Hit em where it hurts — and maybe the Big Liars will quit hurling baseless Conspiracies into the low-information bloodstream.
Two of the biggest “punching bags” of the 1-6 Take-over Plot are giving that economic “disincentive” theory a try ...
www.forbes.com — Jan 18, 2022
Voting machine company Smartmatic sued MyPillow and its CEO Mike Lindell for defamation Tuesday, bringing the total number of lawsuits it and rival company Dominion Voting Systems have filed over baseless election fraud claims about their voting machines to 11.
[A descriptive list of each lawsuit filed so far, is found here.]
Big Number
$1.6 billion. That’s approximately how much Dominion is asking for in damages against [Overstock CEO Patrick] Byrne, OANN, Newsmax and Fox News. Its lawsuits against Powell, Giuliani and Lindell are each seeking $1.3 billion in damages.
Smartmatic’s Fox News lawsuit is seeking $2.7 billion in damages, but its OANN, Newsmax and Lindell complaints do not specify exact figures.
The companies’ voting machines [Dominion] are at the heart of a right-wing conspiracy theory alleging they were used to fraudulently flip votes from Trump to Joe Biden, which is not substantiated by evidence. Dominion says that the claims have substantially hurt its business and put its employees in danger.
London-based Smartmatic’s machines were only used in Los Angeles County in the 2020 election, though CEO told Antonio Mugica told Forbes the company has ambitions to expand further in the U.S. The company alleged in its complaints the fraud claims have caused Smartmatic to lose more than $2 billion in valuation since the 2020 election, going from more than $3 billion to less than $1 billion, though Forbes has independently valued Smartmatic at an estimated $730 million.
Transcript of interview with former Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue:
www.justsecurity.org — January 6th Document Clearinghouse
[pg 18]
19 And the reason, just so you understand that
20 we were turning to DHS, is because DHS has the expertise with
21 regard to election hardware and software. Their election
22 support efforts are designed to help local, state and other
23 entities conduct elections. And so they had the expertise as
24 to these machines.
25 They came over. They briefed AG Barr. They
[pg 19]
1 provided their report. And they were generally very critical
2 of this Allied Security Operations Group report. They
3 explained why they felt it was defective.
4 Ultimately, there was a hand recount ordered
5 in Antrim County [Michigan] that was pursuant to the state litigation
6 that was going on. And from what I recollect, the hand
7 recount revealed that there was only a one-ballot difference
8 between what the Dominion systems had counted and what the
9 hand recount showed.
10 There were over 15,000 votes cast in Antrim County. And so I
11 just kind of myself did the error rate calculation, and I
12 believe it was .0063.
13 So the difference was the Allied report
14 claiming a 68 percent error rate and the hand recount showing
15 a .0063 error rate.
16 Q. Thank you.
[Emphasis added.]
Facts used to matter in the U.S.
If we have any hope at returning to a ‘live and let live’, melting pot mindset — the media amplification editorial boards, must find someway to make these Facts matter again.
About the Debunked Antrim County "Forensic Audit" Report
www.dominionvoting.com — June 24, 2021
A hand count of paper ballots in Antrim County, Michigan, verified the accuracy of election results for the 2020 election, thereby refuting viral claims from a severely flawed report alleging that Dominion Voting Systems software used in the county was “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”
June 2021: Read the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee report debunking false and misleading claims about Dominion systems and Antrim County's election results | Get a DVS Report Summary
This report contributed to the ongoing malicious and widespread disinformation campaign aimed at eroding confidence in results of the 2020 presidential election. Its claims about “massive fraud” were produced by a biased, non-independent organization called Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG). The report was immediately flagged by Michigan’s chief state election official and attorney general as lacking credibility (Dec. 14, 2020) following its release.
[Bullet list of Fact checks follows; including:]
Antrim County does not use modems.
There was no digital adjudication of votes in Antrim County.
No votes were "switched" by "software glitches" in Antrim County.
Antrim County has a paper ballot record for every vote cast on a Dominion machine.
Get more facts about Dominion here.
Acting A.G. Jeffrey Rosen, along with Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, stood in the breach when Traitor Trump pressured the DOJ, to go along with his 1-6 Take-over Plot. Donoghue captured this corrupt intention at the time, in his contemporaneous notes of the call:
"Just Say that the Election was Corrupt -- and Leave the rest to Me and the R. Congressmen"
And their Sore-Losers plot widens …
With the SCOTUS green-lighting the rigorous scrutiny of the Celebrity Apprentice — who would crown himself King by hook or by crook — we will soon have a hundred-fold magnifying glass into the myriad of corrupt intents, that the Conspiracy Chief promoted in his desperate final days.
Here is one such anatomical break-down of the Oath-Breaker-in-Chief’s intent to stretch the Law to its breaking point, and beyond:
Hopefully the media amplification crews won’t waste their “constitutional charge” (of the Free Press) this second time around. And they will try to report the facts, as if they mattered. Because they do; very much so.
Just take a cue from the Fox-OANN-Newsmax lawsuits, if the corporate office needs anymore incentive to do the right thing. You know, for the sake of the American way of Life ...
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