<small>This index is in continual revision/update, hence 2024 in the title. The groups and series indexed here are in 3 lists (admins please kosmail to diarist if you want your group added or moved to a different list):</small>
■<big> LIST 1</big> (pale blue background), groups & series focused on specific health or medical concerns, whether personal, communal, political, or all that’n’more.
■<big>LIST 2</big> (usual bkgrnd), groups & series that may include health issues on individual, community, society, or planet level, such as on political or demographic/identity basis —e.g., environment, poverty, homelessness, hunger, guns, food, minorities/heritages (e.g., Black Kos, LatinoKos, NAN, AsianAmericans etc), genders, veterans, causes/movements etc, also helping-groups, pets, humor & related, because they’re health assets.
■ <big>LIST 3</big>(pale beige) : [a] friendly Open Thread groups & series, because friendship is good for health, and [b] with heritage, faith-based, spiritually oriented, religious freedom, and atheist groups/series not listed earlier (i.e., Black Kos, America Latina, Adalah, and many others are in List 2 because ethnicity, locale, and community context are factors in health, as to heritable risks and as to socioeconomic barriers to healthful living and effective safe medical care).
<small> The lists are alphabetical by group/series name, so some on similar topics may be faaar apart, and naming is sometimes … whimsical. Scroll down, or use your browser’s keyword search function [e.g., in Firefox, hold down CONTROL key and tap F key, then type a keyword or phrase to search].
Some groups are currently active, some inactive. Clicking on either link will display the most recent posts, with their dates. Maaany inactive groups still have members who are personally active around Dk, and if that includes admins, they might revive the group based on newcomes wanting to join and write for the group. Only admins can add and promote members. But even if a group has no admins still active onsite, any editors still active onsite might consider reblogging appropriate outside diaries if they receive individual-to-them kosmails requests with the diary links included. Or/and they and any active contributors might be interested in discussing creation and operation of a new group of similar kind if it’s admins have the skills to add new members and promote. It can’t hurt to ask at groups with no active admins! For making contact, see the GROUP HOW-TO section after the lists.
At each group’s entry, <tt><big>diary list</big></tt> links to the group’s posting history (most recent diary/article/story topmost), and <tt><big>homepage</big></tt> links to full group detail, including recent writing & reblogs, and names and group-roles of members, and how recently each has been active in DK. At the homepage, click the <small>FOLLOW</small> button to get all their writing automatically delivered to your activity stream. Click on the MEMBERS button (see the below example of location) to see them listed, admins first and then editors and then contributors (only admins and editors can do reblogging and publish freely).</small>
Be extremely respectful of safe-place concerns at all groups dedicated to personal issues, friendship, and/or mutual support. DO NOT TROLL in any of them, regardless of your personal opinions, or you may find yourself booted off the entire site. |
<small> For diaries about health issues in particular locales, see also Where the Daily Kosgroups Are: Links to the 280+ DK Local & Political Groups by State & Beyond, 2011-2019.
Note: the fact that a topic is covered in health or allied sciences literature does not automatically mean it needs medicalizing into some narrow idea of normalness. Diversity expands the perspectives and possibilities for solving the world's problems. And our own. If we are receptive and don’t buy into ANY stereotypes about gender, ethnicity, advanced age, or anything else — medical sciences (such as genomics) increasingly find how flawed stereotypes are and how destructive conventional “care” based on them has been. What helps one person may harm others. Let’s respect that reality, since all science is work in progress. The more we learn and understand without labels or preconceptions, the healthier we treat each other, our cultures, and our world.</small>
LIST 1 65 Health/Medical-Focused Groups & Series
founded 2011 by by annrose…. for professionals working in (or who have worked with) abortion clinics… to help educate progressives and the public about the real positive impact abortion clinics and practices have on society [and] to demystify the abortion experience and highlight the true caring professionals that provide abortion and other reproductive health services to families everywhere. It's truly Pro Choice or No Choice for reproductive rights in this country.
founded 2017 by ca democrat — ACA - Obamacare - Kynect
founded 2011 by DrSteveB (— All things related to health, including healthy living and health care. I don't like the micro-schismatic groups. If you are interested in anything and everything related to health, be it nutrition and physical exercise, the latest in genetics, or health policy, insurance, health reform, single payer - you name it - let's lump it, not split it.
founded 2011 by rhubarb — A place for people afflicted with ADHD to gather and compare notes . . . provided those notes are not scattered in some big pile on the floor . . . .
Group founded 2011 by Shadan7 — For those who are now (or have been) in the role of being a care-giver for a loved one. Intended to be a support group and information resource for all care-providers and the many challenges they face.
founded 2011 by Chacounne — A place where those of us with chronic illnesses, conditions and injuries gather for support and information.
◼ Climate Change Anxiety Support Group Diary List & homepage
founded 2019 by Angmar — Experts call it "climate grief-depression, anxiety and mourning over climate change. According to a Yale survey taken this year, anxiety is rising in the U.S. over the climate. Sixty-two percent of people surveyed said they were at least somewhat worried about the climate, up from 49 percent in 2010. The rate of those who described themselves very worried was 21 percent, about double the rate of a similar study in 2015
founded 2015 by Neeta Lind — ColoradoCare is a resident-owned, non-governmental health care financing system designed to ensure comprehensive, quality, accessible, lifetime health care for every Colorado resident. Designed in Colorado for Coloradans, ColoradoCare would cover everyone and save billions. The campaign to put ColoradoCare on the ballot in November 2016 as a citizen-led initiative has until late October to collect 99,000 valid signatures. Without deductibles, ColoradoCare offers benefits more comprehensive than platinum plans on the exchange. Premiums would be collected from Coloradans based on income, securing health care regardless of financial circumstance. This efficient, universal system would operate in the interests of Coloradans. Carry a petition, contribute, and learn more: Homepage: www.ColoradoCareYES.co Facebook: www.facebook.com/CooperateColorado Twitter: ColoradoCareYES
founded 2011 by Sara R — Community Quilts are a way of sharing care, compassion and support for community members who are facing illness or other hardships.
◼ Covid19 State by State Diary List (thr Feb 2022) & homepage
founded 2019 by Limelite — A temporary group to aggregate diaries by anyone who wishes to contribute informative pieces based on FACTS only. Reports are to be dependent on statistics from health departments, newspaper articles, and media originating with government and health OFFICIALS. Opinions and anecdotes will be welcome in comments. The duration of the Group will be throughout the duration of the pandemic in the USA.
◼ Covid19 support group on Daily Kos Diary List (thru March 2022) & homepage
founded 2020 by Angmar — a forum for those seeking and those wishing to provide - information, help and support on the Coronavirus. If you are feeling stressed out, if you want to share your experiences about the disease, if you seek or want to provide practical knowledge on how to protect yourself and others from the virus, if you want to share knowledge on dealing with isolation and loneliness, please visit these diaries and contribute. This is not a forum to debate politics or how the trump administration is mishandling the pandemic or to discuss global strategies for managing the pandemic. Let's all focus in this forum on providing practical information, help and support to one another in these stressful times. Write only what will help others.
[Staff group/column] founded 2020 by DK staffer Walter Einenkel
founded 2013 by allergywoman — Are you interested in losing weight, or maintaining your weight loss? So are we! Come weigh in on our topics and diaries. We're here to help.
founded 2011 by Clytemnestra … — This groups seeks to do three things 1. De-stigmatize depression by discussing it not as weakness and something to be ashamed of and something to be shamed, but as any other disease similar to diabetes. and 2) Discussing the costs of suicide, personally and to society as a whole. 3) to promote the awareness of both.
[Staff group/column] founded 2018 by DK staffer Walter Einenkel Everything public health related like UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE
◼ DK VA [Veterans’ Administration] Hospital Service Project posting history & homepage
founded 2014 by Sara R — Dedicated to organizing donations of comfort items to VA hospitals, especially around the time and place of Netroots Nation conventions.
◼ Diversity is Not Disease/Psychiatric Survivors Diary List & homepage
founded 2014 by atana — A forum for organizing resistance to the US Big Pharma/Psychiatry complex. If you have ever wondered whether your child really needs Ritalin, or whether "Autism Spectrum Disorders", or "Gender Identity Disorder" might simply be natural human mental variation, this is the group for you.
◼ DKos Cannabis Law & Drug War Reform Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by xxdr zombiexx — We wnt to fix laws, not break them. Diaries, essays, news, views, action items, and serious discourse related to the reform of America's laws prohibiting the possession of the cannabis plant, with a side order of general drug policy wonkery. Cannabis reform is on the march, it is inevitable and it should be an accomplishment of the Democratic Party.
◼ Dkos Personal Health & Wellness Diary List & homepage
founded 2016 by Richard Cranium … for Kossacks interested in in personal health and wellness [as] a positive space to discuss what each of us is doing [for] our health [with] nutrition, exercise / workout routines, weight loss strategies, and managing chronic physical diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, etc. [the group “meets” Sundays, 8 a.m. onward, according to initial diary.]
founded 2011 by mehamo — This group is dedicated to those who suffer from epileptic seizures, non-epileptic seizures and those who are interested in being educated about epilepsy. [http://www.dailykos.com/user/mehamo I am an epileptologist] (neurologist who specializes in epilepsy) dismayed by the public's lack of education regarding seizures and epilepsy. I am appalled by the discrimination that some of my patients endure in their lives. The purpose of this group is to educate fellow kossacks about epilepsy and to serve as a community for those kossacks who suffer from epilepsy, non-epileptic seizures or know of friends/family members with epilepsy and seizures.
◼ Expose Health Insurer Abuses, Atrocities, and Malfeasances Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by nyceve — This group will be a clearing house to expose egregious abuse, and take action against the for-profit insurance industry. Tell us how insurer delays and denials of coverage are harming you and your family. Is your insurer practicing medicine without a license? Are they denying coverage for a test, medication or procedure your doctor ordered? Have they canceled your policy? We will organize and bring public and media attention to how the insurance industry continues its flagrant disregard of the law.
founded 2011 by jrooth … for Kossacks of all fitness levels and abilities to share their experience and encouragement in their effort to get and to stay physically fit. Also, for discussion and advocacy of public policy as it relates to physical fitness.
founded 2011 by aoeu [<small>RIP</small>] — “Folding@Home is a distributed computing project (much like SETI@Home) run by Stanford University--read all about it at the link above. Basically, the project is about harnessing the power of individual idle PC's to create a giant supercomputer capable of simulating the folding processes of the proteins that DNA sequences code for. This will help us better understand the way molecular biology functions, and also help understand the causes of various diseases--such as Creuzfeld-Jakob, Alzheimer's, etc.--that have to do with misfolding of proteins. And, of course, once we figure out exactly WHAT is happening with the misfolding proteins, we can probably develop targeted drugs to STOP that from happening. In essence, we could stop diseases like Alzheimers and Creuzfeld-Jakob before they even get started.
