Thank I have noticed that in DK5, scrolling long diaries can be a bit unwieldy and frustrating. So, in the interest of simplification, I am putting the list of the Community Quilt Project’s completed quilts in this separate diary which I will keep updated as a living document. This way, it can be linked to future quilt diaries — and those who want to read the list of what we have done and look for any thank you diaries from quilt recipients, can do so.
These are the quilts we have made for community members — all sponsored by you, the community members, and containing messages of love and support from you.
1. othniel (cellulitis and ensuing complications, RIP)
2. exmearden (cancer of heart and lung, RIP)
3. MsSpentyouth (brain tumor)
4. Moe99 (lung cancer, RIP)
5. Michelle Caudle (ovarian cancer, RIP)
6. BFSkinner (lupus)
7. Kitsap River (long wait for kidney donor that ended 2/18/11) RIP
8. Frederick Clarkson (blood clots)
9. Dreaming of Better Days (lymphoma)
10. one bite at a time (lost house and belongings to fire)
11. Timroff (cellulitis)
12. Sol Fed Joe (multiple cancers and health problems)
13. Brubs (AIDS, immune reconstitution syndrome)
14. rserven (gall bladder infection with dangerous complications)
15. grndrush (brain tumor, RIP)
16. ImpeachKingBushII (needs liver transplant)
17. andsarahtoo (lupus)
18. Frank Cocozzelli (muscular dystrophy)
19. luvsathoroughbred (breast cancer)
20. Predictor (stroke and HIV)
21. Austex54 (caretaker to othniel)
22. Theodore Olbermann, RIP
23. cskendrick (antibiotic resistant infection)
24. Keith Olbermann (caregiver to father)
25. Juan (cancer, RIP)
26. Ana (a young horse belonging to Juan, hit by truck)
27. MA Liberal’s mother (Alzheimer’s)
28. Charles CurtisStanley (caretaker to Kitsap River)
29. Lorikeet (cervical cancer)
30. Dr. Lori (metastatic cancer)
31. ulookarmless (cancer, heart condition, stroke, RIP)
32. riverlover (caregiver to husband suffering from liver failure, now widowed, RIP)
33. Melody Townsel (caregiver to dying father, now deceased)
34. dadanation (AIDS)
35. Dr. William F. Harrison (leukemia, RIP)
36. Larry Bailey (sudden loss of partner to heart attack)
37. ramara (adopted son with fetal alcohol syndrome)
38. Noor B (herniated disk from car accident)
39. Louisiana 1976 (fibromyalgia, severe arthritis, depression)
40. stumpy (MS, stroke, RIP)
41. bleeding heart's niece (cancer, RIP)
42. escapee (failure of corneal surgery, RIP)
43. SarahLee (lymphoma, Lyme Disease)
44. Bustergirl (ovarian cancer, RIP)
45. mimi's niece (cancer, RIP)
46. ZenTrainer (breast cancer)
47. Miss Blue (severe injury to shoulder, anxiety over coverage for surgery)
48. Granny Doc (bladder cancer, RIP)
49. mango (heart attack)
50. nudger (ovarian cancer, RIP)
51. DaNang65 (heart condition)
52. Lt. Choi (exhaustion)
53. Nurse Kelley (spinal stenosis)
54. Ben Masel (lung cancer, RIP)
55. Otterary Scribe (caregiver, grieving grandfather, grieving widower)
56. Aji (autoimmune diseases incl. fibromyalgia, inflammatory arthritis, & Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus Syndrome)
57. JaxDem (suddenly widowed)
58. DavidW (AIDS and other undiagnosed illness)
59. Jester the Marine (facing amputation of leg)
60. peregrine kate (endometrial cancer)
61. mimi (grief due to family illnesses)
62. alliedoc (endometrial cancer, RIP)
63. labwitchy (diffuse scleroderma)
64. Daily Kos (celebrating community)
65. belinda ridgewood (sudden loss of her mother)
66. princesspat (blood clots, deep vein thrombosis)
67. Scott Olsen (severe head injury)
68. SensibleShoes (caring for sister with brain cancer)
69. Joanna (cancer, RIP)
70. cany (grieving caretaker of mother with dementia)
71. Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse (breast cancer, RIP)
72. Scottie Thomaston (intense chronic pain from spine, kidney stones)
73. paradise50 (throat cancer)
74. woodtick (caregiver to mother with Alzheimer's)
75. BeninSC (mulitple fractures from bicycle accident)
76. Adrian (colon cancer)
77. Smoh (breast cancer, stroke, depression)
78. slksfca (sudden onset of arthritis requiring hip replacement)
79. arizonablue (grief and exhaustion)
80. Lorikeet (grieving widow - this quilt was a gift from the Rescue Rangers)
81. remembrance (breast cancer) and Glen the Plumber (her caregiver)
82. MassHarry (colon cancer, RIP)
83. Regina in a Sears Kit House (severe immune problems from Lyme Disease)
84. nannyboz (grief for father, crippling back pain requiring surgery)
85. raina (grief)
86. earicicle (breast cancer)
