Welp, it is Toosdai and so it is the day for some srs mischiefery with a mashery of Ogden Nashery (illustrated)! Let’s see what today is and if we have Ogden’s words to cover it… we do for our first holiday! For the second, we chose another new poet! But this post is an Open Thread, so please feel free to discuss and to post your favorite illustrated pomes in the Comments also too!
Today is Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales Day
How to Observe
[The Widow’s War sounds like a winner for those who like feminist novels!]
very like a whale
by Ogden Nash
[I can’t remember if I used this one before, but with such a title I can’t resist! There is no whale in the poem; do you suppose he meant he was making a big deal out of a little thing? Please follow the link to read the rest if you don’t recall!]
One thing that literature would be greatly the better for
Would be a more restricted employment by the authors of simile and
Authors of all races, be they Greeks, Romans, Teutons or Celts,
Can't seem just to say that anything is the thing it is but have to
go out of their way to say that it is like something else.
That's the kind of thing that's being done all the time by poets,
from Homer to Tennyson;
They're always comparing ladies to lilies and veal to venison,
And they always say things like that the snow is a white blanket
after a winter storm.
Oh it is, is it, all right then, you sleep under a six-inch blanket of
snow and I'll sleep under a half-inch blanket of unpoetical
blanket material and we'll see which one keeps warm,
And after that maybe you'll begin to comprehend dimly
What I mean by too much metaphor and simile.
Today is Also Human Rights Day!
[The National Day Calendar doesn’t have any information on how to celebrate. But protecting some human rights seems a no-brainer! Sign a petition, wear your safety pin, film some cops in action, make a donation, volunteer, etc.]
Ogden does not have “human rights” pomes as such; he was a chronicler of the absurdities of the human condition. However, I ran across this, which is interesting:
The one-world focus of the Baha’i faith is considered a political threat to some people in the Middle East…. Baha’i beliefs about unifying all of the people of the world and worldwide service are echoed in the goals of the United Nations….
Famous Baha’is who may be familiar… include… poet Ogden Nash.
As for the survival of the hoomin species, Nash said this:
Among other things I think humor is a shield, a weapon, a survival kit... So here we are several billion of us, crowded into our global concentration camp for the duration. How are we to survive? Solemnity is not the answer, any more than witless and irresponsible frivolity is. I think our best chance lies in humor, which in this case means a wry acceptance of our predicament. We don't have to like it but we can at least recognize its ridiculous aspects, one of which is ourselves.
Ogden Nash was good at getting us to laugh at ourselves, admittedly!
by Shatuon S
[This was as close as I could find to whimsical human rights poetry! And I couldn’t find out any other information about the author, from whom hopefully we will hear more]
Out of the shadows we come as a roar
With pen and sound my people soar
From the field to the stage
From our minds to the page
This separate but equal
Will never have a sequel
Take a back seat so you can tell
What exactly is our hell-
And our revival
No, even more so, our survival
So we’ll have our own names
And our children will have the same
We raise our mics, horns and ferrules
Become one with these urban jungles
Challenging the status quo
Especially when you all say no
We the people, for the people
Ha your equal is feeble
Inconceivable how unbelievable
I question how it's even legal.
Today is Also Dewey Decimal System Day
And National Lager Day
And Nobel Prize Day!
But you’ll have to find your own pomes for them!
Please to remember that Pootie Diaries post twice a day!
The regular Pootie Diaries post daily at 1:45 pm Eastern (on Sundays at 3 pm Eastern)
and the evening Open Thread Pootie Diaries post at 10 pm Eastern
Please to show ‘em both some lubs!
In Loving Memory of Swampyankee:
And almost finally, please note da roolz:
PWBPeeps is a group that posts a daily diary and nightly open thread for animal lovers. We share photos, seek & give advice about pet health and behavior issues, support each other in times of sadness and stress, celebrate together when times are good, and on most days have an inordinate amount of fun.
You are welcome to join us!
Here are a few not-too-onerous PWB rulez
Violate ‘em and we’ll say that you drulez
- Do not “Troll” the Pootie Peeps Diaries. If you don’t like animal diaries, there’s no need to tell us about it. Just go find some other diary more to your liking.
- Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog. As in, no pie fights. This is a place to relax and play; please treat it accordingly.
- If you would like a pic from the comment threads, please ask the poster. He/she may have a copyright to those pics. Many thanks!
- There are some pics we never post: Snakes, creepy crawlies, any and all photos that depict or encourage human cruelty toward animals. These are considered “out of bounds” and will not be tolerated.
- If you’re not sure about an issue...please ask. Someone is always glad to help.
For those who missed our Earth Day special, Climate Change helpful hints from the aminals are here!
Finally, if you are missing previous Illustrated poetery, pleez feel free to visit! If you haven’t read them, they’re still amewsing!:
The Serious Poetry of Ogden Nash, Illustrated!
More Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Still More Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Even More Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Still Even More Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Yet Still Even More Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
And Yet Still Even More Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Continuing Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Still Continuing Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Still More Continuing Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
The Resumption of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
More Resumption of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Another Resumption of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Still More Resumption of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
A Bit of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Another Bit of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
More Bits of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
The Return of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
More Returns of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Quick Returns of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Aminal Election Endorsements + Ogden Nash Poetry (Illustrated)! — Note this one has an update!
More Quick Returns of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Even More Quick Returns of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Still More Quick Returns of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Even Still More Quick Returns of Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for the New Year, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Doggerel, Illustrated!
Ogden Nash and Martin Luther King! Srsly. Illustrated!
Guess What Day It Is? Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Post Superb Owl Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Guess What Day It Is? Chapter 2 - Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated, for Presidents' Day!
Seriously Grammatical Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry Illustrated, for a Belated Saint Patrick's Day!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated, for April Fools!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry on the WPA Anniversary, Illustrated!
Seriously Sleepy Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Double Party Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for the B's, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry, Semi-Political!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for Today's Holidays, Illustrated!
Serious Poetry for July 9, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for July 16, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for July 23, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for August 6, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash (and other) Poetry for August 13, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for August 20, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash (and other) Poetry for August 27, Illustrated!
Serious Almost Ogden Nash Poetry for September 3, Illustrated!
Serious Ogden Nash Poetry for September 10, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash (and Other) Poetry for September 24, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash (and Other) Poetry for October 1, Illustrated!
Srs Not-Ogden Nash Poetry for October 8, Illustrated!
Srs Faux Ogden Nash Poetry for October 15, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash (and Other) Poetry for October 22, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash (and Cat) Quotations for October 29, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash (and Other) Poetry for November 5, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash (and Other) Poetry for November 12, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash Poetry for November 19, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash Poetry (and Other Interesting Bits) for November 26, Illustrated!
Srs Ogden Nash (and Silverstein!) Poetry for December 3, Illustrated! (with a poll)
This is an open thread! Please chat away in the Comments. Enjoy!
PLEASE NOTE: Your humble diarist is NR, so consider yourselves +1!
Wednesday, Dec 11, 2019 · 3:28:32 AM +00:00
Update on Ginger: She is doing very well. Eating voluntarily, if not a lot at a time. From all the many tests, they found nothing abnormal! We are still considering taking her elsewhere for an ultrasound. The weather turned colder, she spent most of the day under the covers snuggled with Oreo. Now they are snuggling on my lap.