“The people at Stanford have won numerous awards for their groundbreaking research, producing over 40 research papers on the topic and generating hundreds of news stories. This stuff is for real, and it's on the cutting edge--and you can help today!...”
founded 2012 by Angela Quattrano … for Kossacks [with] gluten intolerance or celiac [disease], as well as for those who must avoid wheat for other reasons, such as allergy. We will share our stories, recipes, and up-to-date news on gluten intolerance and allergies.
Group founded 2011 by Dem in the heart of Texas — The Grieving Room is a Monday evening series for those who are experiencing grief or loss. And diaries of those going through the loss of a person or pet, whether recent or long ago. Or yet to happen. And those that come to console because they too have gone through the fire. A safe space.
◼ GUS: GAVE UP SMOKING SERIES Diary tag-List (some diaries title the posts "Giving Up Smoking")
founded pre-2011-May 2018 — community support for Kossacks in the midst of quitting smoking. Any supportive comments, suggestions or positive distractions are appreciated. We avoid discussion of political issues. If you are quitting or even thinking about quitting, please -- join us! GUS Library at dKosopedia is organically evolving, and stocked with free-range information: quit-smoking links, helpful GUS diary writing tips, and the GUS Buddy List."
founded 2015 by Mopshell — a community support group for Kossacks who have or are trying to or wanting to quit smoking. We promote supportive comments, constructive suggestions and positive distractions but no politics. If you are quitting or thinking of quitting, please join us! Important: You don't have to avoid GUS if you have a failed quit. We won't give you a bad time and we consider the failed quits as good practice for the real quit!
founded 2011 by aoeu GUS [giving/gave up smoking]
founded 2011 by aoeu The Gussians are coming
◼ Healthcare Reform-We've Only Just Begun Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by nyceve — The Affordable Care Act was just step one. Join us here in fighting for more, better and real reform which will make healthcare a right, not a privilege
founded 2011 by Denise Oliver Velez — HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic that cuts across lines of class, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and age. This group will cover issues of activism, treatment, transmission, research, education and funding. The AIDS pandemic is not going away. Infections are increasing world wide. Join us in the fight!
founded 2012 by SallyCat — House of LIGHTS (Loving Inspiration, Giving Hope To Survivors). A place for survivors of physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional abuse, assaults, and bullying. A place for the people who support them. A quiet place for all voices to be heard. A safe place where we can learn to educate, support, and protect our children and each other.
founded 2013 by Deep Harm — This group republishes obituaries, memorials and last diaries of Daily Kos members who have passed on. Help us by adding the tag "In Memoriam" to past and current diaries, making them easier to find and add to our collection. [H/T to Land of Enchantment and FarWestGirl)
founded 2012 by Noddy — The weather is brutal. If it's not murderously hot, it's freezing cold, or flooding. There are tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards. Power goes out, and suddenly you're cut off. Beyond that, some of us have disabilities or illnesses that we're dealing with alone. It would be nice to know someone has our back. The Itzl Alert Network is a community where we can meet potential buddies in our geographic areas to check in on us if we aren't reporting in here, to make sure we're OK, and if something does happen to us, to check in with us. A buddy system. Itzl is my hearing assistance dog, and he alerts me to the things I need to know. He has my back. In the Itzl Alert Network, we'll have each others' backs.
founded 2020 by lynnekz — This group is for diabetics or those with family, friends, or other loved ones who have diabetes. We will share info, recipes, and encouragement to help control our diabetes.
founded 2010 by KelleyRN2 — meets the last Sunday of each month at 4pm PT / 7pm ET. We are a volunteer diarist community of, by & for people living with disabilities, who love someone with a disability, or who want to know more about the issues. Our use of "disability" includes temporary as well as permanent health and medical conditions, from small, gnawing problems to major, life-threatening ones. Our use of "love someone" extends to cherished members of other species. Our discussions are open threads in the context of this community. Feel free to comment on the diary topic, ask questions of the diarist or generally to everyone, share something you've learned, tell bad jokes, post photos, or rage about your situation. Our only rule is to be kind; trolls will be spayed or neutered. If you are interested in contributing a diary, post a comment at our current mid-weekly Upcoming Schedule diary or in our Sunday discussion thread, or send a message to the group.
and ◼ KosAbility Reprints homepage — founded 2015 by Besame
founded 2012 by Killer of Sacred Cows — This group is for persons on Daily Kos who are also on the autism spectrum. This includes people who have diagnoses of Asperger's, PDD-NOS, and autism as well as their accepting and supportive friends and family members. No cure-bies allowed here! We are not sick. We are just different.
founded 2023 by Stude Dude — for Autistic members of the Daily Kos.
◼ A Lake for Lin: Supporting an Eco-Warrior in the Fight of her Life Diary list & homepage
founded 2016 by Aji — to mobilize logistical, material, emotional and spiritual support for Linda McClure (DK’s “Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse/PDNC”) in her battle against cancer, and —PDNC’s final request— to help with the burdens on her beloved sister and caregiver Laura, afterward.
founded 2014 by Dave in Northridge — This is a group like New Diarists and Welcome New Users for the very specific purpose of helping each other deal with grief. Because we understand what losing a partner/spouse/husband/wife is like, because our losses might involve complications that opposite couples don’t have to deal with, and because we have a growing number of men and women who can help the newly bereaved negotiate the first weeks of loss.
founded 2011 by MsGrin — May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Lyme is the most prevalent vector-borne disease and one of the fastest spreading diseases throughout the United States, and the subjects of diagnosis and treatment of Lyme are politically-charged. This series of diaries is designed to provide information to the Daily Kos community both for Lyme disease prevention and for those Kossacks living with Lyme. Because the disease is often missed by physicians, these diaries may assist an individual or two in pursuing testing which might otherwise have been missed. The Lyme Disease Awareness series is eclectic, including personal statements, informational pieces about the science of Lyme, and calls to action for community and political advocacy. We hope you'll all join us in learning about this rampant disease and the medical/financial/political morass in which Lyme patients find themselves.
founded 2020 by Sara R — This group blog is a place to share information about making face masks to protect people from COVID-19, charity needs for masks, tips about wearing masks, and more.
founded 2011 by Julie Waters — This is not a specifically political group (though it's not out of bounds to talk politics) but specifically a place for 1st person stories about health, medicine and illness.
founded 2011 by Kysen — for promoting greater understanding of mental health issues. Personal stories about mental illness, research or opinion pieces related to the mental health field, information on ethical dilemmas in treatment, diaries regarding legislation that affect the field, articles of note in psychology and psychiatry, and any other perspectives which raise awareness about mental illness or demonstrate the importance of highlighting mental health concerns are all welcome.
founded 2015 by Besame — [founded by remembering jello] Mentally Interesting FolkS = MISFITS MIFSITS is created to offer a check-in every now and again for those of us dealing with mental health issues. This can be personal living with mental illness ourselves or for people living with the mental illness of an intimate friend or partner. Many of us here at Daily Kos experience various forms of mental illness, both personally and as caregivers. It doesn't matter what kind of mental illness you are dealing with, you are welcome in this group! It can been extremely helpful just to know that there are others who are walking the same or a similar path as we are.
founded 2011 by peregrine kate — a monthly Daily Kos group for anyone who has cancer, has a loved one with cancer, or who has questions, issues, or information to share about cancer, including clinicians, researchers, or others who have a special interest and can help to educate our readers. Please share if you can, or just listen; there is plenty to learn just from reading our extensive catalogue of past diaries and postings. All are welcome to use this group as a resource. Volunteer diarists post the first Monday of each month between 7:30-8:30 PM ET on topics related to living with cancer, which is very broadly defined to cover physical, spiritual, emotional and cognitive aspects. While most diaries focus on a specific topic or area relevant to cancer, each diary is also an Open Thread for sharing concerns, announcements, and information. Mindful of the controversies endemic to cancer prevention and treatment, we ask that both diarists and commenters keep an open mind regarding strategies for surviving cancer, whether based in traditional, Eastern, Western, allopathic or other medical practices. This is a club no one wants to join, in truth, and compassion will help us make it through the challenge together.
◼ Nursing Homes Diary List (none) & homepage (no members)
founded 2011 by emelyn — Lots of us will end up in one.
founded 2014 by JoanMar — This imperfect law is saving lives, preventing bankruptcies, giving hope and comfort to millions. This group aims to celebrate the victories, even as we work to strengthen and perfect the law.
founded 2015 by elenacarlena — A group for people in pain and for people who support them. We are particularly concerned about the [medical and social attitude that condemns pain patients as addicts] until proven innocent. We are working [alongside other efforts toward state and federal legislation] on a Pain Patients' Bill of Rights … Meanwhile, meet here, make suggestions, share stories [and support], announce when you're posting here at Kos or other activities you think the group might be interested in. Not necessarily all pain related. Let's get to know each other and lend a helping hand. Music and laughter is welcome. Pets are welcome too!
◼ Parenting on the Autism Spectrum Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by Frankenoid — A group of those who are parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. This is not a group for discussing possible causes but, instead, for parents to share how they have approached helping their children.
founded 2011 by Clytemnestra — This year has seen a great assault on the rights of women and the right to control their bodies. With 3 bills brought before congress, HR 3, HR 217 and HR 358 the stakes are clear. This group is dedicated to discussing the issues, keeping information up to date, and pushing back on the lies and distortion those who want big government controlling a woman's uterus.
