'We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals," said Kant
And research backs this up
recent studies have shown that affection for pets goes hand-in-hand with concern for the natural world. It seems that people can be roughly divided into those that feel little affinity for animals or the environment, and those who are predisposed to delight in both, adopting pet-keeping as one of the few available outlets in today’s urbanised society.
You know who loves animals? Joe Biden.
Champ is Vice President and Dr. Biden’s older pup, who they adopted just after Obama and Biden’s election victory in 2008!
They think he’s grown up to be pretty doggone great.
Major is their younger rescue dog,
Being able to love and care for something other than yourself is pretty darn important in a president. Joe Biden has that ability in spades.
Joe Biden will be a great president.
Want to donate to help Biden win?
This is Day 24 in my series 100 Days of Loving Joe Biden
Did you miss any of the 100 days? Here are links for all of them:
Day 1: Biden’s Tax Plan
Day 2: Biden and Gay Marriage
Day 3: Biden’s FDR Sized presidency
Day 4: Biden is a mensch
Day 5: Biden has a Covid-19 plan
Day 6: Biden ran the Obama economic recovery
Day 7: Biden’s Housing Plan
Day 8: Biden knows love and commitment
Day 9: Biden knows exactly who Republicans are
Day 10: Biden understands America
Day 11: Biden will bring progressive change even better than Warren/Sanders
Day 12: Biden has felt pain and found empathy
Day 13: Biden and the Violence Against Women Act
Day 14: Biden was endorsed by John Lewis
Day 15: Biden will protect teacher’s unions
Day 16: Biden will be a steady hand in the White House
Day 17: Biden cares about people in the dawn and twilight of life
Day 18 Biden has a great economic plan
Day 19: Biden would yank the Keystone XL Pipeline permit
Day 20: Biden has plans to help Americans with disabilities
Day 21: Biden sponsored the very first climate bill when in the senate
Day 22: Biden is a person of great character
Day 23: Biden has a great plan for saving the planet
Day 24: Biden has a great healthcare plan
Day 25: Biden will increase housing equality
You can also find the 100 days of loving Biden on Twitter at this link. Follow and retweet! The Twitter feed is new and I could use all the support I can get ❤️