Please rec the new Mothership #119 here. This one has expired.
Gulf Watchers are currently discussing when and how we will change from the current Mothership format. Please join in if you have any ideas or preferences.
The current ROV DIARY: Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #388 - Sittin' Up With the Dead - khowell
The digest of diaries is here
Rules of the Road
- We take volunteers for subsequent diaries in the sub diaries or ROV's as we have playfully coined them.
- Please rec this mothership diary, not the ROVs.
- Please be kind to fellow kossacks who may have limited bandwidth and refrain from posting images or videos.
PLEASE visit Pam LaPier's diary to find out how you can help the Gulf now and in the future. We don't have to be idle! And thanks to Crashing Vor and Pam LaPier for working on this!
To repeat: please refrain from commenting in this mothership diary - it only serves to point people in the right direction.
Must see:
BOP Forensic Analysis Part 1
BOP Forensic Analysis Part 2
BOP Forensic Analysis Part 3
I received a set of links to the massive video library collected by Josef Gerbils of The Oil Drum.
Deepwater Horizon BlowOut & Oil Spill:
Deepwater Horizon BlowOut II
Deepwater Horizon BlowOut III
Deepwater Horizon BlowOut IV
Deepwater Horizon BlowOut V
Those include many videos from our crew and others.
40 page 12mb report on the Macondo well
Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill Reference Material - from Whitis is the best source for everything.. The quantitative data diary has also been moved there.
Six Steps that Doomed the Rig is an excellent graphic from the New Orleans Times Picayune.
The motherlode of technical data Kairos brought us was removed, but the 19 mb 48 page BP Accident Investigation Overview and the 12 mb 147 page Confidential TransOcean Assurance Analysis of the BOP with detailed control diagrams starting at page 56, are still available.
Kossak Sillia gives a concise explanation of the mothership and liveblog:
This diary, that is, the mothership, forms the hub from which you can reach the other diaries. Or, think of it as a table of contents in the front page of a book. You use this diary to find a link to the latest discussions. You can also find links here to past discussions (previous diaries) if you wanted to read them.
The actual liveblog diaries (in this case playfully referred to as a 'submersible' or ROV) is where the discussion is--once one of these gets so long that its size is cumbersome, they start a new one. So if you wanted to join in to the most current discussion, you'd click the most recent link. But they leave the links there so that people can still go back and read the older ones if they wish.
The reason for this setup is that it prevents the recommended list from being filled up with many diaries on the same topic. Instead just the mothership will appear on the rec list where everybody can find it, which they can use to navigate to the latest discussion. (That's why we are asked to "rec" the mothership but not the other diaries, just reduces confusion.)
I hope this is sort of what you were wanting to know...
A video primer on ROV Watching, from GW regular sometv.
Video Feeds
20876/21507 - Development Driller II's ROV 1
32900/49178 - Development Driller II's ROV 2
41434/41436 - Olympic Challenger's ROV 1
40788/40789 - Olympic Challenger's ROV 2
30948/35246 - HOS Achiever's ROV 1
35461/36301 - HOS Achiever's ROV 2
47146/47147 - Development Driller III's ROV 1
43698/43699 - Development Driller III's ROV 2
39168/39169 - Chouest Holiday ROV 1
40492/40493 - Chouest Holiday ROV 2
58406/21750 - Iron Horse ROV 1
58406/21750 - HOS Iron Horse ROV 2 points to IH #1.
Bobo's lightweight ROV Multi-feed: A great low impact multi-view page
BP videos - All the available live feeds from BP
WKRG - Mobile/Pensacola (contains link for an iPhone app at the bottom)
Links, courtesy of several Kossacks
- Summarized tally of affected wildlife
- Visualize the spill
- h/t dov12348's recommended links
- The Oil Drum
- Oil & Gas Journal
- Offshore Magazine
- Petroleum News
- Your Oil and Gas News
- World Oil
- Administration response to spill.
- Donate to SkyTruth here. SkyTruth helps environmental NGOs use remote sensing (pictures taken from space) and digital mapping to improve their scientific credibility, conservation decisionmaking, communications and public outreach.
- Images of the Oilpacalypse, from Tomtech.
- Visit the Oil Spill Crisis Map to see where oil, mousse, tar balls, and eau de crude have been reported on the Gulf coast.
- The BP Deepwater Horizon Unified Command official website. Wherein you can read latest post warning of employment scams associated with the event and much more from the folks handling this.
- Bit Tooth Energy blog (technical discussions) by the famed Heading Out, well known key poster on The Oil Drum blog site.
- Department of Interior BP Deepwater Horizon Response site provides updates, reports, data, links to pictures, etc
- Rigzone for specific disaster news and news about the offshore industry, in general.
Liveblog diaries
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #387 - Time for a Wake? - khowell
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #386 - The Coroner Won't Pronounce - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #385 - Is it Dead? - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Lorinda Pike
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #384 - Darryl House
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #383 - Issues - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #382 - Intersection! - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Lorinda Pike
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV 381 -- O'Donnell Edition of BP's Gulf Catastrophe - gchaucer2
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #380 - Ranging Run - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Lorinda Pike
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #379 - Darryl House
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #378 - We Don't Blink - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Kairos
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #377 - We Ain't No Ways Tired - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #376 - Dancing in the Dark - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Lorinda Pike
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #375 - Watching When They Let Us - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #374 - David PA
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #373: Still Leaking @ the Mudline? No can see - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - David PA
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #372 - Still Leaking at the Mudline - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #371 - A New Leak - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #370 - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Lorinda Pike
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #369 - BP's Gulf Catastrophe -Tomtech
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #368 - Staring into the BOP- BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Gulf Watchers Overnight
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #367 - Waiting for Lots of Stuff - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #366 - Waiting for the Kill - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - peraspera
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #365 - LMRP has Landed - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Tomtech (is 50)
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #364 - Where's the BOP? - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #363 - Heave ho; heave again - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - David PA
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #362 - Liftoff? - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #361 - Waiting for Liftoff - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Yasuragi
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #360 - Flying Monkeys - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Lorinda Pike
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #359 - BOP is on Deck - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Tomtech
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #358 - BOP Surfacing - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Lorinda Pike
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #357 - BOP Surfacing watch - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - Wee Mama
Daily Kos Gulf Watchers ROV #356 - Damaged BOP Recovery - BP's Gulf Catastrophe - peraspera
Previous motherships and ROV's from this extensive live blog effort may be found here.
Information on our community can be found in Phil S 33's diary here. That diary having timed out, bigjacbigjacbigjac next took up the cause and posted a new bio diary here. The latest bio diary was posted by Ursoklevar on 7-25 and includes the bio's from the previous diaries in alphabetical order by user name.
If you'd like, feel free to join in by sharing a little about yourself there.