◼ Pull Their Coverage: End Health Benefits for U.S. House and Senate Members Diary List & homepage
Founded 2011 by nyceve — time to defund Congressional health benefits. We agree! Republicans are mounting a scorched earth offensive against the Affordable Care Act. It's time for the American people to mount their own long overdue campaign to demand that all the members of the U.S. Senate and House, renounce their heavily taxpayer subsidized health insurance benefits. These people must be required to fend for themselves, as millions of Americans do, in the grotesque and barbaric individual health insurance market. We can and must start a citizen uprising against this egregious waste of taxpayer money.
founded 2011 by Clytemnestra — This group maintains a safe and supportive environment for Kossaks to tell their stories and experiences, discuss current legislation & politics, battle back myths and misconceptions and to promote healing and understanding.
founded 2013 by SixSixSix — for Kossacks who deal with chemical dependency, addiction, and compulsive disorders. A place where we can share our stories, experiences and support each other. All are welcome, none are judged.
founded 2011 by arodb — Often lumped with the specific pathology of Alzheimer's disease, the loss of cognitive ability with age is ubiquitous. This group is for sharing experiences, personal and academic, and lightening the load of those who face this first hand.
founded 2010 by smileycreek — Single Payer legislation has passed twice in California and been vetoed both times by Governor Schwartzenegger. Join us in organizing for the passage of California OneCare under Governor Jerry Brown [and republishing] diaries about Single Payer efforts throughout the U.S.
◼ Single Payer: The Fight for Medicare for All Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by nyceve — Making single payer a reality in Vermont and California is a national priority. It's the camel's nose under the for-profit insurance industry tent. These two states are poised to become the first to enact Single Payer healthcare. The insurance corporations will use all their resources to stop these efforts in their tracks. Join us here to fight for California and Vermont. This battle is for all Americans.
founded 2012 by Clytemnestra — The definition of SLUT seems now to be ANY WOMAN USING BIRTH CONTROL or ANY ONE CONCERNED AND FIGHTING FOR WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (according to the GOP) FINE! We are sluts and PROUD OF IT As with "Slut Walks" we will own the word and take the power of the word away.
founded 2014 by Kaos — A group for Mental Health Advocacy, discussion of disorders and sharing.
founded 2011 by bhlogger — My beloved grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease in 2003. This group is an attempt to live with and understand this horrible disease and perhaps help others out there doing the same.
founded 2011 by nyceve — This is a support group for Kossacks who don't have health insurance. Everyone, insured and uninsured is welcome. We will try and help people navigate the healthcare system as an uninsured American.
founded 2011 by it really is that important — A support group for users trying to lose weight, and those who have successfully lost weight and are trying to keep it off. Diaries on diet/nutrition, exercise, or just stories of your weight loss experiences are welcome.
◼ WHEE (Weight, Health, Eating and Exercise) SERIES Tag List 2009-2012
WHEE is a community support diary series for Kossacks who are currently or planning to start losing, gaining or maintaining their weight through diet and exercise or fitness. Any supportive comments, suggestions or positive distractions are appreciated. If you are working on your weight or fitness, please -- join us!Groups & Series that include health/medical issues.
founded June 18, 2022 by by nailkeg Developments and discoveries in the field of personal health
LIST 2: 148 Groups & Series that may include issues of health of individual, community, demographic group, society, planet —
founded 2011 by drnononono — Committed to Abolition of the Death Penalty in the United States and Around the World.
founded 2011 by unspeakable — Adalah ("justice" in Arabic) is a diary series about the Middle East, with special (but not exclusive) emphasis on the conflict in Palestine-Israel. The authors of this series believe in the right of self-determination for all the people of the Middle East and that a just resolution respecting the rights and dignity of both Palestinians and Israelis is the only viable option for peace.
founded 2013 by Words In Action — The combined impact of economic and climate pressures, which will only be increasing, make affordable, sustainable housing more important than ever. This group will follow, examine and report the nascent movement that is using natural building materials and methods, including reclaimed materials and smaller homes, to create homes that are more affordable and sustainable in terms of construction, repairs, maintenance and energy use.
founded 2011 by raines — Collaboration on progressive ideas building community for elders, intergenerational and age-specific, for ourselves, our parents, and our communities. The "Beacon Hill Village" model, Cohousing, Elders' Guilds & Salons, Earth Elders: stories and tools for growing old together.
founded 2011 by SLKRR — For discussion of the politics, economy, environment and culture of Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and other Latin American countries.
founded 2011 by psychodrew — For LGBT Kossacks and allies who don't take nicely to second-class citizenship. We are the radical homosexual activists that Pat Robertson warned you about.
founded 2015 by ericlewis0 — Animal Nuz …
◼ APA Kos: Asian Pacific Americans at DailyKos Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by AZ Independent — A group for exploring issues that affect the Asian/Pacific American community. All are welcome to participate, and themes such as APA history and experiences, APA candidates and politicians, and APA community issues are encouraged. NOW SEEKING EDITORS!
◼ Asian-American and Pacific Islander community Diary List & homepage
founded 2016 by subir — to improve the discussion of issues affecting the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities on Daily Kos. We also seek to spotlight AAPI candidates, organizations and activists focused on progressive issues. Over 17 million AAPIs reside in the U.S. today and we are among the fastest growing groups. By 2050, AAPIs will make up 9.7% of the total United States population. This is a diverse community, AAPIs represent over 30 countries and ethnic groups that speak over 100 different languages. We are composed of recent immigrants, and peoples descended from some of the earliest inhabitants on this continent.
founded 2011 by Yasuragi — to facilitate conversations about race and racism. We invite people to share their personal experiences and perspectives. We will also be providing links to interesting articles and teaching tools. We plan to republish relevant posts from other groups and writers at Daily Kos.
founded 2011 by dopper0189 — Black Kos community group publishes diaries that cover a broad range of topics including black history, the arts, politics, and the culture of peoples of African descent worldwide.
◼ Blue Collar, Rural & Small Town Amerikos Diary List & homepage
We originate and reblog diaries on politics, environment, healthcare, economy, volunteerism, etc of concern to these communities in any or all US states, territories and possessions - Native American, African-American, immigrant communities, and all. Interested readers please click the FOLLOW button for automatic delivery to your Activity Stream of all diaries we originate. Contact one of our admins if you'd like to request reblog of a diary you've posted (include a link to it in your kosmail), or to join the group, in order to reblog appropriate diaries here yourself (your own or other writers') or to write for the group. You'll also have the group listed in your Welcome Back box, so you can easily reach our posting history, including reblogs. Potential writers and rebloggers might find this tutorial diary useful: How to Queue Drafts to Groups You're In, to Publish'em There; & How to Republish/Reblog Diaries too. rev'd 2020...
founded 2018 by JoanMar — On April 14, 2014, 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. Since then, some of the teenagers have managed to escape; the vast majority of them, however, are still being held captive. The mission of this group will be to seek out and publicize efforts to bring home our girls. This group may or may not be dismantled once the girls are returned to their loved ones.
founded July 2023 by linkage — The mission is to build a movement for creating a global worldwide culture of empathy and care.
founded 2018 by noweasels — Helping our California community members. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Fire_(2018)]
◼ Celebrating Black History… and Black Futures Diary List & homepage
[Staff group/column] founded Feb 5, 2021 by DK staffer Jessica Sutherland — Editors: Jessica Sutherland — Ntebo Mokuena
◼ The Childcare Collective
FOUNDED Jan 8, 2023 by tonyahky — This group's purpose is to explore ways to create workable child care collectives that will help parents of young children who cannot afford or access traditional day care centers. I also hope to discuss news articles, and the social/political issues surrounding child care.
◼ Class Warfare Newsletter: <small>WallStreet VS Working Class Global Occupy movement</small> Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by Democrats Ramshield — (THE WORKING CLASS OCCUPY MOVEMENT HAS MOVED BEYOND JUST WALL STREET)! Our group was Co founded by METEOR BLADES and DEMOCRATS RAMSHIELD. Meet our blog editors which are some of your favorate writers: teacherken, slinkerwink, X, Laurence Lewis, boatsie, LaFeminista, Eclectablog, MinistryOfTruth, xxdr zombiexx, Barbara Morrill, JekyllnHyde, Jake McIntyre, Ojibwa, icebergslim, BruinKid, CityLightsLover, Mentatmark to name but a few. As members of the MOST PROLIFIC AND LARGEST GROUP AT THE DAILY KOS, CURRENTLY OVER 5OO MEMBERS STRONG invite you to join us in this hard hitting group class warfare diary series. Please follow our group.
founded July 22, 2021 by boatsie — The writers in Climate Brief work to keep the Daily Kos community informed and engaged with breaking news about the climate crisis around the world while providing inspiring stories of environmental heroes, opportunities for direct engagement, and perspectives on the intersection of climate activism with spirituality, politics, and the arts.
& ClimateBriefWorkingAdminGrp founded 2021 by Angmar
founded 2012 by boatsie — to promote engagement and provide information on climate change.
founded 2019 by occupystephanie. Inspired by Governor Jay Inslee who prioritizes defeating climate change first and foremost, this group embraces his positive message that the same Americans who put humankind on the moon can defeat climate change and thrive while doing it. As the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, we accept the mantle of being the last generation who can defeat it. FACEBOOK :https://m.facebook.com/InsleeClimate-First-346799152621048/
founded 2011 by Stranded Wind. Climate matters. We vote.
founded 2012 by KelleyRN2 — "Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." ~ Desmond Tutu
Multigroup collaborative founded 2018 by Dixiecollie and homebased at DK’s <big>Street Prophets</big> e.g., Helping Humpday, to coordinate fundraisers and develop outreach strategies encouraging participation by the wider DKOS membership via a regular schedule of fundraising diaries based on a hierarchy of need. We welcome everyone who wants to help nurture and strengthen community ability to help other Kossacks in temporary financial distress.
The folks on the Community Needs List are struggling. Some need help with a one-time emergency. Others have struggled for months. They are working towards financial independence and self-sufficiency, but still need some help. Your small gift can help a family or individual find stability for another month in the face of a crisis. Even $3, or $5, or $10 helps. It all adds up. Thank you so much…
What’s the philosophy behind the Community Needs List? I will let bfitzinAR, the original founder of Helping Humpday, speak for us:
Kossacks taking care of our own — helping by sharing/donating money or needed items, helping by sharing both donation site links and artisan/vendor site links and purchasing gifts for self or others via those links, helping by sharing knowledge and informational links, or helping by just sharing a hug or a cup of coffee as appropriate — is what community is all about.
