there is any, any, any other choice, a living, breathing person with a pulse, I would be there." [February, 2016]
To be continued ...
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“Alan Austin is a great Australian journalist and, I think, a pirate. I steal Alan Austin’s findings all the time.”