The Trump Organization has requested visas for foreign workers since at least 2008, reportedly pursuing at least 500 since 2010 for his Mar-a-Lago resort alone. So how does the hypocrite in chief square this up after railing about immigrants and running on a “Hire American” platform? By claiming that “it's very, very hard” to get U.S.-born workers.
Yeah, about that: Records “obtained by BuzzFeed News reveal for the first time that at least 58 US workers applied for the temporary jobs as cooks, servers, and housekeepers at Mar-a-Lago and other Trump resorts from early 2014 through mid-2018.” According to BuzzFeed News, “Only one of them appears to have been hired.”
One. Since becoming president, Donald Trump has become more shamelessly brazen, in 2018 requesting nearly 200 visas for his businesses. “That number appears to be the highest for the company going back to at least 2008 and likely much earlier, based on public records,” Talking Points Memo reported in January.
“The Trump properties offered the Labor Department a variety of reasons for rejecting the US applicants,” BuzzFeed News continues, “including that candidates were ‘not interested’ or did ‘not meet the minimum experience requirement,’ or that they did not return the company’s phone calls.” Honestly, what a hoot that the administration does take experience into consideration when hiring for a resort but not when picking a Federal Reserve nominee.
Trump’s shamelessness also extends far beyond what workers he can legally gouge. More than 30 workers are now on the record as having worked for Trump despite lacking authorization to be in the U.S. While former Trump housekeeper Sandra Diaz has gained legal status since working for Trump, she’s nonetheless been outspoken in calling out his hypocrisy, and that of the Trump advisor responsible for the most cruel immigration policies from this administration.
“When Stephen Miller goes to sleep at Trump properties, like Bedminster, he is sleeping in a bed made by undocumented immigrants,” Diaz said. “When he wakes up, he is fed by them. The same is true for the Trump family. They rely on our labor even as they attack us and our communities. What a bunch of hypocrites. Cruel, demeaning hypocrites.”