We are community — clan, tribe, company, village, culture, and state. Community survives beyond the life of any single member and thrives by supporting and strengthening the life of each individual member — by helping each other, by sharing — all together.
Until such time as we get the government that we want and deserve, when there will be no need for fundraisers, there will always be some Kossacks who need the help and compassion of this kind, friendly, and generous community.
Fundraisers who want a diary to be or stay on the list: PLEASE kosmail requests and donations received to njm5000 by Friday evening to be included on the Saturday morning updated list.
Living on the financial edge—need help? Check out the Helping Directories before your next emergency.
founded 2014 by occupystephanie — With our federal, state and local governments firmly in the grip of corporate interests, communities are successfully fighting the ills brought to them by rapacious corporate giants. By asserting our Constitutional rights to self-governance through ballot initiatives, we can overturn corporate personhood and regain our natural rights. Beneath the notice of corporate media, communities are fighting and winning. This group is a place to overcome that news embargo and get the news out that we can fight back and win.
founded 2014 by happymisanthropy — If we want a "don't-rape culture," we're going to need social infrastructure not based upon exploitation, domination, and dehumanization. Slogans and ad campaigns are not going to suffice.
founded 2012 by agnostic — a place for comfort, advice, and support, when you face one of the toughest times in your life
founded 2012 by rexymeteorite — dedicated to courtesy, civility, politeness and positivity. Our group motto -- "Killing the Meta Wars - With Kindness"
Staff group founded April 19, 2022 by Erin Tulley —The Daily Kos Activism team provides progressive advocacy groups, civic engagement organizations, and Democratic candidates, elected officials and committees, with grassroots resourcesâemail and SMS list signups, small dollar fundraising, GOTV and event RSVPs, petition signatures and deliveries, as well as constituent letters and phone calls to elected officialsâat scale to help their campaigns succeed. Daily Kos Activism is happy to supply the Daily Kos community with tools to take impactful action on the most important issues of our time.
and ◼ DK Equity Council Hangout Staff Group homepage & diary list
<big>founded 2021 by QAMichelle — Latest news and information from and relevant to the DK Equity Council. (anti-racism on-site)
Group founded 2017 by noweasels — Together, we can do everything.
[Staff group/column] founded 2011 by DK staffer Laura Clawson
[Staff-edited group] founded 2016 by DK staffer TealBomb — for blogs that highlight intersections across identities, drive a progressive racial justice narrative and uplift marginalized voices. We aim to build consciousness, challenge the status quo and develop informed racial justice leaders and allies within the DK community.
founded 2017 by belinda ridgewood — A place to diary so that those affected by the current storm or other disaster can check in and say if they're okay, and for anyone to share news and information about storm damage and the attendant relief efforts.
founded 2011 by Armando — for civil, non name calling discussion of race issues at daily kos. I will moderate the group and will insist on the following of these ground rules. It is my hope that the boycott called last weekend will end and that the kossacks who made the decision to boycott will return. I'd like to discuss the issues raised by the boycott in a civil space. If you are interested, please join the group.
[Staff group/column] founded 2018 by DK staffer Walter Einenkel
[Staff group/column] founded 2018 by DK staffer Walter Einenkel
founded 2011 [by rb137] — This group, founded by noweasels, comes together for a blogathon a few times a year to help raise money to fill foodbanks.
founded 2011 by LeftOfYou — A complex tangle of state and federal laws has made criminals of millions of otherwise harmless and innocent Americans who enjoy wagering on games of chance. Rife with the opportunity for selective enforcement, prosecutions under gambling statutes are sometimes pursued against targets sought for entirely unrelated reasons, just like in the War on Drugs. Just like in the War on Drugs, where Big Pharm and Big Booze spend millions to make sure their shit stays legal and nothing else becomes legal, governments and their chosen licensees stake out their gambling monopolies, variously through widely dispersed VFW halls, church basement bingo halls, lotteries, casinos, clubs, etc. Laws change from state to state in a dizzying pattern of what is and is not legal, and, for the not legal, what is and is not enforced. All diaries and authors are welcome here when writing on news or issues relating to gaming law and gaming law enforcement in the USA, from a legal and political perspective.
◼ DK Geezers & Sustainable Senior Living Diary List & homepage
founded 2013 by winkk — Sustainable Living in the U.S.A. for Orange geezers, and all topics of particular geezer-age interest.
founded 2009 by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse — DK GR is a forum for advocacy, education and discussion of all environmental issues, including climate change, eco justice and environmental racism, conservation of natural resources and wildlife, energy, environmental degradation, human health, pollution, water resources, resource depletion and biodiversity.
[Staff grou/column] founded 2018 by DK staffer Walter Einenkel — Gun control and safety
founded 2019 by ColemanforTN32 — for any content by and/or about those who were honorably discharged from service in our armed forces.
[Staff group/column] founded 2018 by DK staffer Walter Einenkel — Immigration
founded 2017 by AuntieB — A place to discuss practical ways to get through emergencies, both short term and long. Topics may include skills for growing, storing and sharing food, lost and historical skill sets, sustainability issues, living and leaving safely, and growing community.
Group founded 2011 by Richard Cranium — Are you a veteran of the armed services? Well, hop right in - the purpose of this group is to discuss issues of interest to U.S. military vets. There are many vets (and active duty military) who actually do have a progressive political mindset. Need to know who to call when you need some help? Have a question about the VA Healthcare system (the best socialist healthcare available in America)? Got some benefit news? Or just need to vent? Then, you've come to the right place —
Historical, environmental, climate, engineering/tech, and socioeconomic issues are extensively similar among communities sharing the water (and hydroelectricity) of the Colorado River Basin --principally Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Baja California --- and nearby regions, e.g., west Texas, Pacific Northwest, Oklahoma, and the rest of Mexico. Effective approaches generated in one may be utilizable by others; bad strategies have already proliferated, to our common detriment. This group is for reblogging and originating diaries/articles/stories with content applicable to these topic-areas in one, some, or all these locales, because of the common issues,
◼ Earth Matters tag — a Thursday diary series by staff emeritus Meteor Blades begun approximately March 2021
◼ East Africa Food Crisis: 48 Hours of Action diary list & homepage
Group founded 2011 by boatsie — Home base for bloggers participating in the August 6-7 [2011] Famine Crisis blogathon. Templates and place to add diaries to queue.
founded 2011 by boatsie — discuss[ing] environmental justice: the disproportionate impacts on human health and all living things as a result of climate change, extreme weather, and pollution. A key focus of our writing is the environmental impacts on minority communities in countries around the world. A key tenet of Environmental Justice is that all living things have a right to clean, healthy and sustainable communities. Today, the concept … extends to include such related issues as climate, food and ecosystem justice
founded 2011 by Patric Juillet — For all who eat and are concerned about the environment, food security and food safety, and lots of recipes.
founded 2020 by Pakalolo — A group dedicated to exposing disproportionate ecological and climate impacts that people of color, the powerless, the poor, and indigenous populations endure worldwide
◼ Feminism, Pro-Feminism, Womanism: Feminist Issues, Ideas, & Activism Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by samdiener — A group to promote feminist, pro-feminist (men's anti-sexist), and womanist (empowerment of women of color) perspectives, ideas, and activism both within the DailyKos community and in the larger world. Feminisms are committed to ending oppression of all kinds, with a particular but not exclusive focus on ending all forms of gender-based oppression.
founded 2013 by LilithGardener — To advocate effectively for repeal or passage of firearms legislation we must first know and understand current law and policy, and how both are implemented, where we live. There is enormous variability across the country; the relative utility/relative risk of firearms is different on a 500 acre ranch in Montana than for a 1000 square foot apartment in New York. State and local laws reflect that diversity. We will discuss firearms law and policy with an emphasis on the many historical ethics and ideals of Eastern and Western Civilization, as opposed to what are currently known as "Libertarian" ideals. This group is also a study group; a place to learn and discuss which gun regulations are constitutional restrictions in this post-Heller environment. (A law degree is not required). With Congressional gridlock likely to impede any useful national legislation, progress will have to be made at the state and local level. ______________________________________________ Please note: We are not a subgroup of the Daily Kos RKBA Group and do not agree with their foundation premise (that gun reform equals lost elections for Democrats). We hope they will share their insights into state and local laws that work.
◼ Firearms and Social Responsibility Diary List & homepage
founded 2014 by Shamash — to promote discussion of firearms topics in a manner that avoids the toxicity and hostility currently pervading diaries on firearms topics. The group is co-administered by Shamash and Joy of Fishes, who represent moderate views on gun rights and gun control, respectively. For now, all discussion will be through group Kosmail. The rules may evolve over time, but at the moment are fairly simple: rule 1: The group votes to admit new members. rule 2: Keep it fact-based. rule 3: Keep it civil. rule 4: Stay on topic, but discussion can meander, as good discussion often does. rule 5: What happens in the group stays in the group.
founded 2012 by Neeta Lind — This series is one element in the "Invisible Indians" project put together by [Dk emeritus staffers] Meteor Blades and [Neeta Lind], with assistance from the Native American Netroots Group [see below alphabetically for that group]. Closed/ceased activity spring 2022 -mb.
founded 2016 by ZenTrainer — Supporting regional Native American populations engagement in the electoral process; to achieve due representation/power within the American political system. Our hope is to assist in bringing meaning to the phrase: "...for as long as the wind blows, the grass grows, and the sky is blue..." Which, until this time, has remained a hollow promise.
◼ Friends of Gaia homepage & diary list
founded Jan 2024 by Meteor Blades — This group is devoted to improving the reach of climate and biodiversity diaries
founded June 5, 2021 by userexists — Kossacks willing to help promo Vetwife's legal aid fundraiserKossacks willing to help promo Vetwife's legal aid fundraiser [to help get her great-granddaughter safely home].
