One of the most important, yet lowest paid careers in this country is that of early childhood educators and childcare professionals. Yet, for both, we still go to school for 4 years, receive extensive training, and become experts in our field, just like many other careers, and we work just as hard, if not harder, than most.
I was attracted to the Child Development major because I have a strong passion for young children. I love watching each individual grow, develop, and learn. I love their innocent view of the world around us: They help me to see it in new and wonderful ways every day. I almost didn't follow my dream of caring for children, however, because my family was VERY poor, and college is VERY expensive. I did it, but now I have massive student loans. I really don't know how I'm going to pay them along with my husbands... he makes okay money at what he does, but it's not the best, and of course, I barely make anything. It's above minimum wage, but if I would have taken a job at a factory instead of going to college, I'd be making about $5-6 more per hour than I do now.
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