87. AntKat (cancers of the throat, RIP)
88. Alma (breast cancer)
89. DarkHawk98 (lung cancer)
90. llbear (brittle diabetic)
91. michelewin (grief and trauma)
92. Dave in Northridge (grieving widower)
93. racheltracks (complications from knee surgery)
94. Ebby (grief and stress)
95. Leaves on the Current (cancer)
96. Carol in San Antonio (cancer)
97. commonmass (grieving widower)
98. Clytemnestra (DES daughter, debilitating abdominal pain and bleeding)
99. Oke (survived life threatening pulmonary infection, COPD, depression, RIP)
100. shanikka (diverticulitis, intestinal abscess and life threatening infection)
101. Serpents Choice (grief)
102. smarx (caregiver to mother who has dementia)
103. FloridaSNMOM (COPD, chronic pain, anxiety over access to health care)
104. Timaeus (enormous hernia requiring major surgery)
105. paradox (cyclic vomiting syndrome, PTSD, depression)
106. UnaSpenser (Lyme Disease)
107. LoreleiHI (reversals of fortune, homelessness, hearing loss, PTSD)
108. Vetwife (caregiver to husband and other family members)
109. namvetkato (PTSD, Agent Orange related illnesses including heart disease, spinal stenosis, and intense chronic pain)
110. Annalize5 (lung cancer, diabetes and other chronic ailments)
111. The Packhorse (heart disease and diabetes) and irishwitch (caregiver)
112. Phil N DeBlanc (grieving widower)
113. hopeful (breast cancer)
114. 2thanks (caregiver to wife)
115. Unit Zero (throat cancer)
116. triciawyse (childhood abuse survivor, seizure disorder, sadness, reversal of fortunes, RIP, list of tribute diaries here)
117. newpioneer (grieving the passing of his husband, Juan)
118. high uintas (sister is slipping into dementia)
119. Meteor Blades (a tribute -- there was a heart attack, too but this is really a tribute!)
120. winglion (survived sepsis), quilt made by Pam from Calif
121. edgery (broken ankle and finger, both required surgery)
122. PerfectStormer (renal failure, in need of kidney transplant)
123. Cedwyn (cancer, RIP, memorial celebration can be seen here)
124. Yasuragi (chronic pain and feelings of depression)
125. MrsBadger (grieving widow)
126. ruleoflaw (harsh therapy for kidney rejection)
127. TrueBlueMajority(abiding grief)
128. CelticLassie (cancer, RIP)
129. Gordon20024 (cancer)
130. WisePiper (lung cancer, RIP)
131. crystal eyes (brain cancer)
132. JoanMar (grief for her daughter who died very suddenly)
133. Common Sense Mainer (a tribute)
134. Jeanne, wife of RubDMC (Alzheimer’s, RIP)
135. swampyankee (COPD, depression, cancer, RIP)
136. Dr. Fergie Reid, Sr. (birthday tribute)
137. Jen Hayden (breast cancer)
138. JeffW (heart surgery, RIP)
139. rb608 (pancreatic cancer, RIP)
140. gchaucer2 (depression)
141. Puddytat (Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
142. Mother Emanuel Church (racially motivated murders in the sanctuary)
143. Bill in Portland Maine (colon cancer)
144. Denise Oliver Velez (birthday present and tribute)
145. The Marti (heart condition, spinal stenosis and chronic pain)
146. outragedinsf (prostate cancer)
147. Murfster35 (disability due to lack of balance)
148. BFSkinner (multiple health problems that began with lupus)
149. Mopshell (heart condition)
150. Joel Silberman (pancreatic cancer, RIP)
151. Leslie Salzillo (breast cancer)
152. McDoc (prostate cancer)
153. BMScott (fractured pelvis)
154. bfitzinAR (friendship and thanks)
155. MaureenMower (extreme pain from arthritis and a large wound that would not heal, RIP)
156. Rosebuddear (chronic pain, grief)
157. elenacarlena (multiple life threatening disorders that required multiple surgeries)
158. Eclectablog (repeated diverticulitis requiring surgery)
159. Sen. Harry Reid (pancreatic cancer, RIP)
160. Tree of Life Synagogue (racially motivated murders in the sanctuaries)
161. twingrace (chronic pain and recurring infections from injury to bladder)
162. Freelance Escapologist and family (wife fighting cancer, great hardship for family)
163. jwinIL14 (lung cancer, RIP)
164. Dixiecollie (cancer)
165. J Graham (cancer)
166. Robin (multiple fractures and injuries after being hit by a car)
See also these three posts about the community quilt project:
KosAbility: A Virtual Quilt for Sara and Ann, from Community Quilt recipients
We Have Something to Say to YOU, Sara R and winglion!
Community Quilt FlashMob Brightens up NN13
Community Quilt Testimonial Videos
peregrine kate
If you would like to support our work with a donation, here is a PayPal link. Or message me for an address should you prefer to send a check.