◼ Gambling Law Interest Group Diary List (none) & homepage (none)
founded 2011by LeftOfYou Closed/ceased activity
◼ Genealogy and Family History Community Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by edwardssl — We are interested in the research, analysis and discussion of genealogy and family histories, our own and others. We invite all who desire guidance in getting started in their research, those who are looking for suggestions for getting past a problem in on-going projects (brick walls), those willing to share resources, or those who simply want to talk about their projects (and we KNOW how family historians love to talk about their projects). All family backgrounds welcome and enthusiastically encouraged to participate, but keep in mind this Group is not for the purpose of locating missing relatives or adoption information. Please be mindful of Dkos copyright rules if/when posting information from an outside source. PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS TO BE NO DISCLOSURE OF NAMES AND/OR PERSONAL INFORMATION OF LIVING PERSONS.
founded 2011 by Wee Mama — This group aggregates good news in diaries, to build morale and to encourage more visibility for it. It focuses on news (public events and information), not personal stories.
founded 2009-12 April 2014, then merged/continued at the <big>Spotlight on Green News & Views</big> series (alphabetically below).
Every week Daily Kos diarists write dozens of environmentally related posts. Many don't get the readership they deserve. Helping improve the odds is the motivation behind the Green Diary Rescue. In the past seven years, there have been 270 of these spotlighting more than 16,670 eco-diaries. Below are categorized links and excerpts to 71 more that appeared in the past seven days. That makes for lots of good reading during the spare moments of your weekend. [Disclaimer: Inclusion of a diary in the rescue does not necessarily indicate agreement with or endorsement of it.]...
◼ Green Revolution: A Direct Action Environmental Protest Group Diary List & homepage
founded 2019 by Angmar — (The future is NOW): The planet is now rapidly moving towards an uninhabitable future... But that future is NOW. Our leaders are not taking this crisis seriously, or taking action,and are thus failing us, and future generations, as well as planet Earth. The end of our present societies means the end of human and animal lives,and the potential death of planet Earth. We have little time left to alter our societies, governments, and to prevent this catastrophe happening. Our Methods: Uses of nonviolent resistance to protest against climate chaos, biodiversity loss, and total ecological collapse. inspiration from grassroots movements such as Occupy, Martin Luther King and others in the civil rights movement, and Extinction Rebellion. To create support worldwide and a sense of urgency, to tackle total ecological breakdown. Protest, and Direct Action to deal with the inaction of world governments.Making a commitment to saving the planet, and trying to create a sustainable Green future for all.
founded 2013 by gordonsoderberg — Veterans using sustainable energy for home, business and transportation.
founded 2011 by peraspera — Gulf Watchers started as a liveblog to cover the BP Macondo [Deepwater Horizon, Gulf of Mexico] blowout, including live coverage of the ROVs not available elsewhere. GW continues to bear witness to the devastating aftermath even as the story has faded from the forefront of traditional media attention. We also cover current and developing issues related to all oil companies….
FOUNDED Dec 27, 2022 by judyrosella — The real cost of gun violence.
founded 2012 by Melanie in IA — Hunger in America exists for over 50 million people. That is 1 in 6 of the U.S. population, including more than 1 in 5 children. This group exists to raise awareness of the complexities of the issue, to consider solutions, and to advocate for change.
founded 2011 by JaxDem — I Got the News Today is intended to honor, respect, and remember the fallen, and to remind us that each casualty has family and friends who received the terrible news that their loved one has died at war. These memorial diaries are an important service to those who have died, and show our community's respect for our fallen brothers and sisters.
founded 2011 by JaxDem — The IGTNT Advisory Group invites those dedicated to remembering our troops killed while on active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. This group is for the IGTNT followers, commenters, Veterans, non-diarists, etc. who provide support, information and advice to IGTNT. The IGTNT group has long consisted of more than just its writers: the commenters, readers and recommenders are a part of the community, too. The IGTNT Advisory Group is open to everyone. We are honored to have you.
founded 2011 by Ezekial 23 20 — A group devoted to tracking and fighting attacks on all workers and organized labor, and expanding unionization
founded 2011 by Garrett — We discuss income inequality, concentration of wealth, and related issues.
founded 2019 by Neeta Lind — Indian Country Today has granted Daily Kos permission to republish its content.
founded 2015 by terrypinder — For the discussion of transportation policy and planning (and planning in general) from a liberal perspective. We'll be tracking every dollar of the upcoming huge infrastructure bill planned by the incoming President. All are welcome, since we all use transportation to get to and fro!
founded 2011 by geomoo — News and discussion through the lens of the individual right to be treated with dignity, a right we understand as a cornerstone of modern democracy. From torture to dehumanizing language, this group will practice what we preach as we renew understanding of this crucial principle.
Series/group founded 2010 by hyperbolic pants explosion — Solid science education is the best inoculation against ignorance. TIP is an ongoing, volunteer effort to combat the anti-science push in conservative America by crowdfunding science and math projects in red-state classrooms and libraries. We publish every Sunday morning, 10 AM ET.
founded 2011 by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse — A series about the invisibility of People of Color, women, LGBTQI, homeless, immigrants, farm workers, the working middle class/underclass, religious/spiritual minority groups, people with disabilities, etc. and the tools used to keep us invisible. Understanding and fighting against invisibility in all contexts can help build a stronger, larger coalition.
founded 2011 by HoundDog — Dedicated to accelerating the transitions to clean renewable and sustainable energy generation, and conservation. Encouraging and publishing solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, energy, as well as conservation, and technologically based efficiency improvement. And, supporting the efforts of the MIT CoLab project
Group founded 2011 by craiger — for shared interest in aviation, the politics of aviation, and aviation news of the day. General aviation, airlines, or military welcome. Wright Bros to present day. Three dimensions required.
◼ Kossacks for the Homeless Person Diary list & homepage
founded 2013 by Horace Boothroyd III — For those entwined in or interested in the plague of homelessness harming this nation.
◼ Kossacks Helping Each Other: The Orange Flag Diary list & homepage
Group founded 2012 by Horace Boothroyd III — A group dedicated to working on the emergency issues that Kossacks, their families, and their communities face.
founded 2011 by Denise Oliver Velez — LatinoKos is a community for the discussion of Latino politics, history, and cultures here in the US, in Latin America and the Caribbean. There is no "singular" Latino/a community in the US. Latinos/Hispanics who are the nation's largest minority group, will according to census projections make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050. As Democrats we need to focus more attention on these communities and the issues that affect them.
founded 2013 by Dave in Northridge — [to] focus on the issue of LGBT rights and the efforts to limit them by homophobes throughout the world. Initially, it will concentrate on Russian homophobia and the Winter Olympics in Sochi, but as time passes we will zero in on cases of legalized homophobia around the world (including instances in the United States as well). The keywords of this group will be LGBT Rights, free speech and homophobia.
founded 2015 by AllenMcw — Issues directly affecting LGBT Youth, such as bullying, anti-Gay reparative therapy, etc.
founded 2011 by psychodrew — We're here, we're queer, now you: do something about those clothes, and yes that hair is not even near ready to be discussed (God forbid) - but yeah, we're queer, fabulous, unique, powerful and smart, damn right you better get used to it. Cuz we ain't going anywhere.
founded 2011 by Dom9000 —an off and on series dedicated to talking about portrayals of LGBTQI characters in popular culture. The series is not exclusively dedicated to books but also talks about, movies, TV shows and comic books. The good, the bad and the truly bigoted; all will be on display here. Fiction matters: fiction has the singular ability to put people in the minds of people different from themselves, positive depictions of fictional LGBTQI characters can change minds and change hearts (more importantly positive depictions in GOOD books/TV shows/movies/comic books). And negative depictions can hurt. This is an important part of the message war and one to oft overlooked. If you're interested in receiving diaries from this group in your stream please click on the link to the group and then click the small heart next to the groups name.
founded 2012 by annieli — A place for the discussion of mutual interests in the shooting sports.
founded 2011 by ALifeLessFrightening— to explore and share sustainable, simple living ideas among fellow progressives. For the urban, rural, or wannabe homesteader, this is a place to share information to simplify everyday life. Sustainable skills such as gardening, food production and storage, do-it-yourself projects for the home or farm, and backyard chickens and other livestock, as well as eco-conscious philosophies such as cooperative living, eco-cities, the Slow Food movement, and being a mindful consumer are but a few potential topics of interest here. If you are interested in writing for this group, please contact me! Suggestions and comments are always welcome.
founded 2011 by VL Baker — for those reducing their consumption of meat for environmental, health, animal rights etc. And who also love good food, sharing recipes and good times!
◼Memorials, Tributes and Remembrances homepage & story list
FOUNDED Jan 14, 2023 by siab — A space to set aside some time, observe your loss, and honor the impact your loved one had on your life. A celebration of memories with the goal of keeping that memory, that person, pet, thought or deed alive in yourself and in others.
◼ Military Community Members of Daily Kos Diary List & Homepage
Group founded 2011 by angelajean — This is the gathering place for all military community members including veterans and their families. Our goal is two-fold: to publish diaries that help explain military life, especially family life, to civilians and to produce material that shows the military is not only culturally but politically diverse. Active duty family members are in a unique position, as we can freely express our political opinions whereas our active duty members are more likely to keep their mouths shut. That said, all opinions expressed in these diaries are the opinions of the diarist.
founded 2011 by Scott Wooledge — The intersection of Gay and Politics for LGBT Kossacks and their Allies, Supporters and Others.
founded 2011 by Rolling — for anyone -moms and anyone who has ever had a mom- who wants to help build a more truly family-friendly nation. We support policies that promote family economic security like fair wages, earned sick days, & paid family leave. We also support immigration reform that preserves families instead of forcing them apart; quality affordable childcare; sensible gun safety laws and more. Welcome to all!
founded 2011 by Neeta Lind — A forum for the discussion of political, social and economic issues affecting the indigenous peoples of the United States, including their lack of political representation, economic deprivation, health care issues, and the on-going struggle for preservation of identity and cultural history
founded 2011 by TexDem — Netroots For The Troops® is a project of Netroots for the Troops, Inc., a Virginia non-profit corporation. The organization raises money for the assembly, mailing and delivery of Care Packages to American military in war zones and to provide assistance to military families in the United States. Netroots For The Troops, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
founded 2011 by mahakali overdrive — Nuclear Free DK is a group dedicated to promoting activism, education, conversation, and information about the world's reliance on nuclear power. ~Remember, if you're a group member, to also click the "follow" heart or else you may not have Nuclear Free DK diaries (including your own) show up in your stream.
founded 2015 by Angela Marx — Nuz Hounds - Friends of Animal Nuz
(Tangentially related diaries are still sometimes reblogged here but not actually in support of this project, whose aged original volunteers on the rez had to give up project operation in 2014.)
founded 2012 by Oke — Okiciyap (we help) the Isabel Community is a 501 (c)( 3) non-profit organization working to improve life on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota. Projects include a Food Pantry, Youth center, K-12 educational support, GED & Lakota as a 2nd language class support & other lifelong learning opportunities for youth and adults. \http://okiciyap.weebly.com/index.html
◼ Original Fiction, Poetry & Memoir for Fun & Progress Diary List & homepage
founded 2019 by mettle fatigue — “Something familiar, something peculiar...” from the ‘pens’ of kosaks, with a touch of originality & perhaps progressive outlook -- our light and sometimes darker tales of life, myth, adventure, romance, science fiction, history, parody, pastiche, epic poetry, lyrical saga, legend, ballad, cat&doggerel, satire, farce, fantasy, homage or mash-up of literature, familial or personal memory and musings, children’s tales born of elsewhen or otherwhere, in prose or in verse, at great length serialized, or briefer material in single diaries, for the entertainment and pleasure of ourselves and friends (especially those who can’t afford kindles & ebooks), and to help fundraise for the Community Needs List diary series folks.
