Hubert Humphrey once said that “the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”
Joe Biden will be a great president because he passes the moral test of government. And he passes it with flying colors.
Yesterday, Biden unveiled a $775 billion plan for universal preschool, child care and elder care
what does it do?
The proposal... would provide universal preschool to 3-and 4-year-old children, fund the construction of new child-care facilities and offer tax credits and grants to help pay for care positions for the young and the elderly.
Biden’s plan would also fund 150,000 community health-care workers, with many targeted to work in low-income and racially diverse areas. It would create an $8,000 tax credit to help low-income families pay for child care. And it would add funding for community colleges so they can provide child care for students.
It will lead to 5 million additional jobs in the economy, including both new caregiving positions that would be created and jobs the campaign said Americans could pursue once they are free from caring for children or relatives.
How does it pay for it?
It would be funded in part by rolling back some tax breaks for real estate investors and by “taking steps to increase tax compliance for high-income earners,” according to the Biden campaign.
why is it wonderful?