◼ People United for Pet Support(PUPS) Diary List & homepage
founded 2015 by elenacarlena — Pets bring us better health, companionship and joy. And rarely, heartache and financial hardship. This group is to celebrate our pets, help each other through crises, and advocate for pro-pet laws.
founded 2016 by elenacarlena to help pay vet bills for those who cannot afford them, to keep pets healthy in their furever homes.
founded 2011 by Sara R — A group for people who have Pootie Pads -- or who enjoy pootie pictures.
◼ Practical Survivalism and Sustainable Living Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by tonyahky — for discussing the skills and strategies one would need to survive a variety of emergency scenarios, from short-term to long-term situations in both urban and rural settings. Pull up a chair, and share your knowledge, skills, and ideas!
Site-partner group founded 2019 by Craig Hunter — An independent and nonprofit newsroom led by journalists of color. Accurate, fearless, ground-up reporting—because justice requires the full story. Follow us on Twitter @prismreports.
founded 2011 by triciawyse — for the pooties {cats}, woozles {dogs}, and birdies people and if you don't like them and don't see the purpose of us being here, please, do not bother us. Just remember what Nurse Kelley said "Don't f**k with the pootie people.
founded 2012 by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse — focusing on the historical and contemporary issues of prejudice, discrimination and hate based on race and gender as well as the intersection of race and gender. We will discuss the impacts on our rights to equality and fundamental human rights and freedoms in all aspects of our lives, including political, social, cultural, educational, personal and economic. This group's membership is at capacity. If that changes, group founders will send out invitations on an individual basis. If you'd like to keep apprised of the group's coverage of the issues, click the heart button to follow us.
◼ Rational Survivalist and Prudent Preppers Diary List & homepage
founded 2015 by DrillSgtK — [for] diaries giving rational, sane, non-paranoid "FEMA-CAMP", advice on preparing for disasters and surviving difficulties. This is not about "The End Of The World As We Know It" as much as "The End Of The World As YOU Know It".
Founded Jul 16, 2022 by nailkeg — Regenerative agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems. It focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting biosequestration, increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of farm soil.
◼ Regenerative Culture for an Altered Planet Diary List & homepage
founded 2019 by J Graham — We will meet the challenges of our times by fighting negativity and creating a more beautiful world. We know we are in a marathon, not a sprint, so we need to take care of ourselves to take care of our neighbors and our world. The Regenerative Culture for an Altered Planet group is intended to joyfully embrace diversity and to care for the physical, mental, emotional, and cultural needs of all those who are building a better world. We are solutions focused.
founded Nov 12, 2017 by 2thanks — The purpose of this group is to promote the reinstatement of bfitzinAR at Daily Kos. Profile https://www.dailykos.com/user/bfitzinAR. Diaries List https://www.dailykos.com/user/bfitzinAR/history. Once she is reinstated, this group will become quiescent.
◼ Retail and Workplace Pragmatists Diary List & homepage
founded 2012 by Lightbulb — We are a community rooted in solidarity and worker rights. This community is primarily focused on the retail industry, but welcomes all industries. Share practical workplace survival strategies with a specific focus on empowering those who are employed in nonunionized industries. This is not solely a rant space, but an educational one. We'll highlight worker successes across industries, and pinpoint ways to improve. Union organizers are also warmly welcomed. Retail workers and others who wish to share their workplace experiences in their own diaries are welcome to republish to this group.
founded 2011 by KVoimakas — second amendment supporters who also have progressive and liberal values. We don't think that being a liberal means one has to be anti-gun. Some of us are extreme in our second amendment views (no licensing, no restrictions on small arms) and some of us are more moderate (licensing, restrictions on small arms.) Moderate or extreme, we hold one common belief: more gun control equals lost elections. We don't want a repeat of 1994. We are an inclusive group: if you see the Second Amendment as safeguarding our right to keep and bear arms individually, then come join us in our conversation. If you are against the right to keep and bear arms, come join our conversation. We look forward to seeing you, as long as you engage in a civil discussion. Netroots Nation RKBA Video Presentation
founded 2012 by Chrislove — Much of history is hidden, especially for groups outside the mainstream of dominant culture. This group is devoted to the recovery of LGBT history, and it welcomes anyone interested in the subject.
founded 2011 by Miep — for gardeners, farmers, and anyone else who wants to offer, trade, gift, give, or ask for plant seeds. We can also talk about our work with plants here. It will be okay to go off topic.
◼ Serving Communities: Giving Time Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by willowby — about the value of service to others, with a focus on volunteers and contributions of non-profit organizations.
founded 2013 by Horace Boothroyd III — for Kossacks wanting to discuss the political and social implications of sex being stigmatized on us as individuals and of greater society
founded 2012 by VetGrl — discussions about the pervasive nature of sexism and patrarchy and their role in holding women back from full equality; Discussions may also include how sexism and patriarchy form cultural assumptions that affect the LGBT community. Please note that republishing a diary does not constitute an endorsement of the diary's message.
founded 2012 by marykk — Kossacks who take their Great Orange Satan with a bit o' the Green. If your appreciation of Irish geneaology, history, culture or politics informs your views, this might be the group for you.
founded 2012 by Dr Erich Bloodaxe RN — to document News of gun violence, to create a Community of activists, and to create a platform for Action to work towards breaking the hold of the NRA on politicians and changes to gun law that will actually result in significant, measurable decreases in American gun violence and fatalities.
◼ Sidewalk Counseling Wingnutia/BringingTheSanity diary list & homepage
founded 2014 by winkk — Bringing The Sanity is a Group for Orange Activists interested in working the front lines [against] "Sidewalk Counseling" anti-Choice TeaPubs everywhere with Smart Phones and VidCams.
Group founded 2011 by Bruce Webb — The enemies of Social Security have been on the offense for 75 years seeking to gut Social Security and wipe out the legacy of the New Deal. Time to join the defense?
founded 2017 by Tevye — In these dark times that we find ourselves in, there are still a lot of people who inspire hope and faith in humanity. Inspiring personal and news stories around our community and around the world that make you feel optimistic, positive and uplifted about life.
founded 2017 by noweasels — Awareness and action for the crisis in Puerto Rico.
founded 2015 by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse — We are a group of women from all walks of life sharing our stories and discussing women's issues and rights with intersectionality to prevent erasure and preserve identities of all women. We are sisters in spirit, and we are taking back our narratives. Dominant culture narratives do not represent our lives; they elide, alter, and erase. We discuss the harms women experience when the dominant culture does not accurately consider, believe or hear women's voices. We will also celebrate the strengths of our sisters in struggle, and the stories of women who are making a difference.
◼ Spotlight on Green News and Views tag/series Diary List 2014-2018 and SpotlightOnGreenNews&Views tag/series Diary List
This staff series by Meteor Blades continued from/merged with Green Diary Rescue (listed above), ending March 2021 when author Meteor Blades retired from DK staff. He is now staff emeritus, posting the Thursdays Earth Matters tagged series listed alphabetically above.
Many environmentally related posts appearing at Daily Kos each week don't attract the attention they deserve. To help get more eyeballs, Spotlight on Green News & Views (previously known as the Green Diary Rescue) normally appears twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays ... More than 20,540 environmentally oriented diaries have been rescued for inclusion in this weekly collection since 2006. Inclusion of a diary in the Spotlight does not necessarily indicate agreement with or endorsement of it.
◼ Sunny Buds & Santas for Seniors Diary list & homepage
founded 2016 by prettymeadow — for people who try to make life a little brighter for seniors and others in our communities. We operate out of Whitman County WA and Latah County ID.
founded 2013 by JoanMar— [STDD's mission has expanded exponentially beyond it's original profile statement: please use the content of the diaries as its description.]
◼ Sustainable Food and Agriculture Diary List & homepage (No admins but currently active editors can reblog)
founded 2011 by Black Knight — This group addresses food & agricultural issues. Folks in this group dream of a day when agriculture is a way to make the environment cleaner and healthier, promote biodiversity, provide meaningful employment and fair wages to farmers and farmworkers, and provide us with healthy and delicious food.
founded 2011by Mets102 — Team Shalom is Team Peace. We stand with President Obama and are a group of Kossacks supporting a fair, pragmatic, and realistic resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the two-state solution. We support Israel's continued existence as a Jewish and democratic state, with it existing alongside Palestine, a Palestinian and democratic state, as friends and neighbors. We believe this is the only way forward and the only way to achieve an enduring peace. This is the view endorsed by the overwhelming majority of the world's nations, including the Quartet, which consists of the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations.
founded 2013 by ramara — a weekly summary [& reblogging] of new on women's issues and information on current political actions. We welcome all who are interested to join, to write for us, and to provide relevant links and stories.
and ThisWeekInTheWarOnWomenAdmin’rs Diary List & homepage
founded 2020 by officebss — Planning & Discussion Grp
founded 2011 by rserven — Dedicated to the issues of transsexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people, their family and friends, and our supporters and allies.
founded 2011 by DawnG — Who says you need acerage to grow your own food? In the Urban Homesteading group we'll discuss several methods of food production almost anyone can take advantage of. Whether you're just growing tomatoes on your apartment patio or raising hens on your quarter acre lot.
◼ The Uterati Diary List & homepage <tt>(no members:defunct group)</tt>
founded 2011 by CA TreeHugger - A group dedicated to nurturing feminist conspiracies against the right.
◼ Vegans and Vegetarians Diary List [no diaries] & homepage
founded 2018 by andvegantoo — Like-minded folks chilling out. Drinking tea, eating tofu.
founded 2013 by Vetwife — [we] are behind the President and legislators trying to end gun violence in America. You do not need to be a veteran to join. Military families and many veterans are tired of the rhetoric of the NRA speaking for them. Please join and create some ideas to help further the President and VP Biden's worthwhile effort to help make our citizens's safer. Many veterans agree more needs to be done to stop Gun Violence.
founded 2016 by bfitzinAR — Community of Democrats gathered to find ways to block the Trump/Pence/Bannon administration and continue the progress Hillary Rodham Clinton worked for [“It Takes a Village To Raise a Child” — diaries post resource and helping links for kosaks and others in difficulties, real-world volunteer activism events and involvement-opportunities, related news, and so on.]
◼ Volunteering for a Better World Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by by StateOfGrace — Many Kossacks volunteer their time and efforts to all sorts of causes, both political and non-political. This group is dedicated to promoting and highlighting diaries about social responsibility and compassion through volunteering. It is a forum for those who are interested in learning more and/or educating others about volunteerism of all kinds.
◼ Volunteerism for a Better World diary list & homepage
Group founded 2017 by mettle fatigue — for reblogging and occasionally originating diaries about doing hands-on volunteerism in realworld daily life organizations, communities and neighborhoods: -- hunger relief -- homeless aid -- tutoring & classroom assisting for underachieving kids & classes & schools -- teaching in adult literacy -- public library volunteering -- BigSister/BigBrother & other mentoring -- ombudsmen for the aged and disabled and foster kids -- local, state & national park trash clean-up, trail repair, wild-space & river reclamation -- Meals on Wheels & other shut-in visitation & chore-assistance such as housecleaning or gardening or clothing-repair -- animal protection & rescue -- hotline volunteering for health issues, domestic violence, rape, runaways, emotional crisis -- tree planting & sustenance and reforestation rural/wild or in urban areas -- interfaith & intercultural public events for diversity, mutual support and understanding -- community gardening assistance so local people can grow food & get 'green' therapy for depression, anxiety, dementia, impulsivity, loneliness, etc -- community arts & music for kids & adults lacking it & alongside people both same and different from themselves -- Neighborhood Watch & Friendship -- teaching/tutoring English to immigrants -- driving & companioning girls & women for abortions so they're safe thru'out the process -- city council & county govt mtg attending on regular basis to learn how local govt works, put questions to elected boards, give testimony, report back to neighborhood groups & RUN FOR OFFICE!-- tai chi in parks, senior centers, community centers, churches, schools -- symphony classical & jazz support to get free concerts to where people can't afford tickets & might otherwise experience it live -- and so on and so on. THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL -- h/t to kosak StateOfGrace's 2011-2014 group, Volunteering for a Better World and to Erase the Hate
founded 2011 by Scientician — Authors who have decided to pitch in and help build the global public consensus for the urgent need to solve the climate crisis and avert runaway global warming.
founded 2013 by by xgz — Building a Chinese American Kossack community
founded 2014 by by ek hornbeck — WIYP? is a gathering to talk about our problems, empathize with one another, and share advice, pootie pictures, favorite adult beverages, and anything else that we think might help.
◼ WYFP (What's Your F###ing Problem?) Diary List & homepage
founded 2011 by Noor B — our community's Saturday evening gathering to talk about our problems, empathize with one another, and share advice, pootie pictures, favorite adult beverages, and anything else that we think might help. Everyone and all sorts of troubles are welcome. May we find peace and healing here.
founded 2020 by 2thanks — A place to make suggestions about online yoga classes.
LIST 3: Friendly Open-Thread & Spiritual-Faithbased-Philosophical series/groups/communities <small>(use this tag-search for open-thread series that don’t have groups<small>: click on column-heading “Last Use” at that page to find the current ones in any given moment)</small>.
NOTE: For more heritage and identity-based groups, see in List 2 just above (in gray blockquote background), e.g., American Indians/Native American, AsianAmericans, Black Kos, Latino Kos, LGBTQI, women, etc — scroll to search or use keywords in your browser’s finder function.
<big><big>[3.A.] 10 OPEN THREAD GROUPS by time of day:</big></big>
◼ White House Picture of the Day Diary List & homepage - midnight leftkost/3am east
founded 2015 by bsegel — All are welcome to hang out and share what is happening in your life today. (Related grp: Mojo Friday, founded 2011 by woodtick “For all the followers of TexDem and the lovers of all things mojo. And now, just for thoughts.” Diary List & homepage)
◼ MOT - Morning Open Thread Diary List & homepage appx 3am leftkost/6am east every morning
founded 2012 by JaxDem — Specialists in Jibber Jabber and threading. Copyright Restrictions on Morning Open Thread Posts of this Group. Posts by Daily Kos staff is done under an open content license and republication is allowed without permission. By publishing on this site, non-staff community members implicitly grant rights to Daily Kos to publish on this site and republish on its affiliated outlets. Unless noted otherwise, all non-staff original content, by default, falls under an open content license. Original content by community members, however, belongs to the individual authors and Daily Kos explicitly allows us to expand copyright protections for our content within the framework of the policy spelled out in the Daily Kos Terms and Conditions. The administrators and editors of this Morning Open Thread (MOT) group specifically withhold open content licenses on all original content, including writing, photographs, video, music, drawings, and all other original creations, to the full extent allowed under our agreement with Daily Kos and the Copyright Act of 1976. If you would like to reprint anything written or posted for a MOT, please feel free to contact its author and request permission..
◼ J Town Diary List & homepage daily 6a.m. leftkost, 9a.m. east.
founded 2011 by JanF — Welcome to J Town! A place to hang out, promote posts, check on the weather (and brag about yours!) and waste, er, spend a little time. Bring your music, your news stories, your life stories, and, above all, your sense of humor. Sidewalks rolled up on Mar. 7, 2014.
■ New Day Cafe Diary List & homepage daily 7:30 am leftkost/10:30am east
founded 2018 by The Marti — A place to meet and greet the day. Join us for a morning of fun and conversation. Some serious...some silly....always good company! We are an open thread group. All are welcome.
◼ Street Prophets Diary List & homepage daily: Coffee Hour apprx 1pm leftkost/4pm east, brunch occasional weekends apprx 7:30am leftkost/10:30am east
founded 2011 by Ojibwa — Street Prophets is the forum that mobilizes progressive people of faith to name, discuss and take action on critical political and religious issues. So come on in and make yourself at home. We believe that most, if not all topics touching on faith and politics are appropriate on Street Prophets. While this forum represents people of widely differing (and often directly conflicting) theologies, our goal here is to focus on forwarding the progressive political discussion that our shared values make possible. The Street Prophets blog was originally founded by Daniel Schultz, a ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, and Markos Moulitsas, as an offspring of Daily Kos. Street Prophets seeks to change the "moral values" conversation by fostering community; promoting informed opinion and moving its members to action. We are believers in "justice, freedom, compassion and love," in the words of Rita Nakashima Brock. We are progressive, Democratic-leaning and vitally concerned with those whom Jesus called "the least of these." We are the faithful for whom the religious right emphatically does not speak. Its vibrant community of netroots faithful includes a broad range of faiths, including devout Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Atheists, Animists, and Neo-pagans. All who seek to promote a new conversation about the role of religion in America's public life are welcome here.
◼ Kitchen Table Kibitzing Diary List & homepage every evening 5:30p.m. leftkost, 8:30p.m. east
founded 2013 by remembrance … a community series for those who wish to share a virtual kitchen table with other readers of Daily Kos who aren't throwing pies at one another. Drop by to talk about music, your weather, your garden, or what you cooked for supper.... Newcomers may notice that many who post in this series already know one another to some degree, but we welcome guests at our kitchen table and hope to make some new friends as well. Our kitchen opens nightly at 5:30PT/8:30ET.
◼ Top Comments Diary List & homepage daily 7p.m. leftkost, 4p.m. east
founded 2010 by sardonyx — The Top Comments diary series publishes daily, and was begun [as a series] on June 14, 2006. We aim to publish pointers to the best comments from the previous 24 hours, and also note which comments receive the most recs from users in that period. Please send your pointers to our "TopComments" gmail address (no space) before 9:30pm eastern time daily
◼ Overnight News Digest Diary List & homepage daily 9p.m. leftkost, 12midnight east
founded 2011 by Magnifico — nightly chronicle of the day's news. Each editor makes his or her own story selection for that day's digest [some specializing in art, or science, or culture, or politcs, etc]. Readers are encouraged to remark on the news of the day and contribute additional stories in the comments.
◼ Insomniac’s Venthole with James Corden Diary List & homepage daily 9p.m. leftkost, 12midnight east.
founded 2011 by MTmofo — A latenight gathering for non-serious palaver that does not speak of that night's show. Posting a spoiler will get you brollywhacked. You don't want that to happen to you. “Come to rant, stay for the friendship.”
founded 2011 by BlueJessamine — A jotterville community where all are welcome. Offering friendship and support where discussions are light on politics and meta. A place to share ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images of popular culture and history.
<big><big>[3.B.] 19 Heritage, Faith-based, Philosopical & Spiritual Groups not listed above, in alph order</big> not in Section 2 above — check there also for more:</big>
founded 2011 by simone daud ... for 1) Translation of various Arabic sources and opinion. 2) Inviting Daily Kos into the full Zellij of Arab cultures. To glimpse unhindered onto those cultures and hopefully participate in those aspects of the cultures that can be described in a blog.
founded 2011 by thenekkidtruth — For those who are, for those who be, and for those who have an interest in the Buddha Nature of Zen and Buddhism. Does the Dalai Lama eat meat? Is there a schism of Buddhist thought with regards to the abortion issue? Is it not recommended that a Budis-jin take part in violent demonstrations? Nam myoho renge kyo. |
◼ Daily Kos Atheist Cult diary list & homepage (no admins)
founded 2011 by Dom9000 — Group of atheists at Daily Kos. Group name taken from a slur once applied to atheists at Daily Kos. :-) |
founded 2011 by davehouck — A space for those following a spiritual path, whether it be found within dharma, advaita, yoga, or any of the many traditions of awakening, or within no particular tradition; a space for exploring the process of awakening to our true nature; a space where we are supportive of each other's journey. That all beings are worthy of respect, understanding, and compassion is central to this exploration.
founded 2011 by wiscmass ◻ Who we are: We are Jews, proud and unapologetic. We practice our faith the way we see fit, not the way antisemites, the ignorant, fundamentalists of all stripes, or others who would wish us ill would like to pretend we do. Some of us are very religiously observant, others are deeply secular; Jewish identity is highly salient for some of us and just one identity among many for others. But all of us here are progressive Jews. And although we recognize that there are many paths to progressive ideology, many of which have nothing to do with religion or ethnicity, we [recognize] our ethnoreligious identity as inherent to our progressive worldview. ◻ You don't have to be Jewish to join in our discussions, or even particularly knowledgeable. You just have to be willing to learn about Jews and Judaism from the group. ◻ Study series: Dvar Torah founded 2008 ◻ Organizational diary: Introducing the Elders of Zion ◻ Dealing with trolls: From experience, we've found that diaries having to do with Jews and/or Judaism tend to draw the attention of trolls. Antisemitism of any variety will be hide-rated without warning. Members should not engage diary hijackers or those seeking to instigate pie fights over any topic, I/P or otherwise. Hijackers and pie fighters will be warned once and hide-rated thereafter.
founded 2011 by Mets102 ... a group to discuss Jewish issues and Israel from a Zionist perspective. It is not only for Jewish Kossacks. All are welcome to join in the conversation. ◻ This is intended as a safe space to discuss Jewish issues, Judaism, and Israel. [From this] perspective, we represent the broad consensus within the Jewish-American community supporting Israel's existence as a Jewish state on a portion of Eretz Yisrael, our ancestral homeland.
◼ Holocaust & WW 2 History Library diary list & homepage (no admins)
founded 2011 by Democrats Ramshield ... a historical group dedicated to the victims and families of the Second World War and the Holocaust. This historical group attempts to repay a debt with grateful remembrance through the publication of historical diaries. Therein creating a library of archive diaries, photographs and publicly available documents. This collection and publication is supervised by our blog editors, several of whom like myself are professional librarians. The purpose of this is to add value to the Kos community while concurrently educating the public of the events of the Second World War, which included the Holocaust wherein 6 million people of Jewish ancestry and 5 million Europeans perished in Nazi death camps. Additionally 20 million Russians lost their lives and 6 million Germans likewise lost their lives. American military casualties are believed to have exceeded 150,000.[Some 1.5 million Jewish soldiers fought for the Allies in World War II; more than 250,000 of them were killed, including some 450 Canadians. Most of their stories are lost to history... NYT 2019] It is believed that over 50 million people worldwide lost their lives in the Second World War which culminated in the dropping of 2 nuclear devices in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States. As such this is an important period in history which this historical group dedicates itself to studying. We would do well to honor these brave Americans and other allied soldiers and resistance fighters of the Second World War for having liberated the Nazi death camps as well as liberating the German and Japanese people from evil regimes in the defense of freedom and democracy.
founded 2011 by commonmass — ... for Anglican/Episcopalian Kogs and all interested to discuss developments in the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Episcopal Church in the United States, the Church of England and the Anglican Church of Canada. In particular, discussions will often address issues related to social justice, church polity, and how a high anthropology emphasizing community can translate into secular politics. Open to all, regardless of religious affiliation.
founded 2012 by volleyboy1 — Welcome to Jews for President Obama. We believe that President Obama has been a good president and is an outstanding friend to the Jewish People and to the State of Israel. Please join us in supporting the President's re-election this year.
founded 2019 by sandbear75 — Whether your a active member or ex-member this group is for those of us who grew up in the church. Share your feelings and thoughts here to know your not alone.
d to the State of Israel. Please join us in supporting the President's re-election this year.
(No admins currently active in DK, one gone 2year+, the other roughly 6, was JDsg who was a participant in the DvarTorah series.)
founded 2011 by azizhp … for muslims on Daily Kos (but not limited to muslims - anyone is welcome to join or follow) for discussion of Islam and other muslim issues.
◼ Positive Intention and Loving Kindness diary list & homepage
founded 2013 by pierre9045 — This group is dedicated to Atheists, Humanists, and Free-Thinkers, who wish for their voices to be heard within the larger Progressive Community. However one of us wants to be identified, we all share the common background of reaching our beliefs through critical thinking and deep personal reflection. Despite this, Atheists still face widespread discrimination throughout the world, and require significant political support for our various causes. Finding support within the Progressive/Liberal Community is imperative, because we sure as hell aren't going to find it within the Conservative movement. While I refer to Atheists specifically, this group is open to all supportive people, regardless of whether you refer to yourself as Atheist, Agnostic, Humanist, Free-thinker, etc, or if you are religiously-affiliated.
founded 2015 by Frederick Clarkson — Religious freedom is a progressive value that must not be ceded to the Christian Right. The first national Day of the New Year will be one that most of us have never heard of. Authorized by Congress in 1992, Religious Freedom Day has been recognized every January 16th by an annual presidential proclamation commemorating the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786. This seemingly obscure piece of Revolutionary-era legislation is so integral to our history that Thomas Jefferson asked that his tombstone recognize that he was the author of the bill, along with the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the University of Virginia as one of the three things for which he wished to be remembered. It is worth taking a moment to understand why Jefferson thought it was that important. Jefferson drafted the bill in 1777 but it took a decade to be finally pushed by the then-member of the House of Delegates, James Madison. It is regarded as the root of how the framers of the Constitution approached matters of religion and government, and it was as revolutionary as the era in which it was written. The bill not only disestablished the Anglican Church as the official state church, but it provided that no one can be compelled to attend any religious institution or to underwrite it with taxes; that individuals are free to believe as they will and that this "shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities." As if he anticipated the historical revisionism of modern Christian Nationalists, late in his life, Jefferson sought to get the last word on what it meant. The Statute, he wrote, contained "within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohametan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination." That's why it was so significant that in 2015, progressives -- including many bloggers at Daily Kos -- took a big, bold step to reclaim this progressive legacy of the revolutionary, founding era. This group is about organizing towards Religious Freedom Day, January 16th. Please join us!
◼ SOUL — Spiritual Organization of Unapologetic Liberals at Daily Kos diary list & homepage
founded 2011 by musing85 ... for liberals and progressives of faith--no matter how defined. Members of all faiths (including "none of the above") are welcome to participate.
DK Groups How-To/Mechanics:
Keep in mind that a message (kosmail) to a group —asking to join, requesting cross-posting, etc.— can be seen by admins & editors (not contribs) but it does not generate any <big>New Message</big> alert to anyone — not at the envelope icon at the top of anyone’s blogview pages and not in their <big>WELCOME BACK </big> box on the DK4 pages … so HERE are steps to reach an admin to request an invitation if you want to write for the group or reblog there or to request an ed or admin to reblog something suitable to the group’s purposes,
DailyKos groups and series are online publishing organizations OWNED and operated by their administrators (think "newspaper/magazine owner/publisher"). Editors can handle some of the necessary tasks (scheduling, reblogging/cross-posting, etc).
Only admins can "hire" and "fire" (add new members/"contributors", remove any members), promote a contributor to editor and editor to administrator, demote members, modify the group’s profile statement, and other executive ops. Joining a group is not a right granted by the site, it’s a privilege admins can choose to grant or not, as they see fit, such as for what’s best for the group (some are so huge that even admins can no longer see, let alone work with, all the members now, due to recent tech changes).
Furthermore, admins have no duty to operate their group indefinitely. It can be a tough, time-consuming task to do well, especially over the long haul. Also, some groups are founded for a specific, temporary purpose, and cease activity afterward. If all admins leave a group or cease activity in DK, it’s not technologically possible for anyone new to join. And if all editors also are gone or inactive in DK, it’s not technologically possible for the group to publish or reblog.
BUT if active editors remain, the group can still reblog posts. It just takes courteous communication with those editors.
if you kosmail to a group as a whole, for any purpose, and don’t hear back reasonably soon, it’s likely because no active admins or eds saw yr message, Click on MEMBERS at the homepage to find recently commenting admins or editors and try click to reach the individual homepage of one or two of them, where you can send a message they WILL get an alert for. This is really the best first option anyway.
For groups whose purpose remains of interest after they cease activity, you might want to contact remaining members and other interested kosaks about creating a new group. The odds are, though, that there already are more groups in DK with similar interests — try searching by keyword/idea HERE. or ask around — diarists who frequently post on a given topic may be in or know of such groups. Existing groups are the easiest route; most new groups in DK never get off the ground, they crash and burn soon after take-off, or simply lapse into inactivity because the work is beyond what inexperienced founders are equipped to do.
All members of a group can reblog (contribs will need help from eds or admins, explained in that link) and all can put their drafts in their group’s queue to publish via the group —this puts the group’s name after author on the by-line, and is counted as original with the group — see illustration below.
HERE are the steps for how group members can reblog to your group[s] your own posts or others you find that suit the group's area of interest once you’re a member, including how contribs can get help to complete the process. Editors and admins can freely originate and reblog to their groups.
All group members can reach their groups via links in their WelcomeBack box on DK4 pages or via “my groups” on their DK5 dropdown menu.
General Info
See Wee Mama’s August 2014 compilation for good guidance to new kosaks and novice admins, editors, and contributors. Some technical how-to diaries (potentially a little out of date following the 2016 dk5 overhaul and Aug2020 redesign) are at the tutorials and tutorial tags.
Diaries tagged Open Thread are good places to ask questions about how-to and about what groups are where, because there are maaaany longtimers being the mainstays of those groups.
For official info, click on HELP DESK at the top of most site pages, slightly right of center, and use this link to Daily Kos <big><big>Rules of the Road </big></big> “… a concise reference for new and experienced site users regarding the DOs and DO NOTs at Daily Kos.”
More/other information, both official and compiled by individual kosaks and groups, can be found via the META section of NewDKGroups#22 which links to tags and to individuals as well as groups dedicated to DK how-to.